All right. Here I are. Let’s see. I’m going to copy this crazy link. Announcement went out. Paste the crazy link so that people can join. I’m trying to figure out how to make this thing. There it is. Boom. I better like my own stuff here. Pin that message. There we go. I feel like I’m getting the hang of this. Everything is so difficult. This stuff is impossible. It’s all impossible. There we go. All right. Now we’re good. Bam. Back up. Present 07. Excellent. Good to see you, bub. You want to come in? You can come in. You can jump in and say hi. There’s a link. Yeah. Man. I like the monologue. That’s always good. Part of the key to the monologue is keeping the notes shorter. I did not succeed this time. I had a different style of notes. Maybe that made a difference. We’ll see. We’ll get feedback over the next few days here. Then we’ll have a couple of weeks to think about it all. Which is good and bad. I’ll be busy. I’ll be busy. I’ll be busy. Never do anything else than text. Why? Why not? You should get involved in the conversation even more deeply. Or you should ask deeper questions in text, too. I like Nathaniel there. He really digs in. So I like that. When people dig in and I can figure out what it is that is not resonating correctly. Sometimes. That I can kind of try to correct that. I like that. I like that. So, yeah. If you don’t understand a term. Or you don’t understand how I’m using two words. Or like Sally who gets everything backwards. You know. Puts everything at one layer. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. And she’s like wow. It’s good to see those things. Or hear about them. Or whatever. Get feedback. You’re not going to get everybody, right? Like right now I’m targeting this audience. I’m not targeting the audience that’s not here. I don’t know about that. But yeah, it’s always tricky. I’m not running some how to take over YouTube videos. And get a billion subscribers. I could. I’ve studied a lot of those videos. But I’m just not interested in doing that work. My T-LOS is different. Maybe when I have a new computer I will buy a webcam or something. It’s hard to get a computer without a webcam nowadays. They all seem to come with them. All the laptops have them. My brand new laptop. My brand new laptop has a nice webcam. I’m using the external webcam. But. What I need to do is buy a new shed. It’s not really a shed. And put a studio in there. And get much better equipment. And then get a broadcast machine. Like a dedicated broadcast machine. Wouldn’t take much hardware wise. But having a machine that just did broadcasts. And ran like OBS and this. And then I can do a lot of other things. I can do OBS and this. Because then I could do cool things with the OBS camera. I could do it here too. But I have to set up a bunch of stuff. I don’t know. I already get dressed up in some silly costume. And write on the whiteboard. And do a bunch of prep work. And have special lighting. You can see the difference on my personal channel. You can see the difference between trying and not trying. Oh Sally is back. Hey Sally. Awesome. Good to see you. Any more thoughts? Drawings? Curiosities? No. I’m just sure Vissy. Jessie and me can fill a full hour of arguing about art stuff. I don’t know if it will be of any value to anyone. No it would. It would. Jessie is really good at drawing things out. That’s the thing. Jessie is really good at drawing things out. That’s the key. Your sound is already very good. Do you know how long it takes me to tune the sound? And actually right now it’s stable. But sometimes it gets unstable. I can’t wait to get a permanent room. What’s this stream about? Nothing in particular. We’re just… But Sally has the best diction. Really? Really? I don’t know. I was talking about that right? I need a bigger shed. I’m going to have two halves. One is going to be an office. And the other one is going to be a studio. I stole that idea from you by the way. But I’m not going to tell you. It’s not exactly stolen when I throw them at people all the time. It’s not exactly stolen when I throw them at people all the time. I’m like here. Do good ideas. Leave me to my fantasy Sally. You know better than this. Tell me if they fail. So I don’t have to spend the money on them. Excellent. Actually part of my hope was I’d get a space for the cafe. For the tea cafe. And then end up with a studio in there. That I could then rent out. If you took the party room. And just changed the party room slightly. And yeah. That’s totally the right space for this. I got to change. I had my studio. I wanted to have my little. There’s a little tiny room in my garage that I’m making into a studio. I wanted to make that like my proper studio. But that is going to be completely incompatible with childcare. And my studio will have to be compatible with childcare. So I think I’m going to grow like sprout trees in there. And keep my garden. And keep my garden. And keep my garden. And keep my garden. And keep my toxic chemicals in there. Which will be a weird combination. But I guess they’ll filter each other. I don’t know. But. Sounds good to me. I’m just going to have to have a desk in the middle of my garage. But I will be able to leave things set up. As opposed to dragging things to random corners that don’t look like heck. Every time I want to live stream. Or paint. Or whatever. So. Yeah. But it’s not the worst thing ever. Is all I’m saying. 2076, have you heard of the Panagotchi? It’s a cute little automatic wifi hacking device. Yes, actually I have heard of them. They’re quite cute. I agree. FubbleViz wants to know what you’re sipping. Coffee? The problem with Panagotchi is it’s a generic walk around. And grab all the wifi passwords device. And you know. It’s not good for targeted attacks. Which is more feasible. I’m not sure if I can get my passwords to give to somebody else’s cloud rainbow table. Is not exactly my idea of fun. But I have seen the thing. It does look neat. Gamifying hacking. You know on the one hand good. On the other hand, you know. I’m working with a cyber security company. So no. I’m a hard no on these cyber tools. I have to use that software though. To do a test suite. So eventually I’m going to build. Actually I’m not going to build. Harden wifi and harden websites. And all that crazy stuff. It’s going to be fun. Honest. It will be fun. It won’t be as fun as Dollywood is going to be next weekend. But it will be almost that fun. To understand. No you would love Dollywood. Actually Sally. You would. No no you actually would. It’s amazing. But I’ve been wrong before. It’s happened. It’s not Disney World. It’s Dollywood. Nice rings. Mark should have some pirate rings also. Who has rings? You have rings? Where are these rings? I don’t know. This is the problem with being online. People notice you and then it’s weird. It’s weird to be noticed? Are you used to not being noticed by your family? I know that feeling well. Just get one of those introvert artist cameras. That show my notepad. That way more comfortable. Jesse says he’s just eating. I don’t know. Is that a thing? We’re just chatting. You’re just eating. Although we don’t call it just chatting. We call it the after party. Party, party, party. You know? I got so focused on trying to get the right people to be there. I got so focused on trying to look at all the pieces of T-Los today. Now I can’t think of anything else. You can’t think outside the T-Los. I’m a zombie. Save me. Save me. You are trapped in the aim of Aims. Which is much like the Route of Ages in Andromeda. Man, that last season of Andromeda is killing me. I’m dying. I can’t not watch the whole thing now. I’ve seen it before. This is such horrible writing. The whole thing is full of holes and terrible-ness. What are you doing? Why are you continuing this show? I don’t understand why they found why would it have been so terrible if it would have actually been his place. Why did they have to be interdimensional time travelers? Why is it always interdimensional