It’s interesting to notice that when the magicians are doing the plagues, it’s funny that they just reproduce the plague which is causing them harm. Instead of healing the plague, right, they’re not stopping the plague, they’re just showing that they can do the same. And so they’re actually increasing the plague through their magic rather than than stopping it. Because you’ll see right in the story of Exodus, you’ll see places where the Israelites have issues and God solves their issues, like he helps them. It’s not like the, you know, I don’t know, the snakes in the desert are biting the Israelites and it’s like, oh this is a sign from God, so Moses shows how he can make snakes also bite the Israelites. No, it’s like God is healing them. But here the magicians just repeat the same magic and ultimately harming their own land at the same time. So it’s very interesting to see that.