time travelers, Mark? It is because people don’t like conflict. The only way to resolve conflict is to have interdimensional time travel at the end of the day. That is the only way. That’s why sci-fi goes there quite often. And does a terrible job. There’s only a handful of good time travel sci-fi things. Whether they’re books or TV. Classic Star Trek does a couple that are very good. They should have killed the very last one. They should have killed the very last of the Magog. And then used their world ship to build a new Terran Vedra. That would have been the Greek answer. Yes. Yes. Nathaniel has a serious question. Dude, this is an after party. Really? No, I’m kidding. Heard you mentioned something about trauma-informed worldviews in relation to modern philosophers. Yes, all of them. Past Aristotle. Any reading recommendations on this? No, just a video. Self-delusion and being driven by the past are of interest to me. Well, look, we’re all determined by the past. We’re not driven by the past. We’re driven by our passions in the moment. The question is, do you take responsibility and control over that? Knowing you’re not going to have full control. Or do you abandon the T-lots? Michael Sugru, whose video is linked. He has this wonderful video that we missed. We found Sugru because we were doing for Vicky’s Cultivating Wisdom course and wanting to learn more stoicism. Somebody said, oh, no, this guy’s really good. We watched them. They were recorded in the 90s, I think. I think it’s Princeton. I forget which Ivy League school. Basically, they sent a guy out. He really could. So we checked out. He was a very good teacher. He was a very good teacher. So we checked out and he got great stuff. Really great stuff. We don’t watch all of it. Because modern philosophers, they all suck. As everybody knows. So, Manuel, in particular, has been watching more of his stuff. He does these excellent 45-minute summaries on philosophers. It’s either him or Dr. Darren Staloff, who’s also good. Sugru is just one of the best lecturers ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. He’s really good. And he’s really good at summarizing stuff. So his whole channel is really, really good. But Jean-Francois Lyotard, that is in particular one of these that sort of points this out. But another one, if you’re going to Christian existentialism, let me find the Hume one. Because that one was excellent. I know I started Hume and I didn’t finish it, so it might be hard to find. But, yeah. It turns out that when you start listening to summaries of these guys, you realize wait a minute, they’re just working out their own trauma. That’s literally all they’re doing. Working out their own trauma. And it’s rather disappointing because you don’t want them to be doing that. And yet you’re kind of stuck with them in that mode. That’s a fun one. Have you done a thing on projection? No, not yet. Projection’s hard. You have to get the T-loss down first. Right? Some of this stuff is like you need these two concepts at the same time. You can’t do that because it takes one full monologue to do. I see it in myself. I’ll get certain about something for whatever reasons of things that made me me make me suspicious of a thing. And then I’ll be convinced of that going into some kind of interaction. And then I’ll start seeing that left and right. And then if I can slow down and be patient, I can realize that has nothing to do with it. That’s actually the weird, weird paradigm of talking on the internet to another person and then go back and watch it. That is something you can do because you can really see your flaws if you’re willing to go look at honest conversations you had that are recorded. Because seeing, I was like, oh, right there, I got obsessed about that thing. Oh yeah, I’ve been obsessed about that thing before. That’s just me projecting intent on to another person. Right, well you’re projecting to tell us. So, yeah. Alright, hold on. I gotta catch up on this. Time Bandits is fun, but it’s actually terrible time travel. What’s the best TV series ever? The Prisoner, hands down. Best TV series ever is The Prisoner. And in fact, you know, you can argue Breaking Bad is better and fair enough, it might be. But The Prisoner was the best TV series up until Breaking Bad, for sure. Absolutely. Ooh, the founding of the Ottoman Empire. That sounds interesting. Nathaniel, thanks so much for all the resources. Sure, man, anytime. We’re here to do resources. I just bookmarked Sugru. Okay, good. No, he’s got great stuff. This one is Staloff, who’s also good. I mean, no one’s as good as Sugru, but oh man, these people, they eat, and then they come on my stream. Alright, welcome back, Kacy. Yeah, The Prisoner is fantastic. It is subversive, and the guy who did it did Danger Man, or Secret Agent Man, depending if you’re in the UK or the US first. I don’t know that. I’ve never watched that show, I just know that tune. I have them all on DVD somewhere. I think I’ve watched season one. I’d have to check. I didn’t get around to watching the rest. Probably because of the move, I think is what interrupted it all. And yeah, with the move, I mean, you know, more than half of my media is still in the shed. I really have to. I was thinking about this. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. The problem with this is that I have this stretch of busyness, right? Friday’s just screwed, I’ve got to mop up whatever the monologue is, and then I’ve got to edit the monologue notes, right? And in the middle I have to do all the normal stuff, and then usually I listen to the Vander Clay livestream, which just screws me up. I have other stuff I have to do. And then, we actually do the damn stream. So that’s like, I go straight from editing, or whatever, into dinner, and then in this case I did dinner and then editing. So I edited just before I came on. And so that gets tricky. And then I jump into this, and then I wake up in the morning and I replay it as Republic, and then I do the Republic book. I love Republic, dude! So it’s responsive. How we get eaten? Sometimes Saturday afternoon, the monologue is on. Oh, look at this. Sally, I won’t address you anymore so you can feel comfortable. Thank you, thank you. That’s what I need in my life. There we go. There we go. We have a troll that thinks America destroyed the Middle East. Well, America did some damage to the Middle East for sure, but that was a long time ago. That was after World War I, so I don’t know what to tell you. You probably don’t know any history though, so it’s cool. The Middle East wasn’t in great shape before we showed up, by the way. Just saying. I don’t know where Jesse went. He comes on, and then he leaves again. What is with this guy? And Ethan looks cool. How come there’s still sunlight out there? That seems unfair. Yeah, a lot of good things on Tello’s. Yeah? Was the monologue good? Did you like it? Yeah, I liked it. I think it’s on the aim thing. So I was talking to my wife last night about this. You know, we talked about the planned pregnancies, right? It’s riddled in all the literature that’s access to common people, like readily access literature on pregnancy. It’s going to say, have a pregnancy plan. So you start idealizing all of these particular things, these particular things to happen. And when they don’t happen, it’s almost like you’re putting your identity in them. And when those things don’t happen, then your identity is compromised or crushed. Oh, special guest. Look at this. Yeah, your identity. If you wrap your identity up in the material and the material fails, it’s a trouble. What’s up, Graham? How you doing? Oh, he’s frozen now. Half the screen frozen. It’s too bad. Okay, theoretically, it should not echo any more than necessary, but it’s not going to be able to hear earbuds or anything. That’s fine. Welcome. Welcome. Good to see you, sir. How’s it going? Great. Great. What’s going on? I saw you had put the word party. I thought it might be a boarding party. So I was like, oh, come on. It is a boarding party. Maybe a power board. Now we can confirm the name. We can do an echo test on this unauthorized device. It’s fine. Good. It’s impotential. It can’t. Oh, Ethan’s still continuing. He’s lagged. And he’s soft. At least it’s not my fault. Hey! So who among those on the screen besides myself will be at Estuary Chino and or Anacino 23? I don’t think any of you are going. None of you are coming. No representatives from your whole Rhode Island come to the corner. By gum. By gum, Lefebvre. If someone wants to sponsor me to come, I’ll come. I’ll have a couple grand from Australia. I’ll show up. Maybe if I show up, Mark will show up. I don’t see how with the memetic engineers, I’m going to be able to do that. I don’t know. Mark, the memetic engineers you have at play here, you can’t finance it yourselves. I don’t know what’s wrong with your agency. But I love it! I miss you guys. Thanks for coming by my streams, Mark. I appreciate it. This is me expressing some gratitude. I’m doing some road tests because like the drive to Anacino. Right now, let me know how those are and stay tuned. You want me to be wrong about anything real quick before I bounce, Mark? No, no. You can do whatever you want, man. We’re all after party here. All right. God bless. Love you guys. Yeah, I’m sure we could fund Chino events. There are other reasons why I’m not going to Chino. One of them is that I do have a family thing. And that is going to come first because it’s for my cousins. My cousins are all awesome. So they get my funding. They get my full attention as opposed to crazy events. Although I really like Thunder Bay. I hope they do another one. That would be great. Poor Ethan. Ethan got betrayed by his stupid phone. And this is what we need. We need to get Ethan a new phone. That’s what we should fund. One that works. Some new t-shirts, too. Oh, ouch. Ouch. Shots fired. Shots fired. Man, the after party is just nasty. I would say that somehow. He knows it. Wow. Wow. They could say the same about me. Well, Mark pulls him a dirty hippie every other stream. I know. That’s true. That’s true. I used to troll people. There’s a reason why you’re saying that. I bought a bunch of merch from Saga Navacad back in the day. When he was doing the custom t-shirt merch stuff. Of course, it’s me. So I buy three. It turns out if you buy three and you rotate them correctly, they don’t wear out quite so fast. I’ve got this all down. It’s a science. I’ve got this all down. I’d be wearing one and then a different one the next day. And then people would be like, you wore that t-shirt yesterday. I’m like, no, I have three. Ha ha. I’m just like, I win. Yeah, yeah, I do stuff like that sometimes. I still troll. I can’t help it. It’s too much fun. It’s way too much fun. Poor Ethan, though. Yeah, we’ve got to find a way to get him some stable internet connection while he drives. It’s all he ever does is drive. The worst part is he’ll say something banal like, hey, guys, I’m going to drive. He’s like, I’m going to drive. He’s like, I’m going to drive. He’s like, I’m going to drive. And then he’ll be like, no, so I had this deep philosophical question. What I wanted to ask about was, you see, I was reading Kierkegaard and we’re like, no, you’ve got to be kidding me. How come it always cuts out when you say something really deep and important? Like every single freaking time, too. It’s like unbelievable. It’s like Discord knows. Discord’s like, I’m going to drive. I’m going to drive. I’m going to drive. I’m going to drive. I’m going to drive. I’m going to drive. I’m going to drive. I’m going to drive. That’s his FBI agent every time it might have impact on the series. He’s got a handler or something. And yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember when I went up to the tea company, right? So I’m up in the mountains basically or right at the foothills. And as I got into the foothills, the service got spotty, which, you know, okay, fair enough. You’re in the freaking foothills of the freaking mountains, dude. Cell phones aren’t going to work in the mountains very well. And Ethan’s like, oh, you’re cutting in and out, Mark. But I guess I got to put up with it because you put up with me from me all the time. And I’m like, yes, yes, you do. This is my small vengeance. Oh, goodness. Wrong. I wanted the Sargon of Akkad body pillow. Dude, no, that was a troll. No, no, no. The whole point was not to buy it. Did you not listen to the man? He said don’t buy this. I have to give. I have to give grammar. I have to give grammar. I have to give grim credit here. So I have some different things on Redbubble. And one of them is a sticker of my herb statue head. And I like to make a high product and a low product, but I wasn’t going to make prints. And so I’m like, I’m going to throw it on the pillow because it’ll be stupid. And Grim immediately. The most expensive item on my Redbubble, which is like, I paid 12 bucks to get a herb pillow. And I’m just like, really? You identified that strongly with my inner straight white male? Fascinating. What does he do? Herb stands for human equivalency robot. And it’s a physical representation of my inner straight white male that I do videos with about my dreams. You haven’t seen her herb videos yet? That’s some of her best work. Wasn’t it him? Just a comment. That in the intro video that she did in the Badlands that I was there for watching and listening to live while she actually recorded it. Did you think I just did serious type videos and didn’t have like a totally wishy washy out there artist side? I trust tech people. Ethan’s upset that I mentioned Kierkegaard and his name in the same sentence. And like fair enough, Ethan, I apologize. That was totally my bad. Any penance I have to do is appropriate. You just let me know and I will make appropriate amends. We’ve just been, people have been talking about, oh, Kierkegaard’s a miserable, lonely, upset, existential piece of garbage just the way I feel. And so I really like him. None of that is good. Don’t identify with, I’m depressed. I identify with other depressed people. Don’t do that. What do you think about the category of marginalia, Jesse? What? The category of marginalia in art. Like this. Look. I thought you were talking about something about butto or something. Marginalia. No, no. Like in historical prints and paintings and like, they would do margin comics. You mean ornamentation. That’s what you mean. No, no. Marginalia is a specific term. Yeah, but I’m pointing to the higher frame. No, I want the lower frame. We want the base frame, man. The base. Literally. Use nacre. No? I will share. What do you think about favorite cartooning for fun? It’s not cartooning. It’s marginalia. Stop. I use the word marginalia. I know. Don’t use the word cartoon. It’s not a cartoon. Cartoon? I’m going to strangle you. I’m eating like a chicken meat right now. And yet I bite. I’m going to promote your video. I promoted it. It’s super promoted. What does the cartoon mean? What’s the meaning of cartoon? Well, I mean this is the thing. I very much like doing little cartoony type things. What does cartoon mean? Like expressional images, like marginalia stuff, or like the far side cartoons, that kind of stuff. The other form arts, just having a good time with it. Because we can. Total heresy, funsies. What do you think? I think marginalia are supposed to be ultra symbolic representations. Right? Like that’s their purpose. Whereas we’ll say modern cartoons are not. Right? They’re just supposed to be poor representations that are supposed to be symbolic. Or just little like feuds between calligraphy artists. And sometimes they’re just like snails in rabbit wars. No, no. But they’re always super highly symbolic. Yeah! Because they just look like doodling around for funsies? No, I don’t think they are, ever. I don’t think so. I don’t. I challenge you to find some that do that. And I’ll go look at them and tell you whether or not they have super symbolic things going on. Well, the trouble is I wouldn’t be for sure anyway, because I don’t read most languages that have marginalia. So how would I know if they related to the text? Do you think cartoon like colored in line art? Yes. But marginalia is sometimes also that. And the problem is that marginalia is not cartoons, because cartoons are desacralizing. And marginalia is sacralizing. That’s the difference. I don’t know if it always is, Mark. I believe and understand that. Well, cartoons are to do with paper. Cartons. They’re to do with branding, ultimately. Right, right, right, right, right. And they’re supposed to be oversimplified. They’re supposed to be flattening of the world. Whereas my argument is that marginalia actually expands the world by being in contrast. Ornamentation. Black and white. Yes. And marginalia are 2D gargoyles. Fair enough. Bubbleviz, I like sacralizing stuff. Yes. Well, we do here. Reenchantment. Yeah. I don’t know about the framing of marginalia. I think ornamentation is somewhat interesting to elaborate from. But marginalia is separate. And that’s why I was just curious. How was it separate? Hmm. Well, I do like the framing. It is the grotesque, which is saying it’s heightening the contrast by making something ugly on the thing. Because it’s not part of the embellishments. It’s like a debellishment in the embellishment. Yeah, maybe that’s providing contrast. I’ll have to think about that for a little bit. Yeah. Because it is far better with art to assume intent. You should not assume intent everywhere else. But within art, you should assume intent. If someone’s doing something, they’ve worked on something, there is an intent behind it. Everywhere else in life maybe don’t assume intent. Probably a good rule. OK. Well, this is a good thing to talk about in relationship to that. It wasn’t entirely left field. That’s interesting. Because I have this theory that you can make things that are… I would objectively call them ugly. But then nonetheless, they’re not a negative to portray. Because there is a positivity to displaying a negative emotion accurately. Which is sometimes ugly. And I have a number of different little monsters that I do. I have a fear monster that I’ve portrayed a number of certain ways. I have one for bewilderment. I think I have the bemoaner as a short. And they’re kind of like deranged, wild-case looking little things. But I’ve had a number of experiences where I put those up and then watch people respond to them. And they’re like, oh, I felt that. And it’s a relief. I think there’s a place for portraying things that are a little bit beneath what you can articulate with language. Oh, yeah. Oh, no, absolutely. Well, that’s where all the richness is. I think that’s what a lot of the marginalia is doing. And some of it’s just silly goofiness. And I think there’s something to that too. Because there is a physical humor that you can have even with pre-verbal kids. It’s not refined. There’s a goofiness that you can have. And that’s an expression. Oh, yeah. Well, no, because that’s because propositions, and this is where the postmoderns kind of have a point, but it’s a universal, so it’s not a real point. Propositions narrow you and keep you constrained. Because it’s the narrow end of the pyramid. As we get into language, we actually screw up our imagination to some extent. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. It is what the postmoderns are complaining about. But I don’t think it’s a bad thing. And we talked about that in the Jean-Francois-Leo Todd video. It’s a really good video, actually. It just validated and justified two of my videos, my postmodern video and my modernism video. And it actually mentions that in the video as a throwaway, like one offline. It just basically pooh-poohs the idea of modernism entirely as a useless frame. And I’m like, yes, that’s exactly the point of my modernism video. Is there an example of modern marginalia? Oh, I think, well, hmm. I don’t think so. No, maybe. I think we made it too proceduralized. There are things that are silly like that. But no, because they were in direct… You can point to something like Robot Chicken and say, Robot Chicken was marginalia on YouTube. There is. So the little intros and outros. Think about the… What is the little lamp animation that’s on the beginning of the Pixar movies? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. There’s that kind of stuff. Like Robot Chicken doesn’t qualify because Robot Chicken is just random, unconnected things. So when the minions do their shorts as intros and outros to other movies, that is equivalent to modernism. Because it’s around the border of something else. And that’s what’s in the margin. It can’t be the margin by itself. It can’t be like, well, Robot Chicken is just margin after margin after margin. With the marginalia MTV, MTV has to tell us. There was a reason why MTV created. Robot Chicken comes out of the MTV phenomenon. It might be actually. I think Robot Chicken might be marginalia to MTV. Because if you put it with rock videos, like really, really ornate rock videos, it is for sure. You could say that most of the YouTube early content was marginalia, actually. The Simpsons had marginalia. Yeah, yeah. Well, the Simpsons had marginalia in the beginning. They had those little cutaways, right? There was a bunch of stuff with cutaways in the 90s and early 2000s. But all that’s kind of gone. So what is this? Exaggeration can be part of art. Well, yeah, like exaggerating emotions. Sure, I agree. Difficult word for it. It’s your own fault for being Dutch. Instagram influences have become marginalia. Because now that society is all online. It looks like Jabba the Hutt going out in town. Yeah, it looks like Jabba the Hutt in a top hat trying to eat a dragonfly. It’s an after-crediting. I’m a strong. Bring it on. I don’t know if you eat dragonflies just so that you know. I don’t eat dragonflies, but I don’t know. Dragonflies eat mosquitoes. And that is why I can be out in my yard at all ever. Because I have a zillion dragonflies. And they keep the mosquito population of the pond in check. So that I normally don’t get attacked and eaten by a billion mosquitoes every time I go outside. Because I should, by rights, get eaten by a zillion mosquitoes. Because I have a pond 12 feet from my house. And yet, I do not. Victory for dragonflies. Dragonflies are also amazing. I saw a video on them not too long ago. And like, the number of crazy wackadoodle things that they can do. That they do uniquely to any other animal on the planet. Is like off the charts. And they are just like the coolest. And they are basically dinosaurs. So, they are small flying dinosaurs. And they do all these cool things that no other creature can do. And they eat mosquitoes. So they are the greatest things ever. Thank you, Mark. So what ended marginalia? Is it the context or is it the pretext? The proceduralization of art. Well, I don’t know that a marginalia exists except through hindsight view. Because I don’t know if they would have called it that. Right. Also true. But on the other end, they probably had a telos to putting the marginalia there. I’m sure he talks about this. Yeah. Yeah, there was a telos to it. They didn’t call it marginalia. But they knew what they were doing. Like, it’s gargoyles. Gargoyles are marginalia. They called it ornamentation. They just called it ornamentation. No, gargoyles are not mere ornamentation. What’s the difference? There’s a difference between the marginalia and the… I don’t think you guys are understanding ornamentation the way I’m understanding ornamentation. Of course not. Because we’re Australian. The traditional idea of the gargoyles… Can’t confirm. No, look, I… Take some of your tricks in. I mean, acquiesce to gargoyles are a subset of ornamentation to some degree. But to bring them down to ornamentation, I think, is to err. No, I’m bringing them up to ornamentation. Because we don’t have ornamentation anymore. Everything’s just a concrete wall. There’s proper framing in architecture, in life. We don’t have… No, we don’t have the sense of ornamentation. We don’t have the sense of properly framing something as prestigious. The whole flat world. The whole grayscale. My implication that the churches being unwilling to assert themselves physically is a direct correlation with an unwillingness to assert themselves spiritually. I brought that up, sort of, in the salient signal video. Yep. Yeah. Well, look, I told Sally this. You couldn’t have heard it. I don’t think, Jesse. So I saw a video this morning, actually. Earlier this morning. Which would have been your yesterday, because you’re upside down and backwards. And in the video was Bill Hammer, the engineer guy. I really love his stuff. He hasn’t put out a video in a long time. What happened in the video was he basically made a case for engineering to be the end all be all at the top of the pyramid. Not science. So he’s saying, the video he put out in the first series based on his book, he’s basically saying you don’t need science to build a cathedral. Science or mathematics to build a cathedral. And he shows you in the video how you do the calculation. It’s not a calculation. And specifically says you don’t need analytics. Like you don’t need to analyze to build the cathedral. Which is all true, by the way. Like I already knew all this stuff. I knew this stuff years and years and years, probably 20 years ago. Right? And so, because when you engage with TBS and stuff in Boston, you find these things out. Like how did they build the cathedral? Well, we actually know a lot about how they built it. Not everything. And it turns out, yeah, they didn’t have any of the advanced mathematics that we would use. Because they didn’t need it. And it’s like, whoa, wait, you don’t need any of the math to build a cathedral? Nope, you need none. Zero math. Zero math. You need some geometric proportions, but they’re proportions. Proportions are easy. Like you don’t need calculus or trigonometry or algebra. You don’t need any of that. And he shows you in the video how he does it. And then my proposal to VanderKlay was, so the church is receding. And then science is trying to take the top thing. And say, no, no, no, we can explain the world. This religion can’t explain the world. But we can. And then you’ve got this guy who’s an engineer saying, no, no, no, science is not the same as engineering. Have we heard that before from anybody? Like me, constantly. But engineering can do things that science, you know, beyond science. And it’s like, oh, well, that’s true. That’s also my point. And it can do things without science. But it can take the science and enhance it. So they’re trying to be at the top. And then my proposal is wisdom is trying to be at the top. But all this is because the church isn’t going, no, no, no, we’re at the top. Know your role. They’re not doing that. And so VanderKlay actually responded to me fairly quickly. It’s a short video, by the way, by the way, the engineer guy, Bill Hammack. The engineer guy channel is great, by the way. It’s just good little short videos. So he responded to me right away and said, well, this is kind of interesting. I’ll have to think about this and kind of see your point. And I’m like, yes, finally, the recession of the church is finally like he’s getting it. It’s only taken three years. So it’s good. But that’s also the same as the recession of art. That’s why I mention it. It’s philonic forms. They’re all bad. What is wrong with you? Why are you the creation of the church? What is wrong with you? Why are you the craziest person? Why? Why? I don’t know. I don’t either. I don’t understand these cats. This is not good for the world. Some people just can’t comprehend philosophy, Mark. It’s OK. I like the stick figure philosophy. Phil-losophy? E-linosophy. I wish I had a few million dollars and we could just do stick figure philosophy with a team. That would be freaking awesome. We’ll get there. I’m working on it. We’ll get the tea company up and running. I will set my house in order for another two to three years and we’ll see what happens. The AI conundrum would be the ideal thing for the church to assert themselves. There are so many ideal things for the church to assert themselves at this point. Then we can crusade against the AI and commit the AI genocide. That’s the whole thing, though. But there’s the problem. The AI is not telotic. We’re treating it as though it’s telotic. Then it’s like, well, it doesn’t have an aim. No, it has an aim. It’s like, no, it doesn’t. If you think it does, the people that gave it a name are going to control you. Whereas I go, yeah, I don’t care what AI says because I know AI is evil. We can fix the AI problem. Just mandatory watching of the Wizard of Oz in school. It’ll be fine. Everybody has to watch Wizard of Oz in school. How does that fix the AI problem? It’s the man behind the curtain problem. It’s okay. Oh, yes. I didn’t think at any point you were wrong. I’m just like, what am I not seeing? That’s what I wasn’t seeing. I would say Frankenstein, but that’s just me. No. Kind of Frankenstein. That’s a story of agency, but it’s not a story of changed agents or moved agency. It’s a story of created agents. The reason Frankenstein isn’t the perfect example for AI is because it’s like several heads and several fragments of dead wills put together in a club. Right. And it’s not a looking at the behind the curtain because Frankenstein wasn’t, like if you wanted to make it a perfect symbolic reference to the Wizard of Oz, it’s not a good idea. Frankenstein wasn’t, like if you wanted to make it a perfect symbolic reference to AI, Frankenstein wasn’t donor implants of other people’s brains. Whereas it is donor implants of other people’s brains. Yeah, rather, I would say rather explicitly. Yeah, I totally, I totally agree with that. Where is? It’s closer than a divine god. Frankenstein is closer than a divine god because that’s what people are like, oh, it’ll be pure, a pure rational being at last to tell us how to live our lives. Yeah, no, I mean, I think the important thing to realize about AI in terms of, we’ll say what it actually is, is this. It’s, that’s all it is. It’s just a mirror with cracks in it. And the mirror is consistent of the dead brains of lots of other people. And that’s it. It’s that simple. So I really like, obviously Sally Jo did this because it’s awesome. So you know, if it’s awesome, Sally Jo did it. That’s pretty much true. And yeah, I mean, it’s just, that’s all AI is. And nobody likes that message. So I just, I just had this thought of like, it kind of doesn’t matter what you put at the top of this kind of pyramid. They’re, they’re going to roll heads off of it. Because it’s a pyramid you’re rolling heads off of. Yes. That’s just how it’s going to go. I don’t know what to tell you. Well Ace Ventura starts with him, you know, throwing a slinky off a Tibetan temple. If you want to obscure a reference. I never saw that. Ace Ventura too. He’s, the movie starts with him, he’s joined a Tibetan monastery and then he decides to leave. And then before he leaves, he’s got one last thing that he needs to do. And he pushes the slinky off and sees how long it can go. That’s how the movie starts. Very interesting framing for slapstick 90s. Yeah, the framing, it’s weird that people miss the framing of these things. And then they screw up the message and it’s like, wow, they usually get it backwards. I like this bubble vision. You’re talking about the current state of AI, the thing is AI in 10 years. Let me explain to you how this works. Even Verveki said this, although Verveki is so confused, he doesn’t understand. 10 years ago they said we were going to have AGI in 10 years. Period. They did. And the guy who is the big evangelist for that just recently did a talk like two or three months ago at most where he admitted 10 years ago we thought we’d have fully self driving cars and 10 years later a car can’t take a left hand turn. Today, right now, an AI cannot take a right, can’t take a left. If you don’t understand why that is, and like fair enough, it’s not, like we think of left and right as symmetrical, but when you’re driving they’re not for very good reasons. So you can figure that out. You can take a right on red, you can’t take a right on left. A left on red. Why? There you go. And the thing is they can’t take left hand turns. 10 years. And so he admitted there’s a failure there. And that’s the problem. That’s really the problem. They cannot do it. And they cannot fix that problem. And it’s not current AI. It’s all possible AIs. It’s not true that it’s only true to a sign and the sign becoming invisible, but only to an AI and not to a person. They haven’t figured any of that out. So I get it. And also all the AI is domain stocked. Still. They haven’t fixed the silo problem. Large language models look like they fixed the silo problem for very obvious reasons because they’re attacking it at the language level. But they don’t actually fix the silo problem. It takes ten seconds to see this. Raveki put it in his own AI video. He just missed the fact that he restated the silo problem after saying it didn’t exist Maybe we’ll figure out what consciousness is, but probably not. No, we’re not going to yeah You can’t you can’t you can’t define intelligence. You’re not gonna get generalized intelligence You don’t have something a measure again like this whole project is foolish It’s also relevancy right they say these big tip near Facebook’s gonna consume us Look at Facebook now nothing nothing. We can take a lock and turn at a light It’s that’s not true cannot take a left hand turn on a light and then the AI Can’t be done. It also the silver driving cause is very conditional to what the US and a few other places That right well And look, you know all these self-driving cars are killing people left right and center and all of them are subject to the stop sign problem Which is a well-known white paper that you just look up and realize oh wait You can put an infinite a theoretically almost infinite number of stickers on a stop sign that a human will never even notice and the stop Sign it vanishes to the car and they have no idea why that is technically they know that it happens They know roughly why it happens. They don’t actually understand how it’s determined Stop sign just means stop and just hard code that No, you can’t that’s the problem Is it stuff framing problem? It’s so bizarre and how big is it in relation to the thing? Because what you don’t realize is that the size of an object in your vision is not a single variable function It’s a variable function. Yeah, and once you go multivariate you’re completely screwed Bubble dude the guy gave the talk this year. Okay, he gave the talk not me He gave he gave the talk not me He said the cars can’t do it do we know why they can’t do it? And by the way, even if they did it two years ago, it took eight years When you could take a right-hand turn ten years ago, like I don’t know what to tell you. There’s a deep asymmetry here The opposite by the president in the 1970s in one of her albums put out Propaganda about the climate changes that we need to fix climate change in the next in these others were all screwed guys Right. What year is it? The stop sign is this is this relatively famous recent white paper. I think it’s only in the last two years Maybe three I forget Where they’re basically saying you can put a sticker on a stop sign that is invisible to people from six feet away And you’re almost always six feet away from a stop sign when you’re in a car You won’t even see it like you won’t even see it and you’ll stop because you can still tell the stop sign But once you put that sticker on there, there is no AI driver That will see it see the stop sign that addition of the sticker Inside of the stop sign boundaries makes the stop sign invisible to the car and it will run the stop sign every single time Reliable hundred percent of the time and they they did the math and figured out oh, no There’s an all you can’t do exceptions because there’s too many exceptions Like the exceptions are larger than the set of stop signs by several orders of magnitude so basically and in work and and that’s the and that’s the problem and Yeah, look you can talk about Tesla all day long guess who has the most deaths in car accidents for self-driving cars And who has the least number of self-driving cars on the road? Tesla in other words, they’re two orders of magnitude more deadly than any other self-driving car systems. No, thanks. I’m out So that we can’t get to the sixth day with our Swanson ago Well, but so I’ve mentioned this before this is funny, right so that these crazy technologists they’ll do something like well fusions Right right coming, you know coming up any we’re gonna get fusion solved Right and then there’s a great documentary called ITER or itter and it’s about the the European project or you know fusion in general 1945 In ten year and five years will have fusion solved 1945 they’ve been playing this game since the mid 1940s Telling everybody they’re going to solve fusion Since the mid 1940s and we still haven’t cracked it. We’re nowhere near a crack I know they just had a breakthrough read the paper really carefully Look at the energy input and the energy output. They have what’s called a Inuretical gain, but it’s not actualized Which means they’ve proven the theory that they could actualize a gain if they changed a bunch of variables But they haven’t actually done that yet. They’ve just proven that it’s theoretically possible. That’s all they did That’s it. And I’m not and look I’ve actually if you ask me self driving cars are fusion I’m like no no fusion because the guys who are doing the the what they’re doing is they’re firing Do they fire the fuel at the laser or they fired a laser to fuel? But what they do is they’re like no no, we’re gonna manufacture pellets. We’re not gonna use a continuous fusion system. That’s dog What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna manufacture pellets of fuel as bullets and we’re gonna shoot them I think they I think this is how they do it. They shoot the bullets or maybe they’re shooting the pellets I forget which way it goes, but they’re doing it that way and that actually might work. This is the Robot spider I will drive in the war against the AI. I’m just letting you know. Okay, great. Thank you, Sally Now we know what it looks like Nice hat Upgraded bottle. Yeah, I like the hat This is the latest and greatest. So these aren’t the ones that automatically get you these are ones you can drive in Automatic they’re just they’re just a net remote controlled like the door No, no, I thought the ones that got the litter and dropped it off at you were fully autonomous trust on automation I’ll hire Gen Z to drive Okay. All right. Yeah, that’s good. You’re just used to the military model Yeah, they use AI they use they use really if we don’t want to go there but the the original intent mom, you know much about how they I Was only gonna continue my joke my internet about serious things so I’ll let it go. Okay I think it’ll know I was gonna ask my kiss. I was talking to so it’s fine. I’m sorry. I Got updated. Um, I do find it weird that the Oklahoma movies coming up now They’re talking about the nuclear bomb all of a sudden Like it’s just That’s not weird. No, they’re scared. That makes total sense. Yeah, we should have some scary nuclear bomb movies come out They’ve been they’ve been trying to make World War three happen for like two years now like they’ve been openly saying It’s World War three any day now guys and you know, I mean this is what I keep saying Look if we all pull together we can make World War three happen But I wish we wouldn’t like I wish we just stopped talking about it because if you put attention It’s it’s like the suicide hotline signs, right? You want to increase suicide put up suicide hotline signs in the city suicides go up reliably. It’s 100% Why we’re still doing this? I don’t know but we are still to this day doing this even though we know it makes everything worse We know that kids. Yeah, I just know it’s in the data. It’s a hundred percent correlation So if you point it bad thing interesting to that Because obviously that movie’s gonna do a far bit of moralizing But they’ve got Matt Damon in there, right? So this that’s and can you get Matt Damon? You’re gonna get a more moralizing message I Hadn’t heard about it. So it’s first time hearing about it Up behind me. Yes, it’s a movie with Christopher Nolan Nolan movie why why is he allowed to make movies? I don’t get it He’s a crazy like and I like wonder with it because we were talking about fusion if we’re talking about fusion and how fusion there that’s I was wondering if if they Do they just invent this nuclear bomb technology overnight what they said they did or was it was it something they already? Would working on and the war happened to be a good excuse to Tell I gotta go on a second. Anyway, yeah That’s to see What do you mean the fusion tech which fusion tech yeah well, you need new confusion, right and And Which first came from the nuclear bomb I Didn’t it’s it’s the opposite tech no, it’s literally the opposite Okay, the bomb is is is vision. It’s great breaking apart Right Right and I tur is is adding things together to form Bigger things basically instead of smaller instead of breaking it apart for smaller things. It’s the op. It’s the opposite idea and The problem is energy in versus energy out and if you ignore all the energy you spend but the reason why I think that that that that the The pellets will work or whatever they’re called. I think they’re called pellets whatever is because it has an order I’m just saying bird bird feet every time you say that Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, well, that’s the thing. That’s the thing. That’s what they’re doing They’re taking these little I think they’re cubes and they’re putting it in the cube the reason why I think it’ll work is because it’s structured and it’s intermittent and the problem that they actually have with like tokamak reactors and stuff is all about the movement of the plasma through the system So like you have to set it off and seal it immediately Right and then and then it moves in this wacky, you know tokamak Formula, which is very clever. The hook my stuff is really cool But mathematically the problem is they can’t they can’t make it stable. They can’t keep it stable they can’t you know because they’re trying to build a continuous system and Continuous systems are very hard continuous math is completely different type of math and it doesn’t work For most things because we don’t You can’t properly map mathematics to a continuous process Because math is discrete by depth by design and so while there is continuous map and it’s very close It doesn’t get close enough Right, and that’s why the instability show up in the system Well rocket earning losses so long right it’s not a continuous system Exactly. Well, right, right It’s the it’s how continuous for how long right because you could linear things exist within a frame But once you break out of that frame the linear things go completely critical in one direction the other like you can break out Either way so and you see this like if you do computer work with cloud and scaling you see this all the time, right? Where the quantity one stuff works that you runs on one machine for one user? That’s easy to do any idiot can build that code for anything it’s really easy to build right and in fact chat GPT can do it the problem is if you try to make it a two user system Everything breaks right because now you have to read code most of the code and there’s a technical reason for that There’s there’s off by one errors and this and there’s the first There’s the first instance error right that in programming where the first instance is easy But making it recursive is harder because you have to account for all these things when you add users It’s the same thing right and then if you add you know tenant Multi-tenancy which is multiple groups of users right and then and then if you scale up in terms of number of people hitting it At once that creates a whole different set of problems You can make any of those problems go away Within limits, but once you get outside of those limits everything changes And this is actually well reflected in the computer literature is a famous paper called this I think it’s called this That the C 10k problem or something where they’re talking about the original web servers are not faster To do you know it is a very old paper by this point web servers are not faster We knew all new technologies and then of course we had most of them And then they wrote new web servers the new ones called nginx basically and then when they did that it enabled Web at at a scale that was insane and and it’s ten thousand Concurrent operations or something like that I forget that I read the paper was just so old I can’t remember all the details anymore But but that’s the thing like and now we’re out of that like that’s not enough anymore now We need a new method where you had to change all the tech So we had web servers and then we had web servers at scale Right with like Apache and then they had to change that technology to get to see ten Ten K problems all and now they have to you know And I think they’ve already solved it, but there’s another set of problems you have to solve to get past that And then that’s only gonna work. It’s not gonna. You’re not gonna implement that for under 10k, right? Or under 100k or whatever barrier we’re at you’re not gonna and you’re not gonna implement it after whatever the scaling point is there So the linearity is there, but it just you can’t scale infinitely right? You can’t do a continuous system that never acts Well, they can only will they reach an endpoint of how many people can be on the internet And that would just to redefine what you’re just talking about look because the number of people joining the internet is kind of No, because the next you know because the internet isn’t a thing. This is where people get confused That’s right Yeah, so yeah, like you can you can max out discord you can max out stream yard. You can max out YouTube But you can’t max them all out and not everybody wants to do those things and so Right because the internet just enables a bunch of different technologies and then the network is so big like we have so in I think in 2005 we said 93% of the fiber was dark so we’ve got lit fiber. That’s in use Not all of that was in use and then the fiber that wasn’t even turned on Was way more than the fiber that was and so as we’ve been turning that on and I don’t know what the ratio is today So all that stuff anymore. It’s not relevant But as we turn on more bandwidth We can have more users. They just can’t that that’s different from what they’re doing on the network So like if they’re doing torrents or they’re doing YouTube where they’re doing Bit shoot because bit shoots actually way different from YouTube from a tech tech perspective Use a different type of bandwidth in a different way, right and then right and then and that’s why decentralization is big because All the scaling and advantages for the internet came through decentralization all of them Right, but that doesn’t solve all the problems In fact, it creates a bunch more problems quakes way more problems than it solves as it turns out But people haven’t figured that out yet. So, you know, it’s fine Yeah, which leads to silly people what The mother that is John Pavey. He’s saying that you know, we can decentralize AI like By definition Yeah, it’s just so silly that anybody would say such a silly thing that it’s like I can’t engage with your sleep I’m gonna techie guy. I know yeah. Well, there’s so many contradictions in that talk. I really should Reach out to Catherine and see if the fact that he gets them people like all assuming it was virtuous for him to get Emotional about AI was weird Why is it why is he getting emotional about this particular subject virtuous like where he where will people’s you know, that’s There there are so many see I really do want to do a breakdown on that video because there’s so many Susair tells in there. There’s so many tells for bad Maybe that’s our first collab video. I’ll give you the muppet take and you’ll give you the absolute ruthless technical I’ve got that spot reserved for somebody else We should we should do Or not live and we should just get that done well we need to actually watch it on a stream together I think that’s what we need to do find a time One tonight We get shot on time for me No, no, we’ll just watch it Offline on discord, even if it’s we’re just like same time or something like that and see you see if we have Oh, we can watch it. No, we can watch it together on discord. That’d be easier. Yeah, that’d be fun Yeah, you know, we can’t watch we can’t watch it. Come on. Shut the e-juice. Yeah, I guess people If they if we tell them hey, we’re doing this then on there, I guess people Yeah, no Manuel Game a game be stopped where we watch right together and took notes in it You know, we got a Google Doc So we were taking notes in the same file and I’d write a bunch of stuff and he’d write a bunch of stuff It was really good. Just chuck fuck at my god the amount of work that went into that man hours wise Holy crap that video More work than any of my other videos The first half an hour to you guys are both so stoic and so cold Well, I’ve only watched one of the came feet. I think was the not that it was the not the Beauty talk the aesthetic talk of it. It’s just a practice of theoretical talk on guys was so lucky He had so much to say but you’re so stoic and start the stone like I was like guys you gotta Where’s the wolf? No, we were just trying not like rip into it and say Like rip into it and say look at these evil people doing these evil things because they’re evil, right? That’s what I wanted to do Here’s more evil Yes, yes But I could get more people to you to your market wisdom discord server we tell people hey we’re gonna live watch it Well, we’re gonna live press play and we can all enjoy the We’re just gonna stop pause anytime we are actually How many times I’m gonna stop I do this all the time with Christina sometimes it’s so annoying I was like no, you’re gonna miss this. I have to explain this. Why this what what you should be saying? Yeah, if you don’t trained if you don’t train to see these things because I did it. Well, um, I think it was a third or second time watching Dune the new to be I was like, okay Yeah, okay, so that’s not the book and the reason we’re saying that Right that they actually put a utopian vision inside of doing the two movie people away and it’s not called um He’s going on a crusade now He’s not calling going on a jihad at the end of the movie very interesting reframing If you want to know more you can always check to me offline But I’m actually may do it a during deconstructed video because I have some other bones to pick with I love film new I think he’s doing great work. I think it’s a good adaptation But man is he massaging some of his own sort of leanings into or the producers own leanings into the Into the source material which is quite dangerous because that book is radioactive If you don’t know the book is ready the whole series is radioactive I guess anytime you touch an initial you touching a radioactive material. So There’s that Well, yeah, it’s radioactive. So, you know, it can be you can use radioactive materials For good right you can have nuclear technology It can be used for good, but you know, it could block the world at the same time Well, you have to die for what people don’t know how to use it properly Right Nietzsche’s another one psychological projection of trauma onto the world. Oh, it’s so obvious to you know Like Kierkegaard is the Luther of Lutheranism. That’s his whole shit. It’s the whole thing I Think But yeah, yeah, I was pointing out different things I’m doing the other day She was getting some of it some of it shows appreciating some of it. She’s gonna get annoyed. I was like no So appreciate the scene. Let’s rewatch it How This is changed. How do you handle Donnie Darko then because that movies like Yeah, yeah exactly I’ve seen all three versions and There are three versions I didn’t know that There’s an internet cut there’s the directors cut and then there’s the electrical cut So the Internet cut everything Well, there was a there was a there was a version that I watched on the internet Which was all the different bits and pieces all combined in one This is the early Vimeo days where Vimeo was like cowboy Wild West You could just Know It was all it was like a switch was flicked and then like no one went to do me anymore It was really strange I agree It was another To there was a site called video lectures net and Man, I learned so much like and that was all AI stuff back in the day, too I learned so much AI was like it was all video lectures You know people at colleges just you know giving out lecture to 12 students. It was just like I absorbed it all up It was fantastic I heard Jared Leto bought Fandango that was another Vimeo like platform he basically bought it and tanked it which is strange But yeah Just I think I think that’s what happened to Vimeo. I think it’s the the ownership of the leadership changed on it. Just Got siphoned off also think the YouTube know the YouTube law or copyright Legislation in the different countries changed and that’s what killed Mm-hmm. That’s what killed Vimeo because people used to do like, you know an alternate kind of this and you can just go and watch it We appreciate some things someone did To jank it to change they took out all the spicy elements from Quentin Tarantino’s movie I thought was the interesting experiment that’s heresy But I go know because I doesn’t work the worst parts of his movie are the spicy bits my opinion Well, yeah It’s a pure experiment though. I always wanted to um Now it’s just Jesse talking to to the internet but I always wanted to recap on movie could alien covenant Ridley Scott’s The fumbled last alien movie. It’s like a lot of potential in there But man, they screw that movie up and I had friends that were working on the sets down here And they did it in Australia and Sydney and they were telling me how much was getting reshot in the day They flew all these different Hollywood people down to re Reshoot things reedit things like then and there like on the day and I think the editors were working on the film up until the second last day of launch in LA Like that’s how much a mess that movie was Same thing with Sears code by the way. Yeah but yeah, um It’s been yeah, there’s been a fundamental shade. I’m changed in the telos of this internet Backup, um, yeah, there’s been a fundamental change to these have these YouTube Pretty cool like lectures and what lectures they were Vimeo Discussion channels fall been slowly, you know, the rugs been pulled under the curtain nerd, right? I was another Pretty example of that. Yeah In one place on one platform So like like video lectures done that was cool because what they did was they had a Technology that would show you the video here and the whiteboard over here And so you had the whiteboard or the slide separate from the video of the lecture Oh, yeah, it was so cool. And like, you know, like I look at that. Yeah, I could write that Nothing software literally nothing software to write but they actually did put together and got it to work You know, that’s where the hard part is. So yeah, it was cool stuff because then can you do that and make money? Should you do that? Just make some money? No, no one will pay for it they do look I I’ve explained this people before like okay, you know like Amazon I can I I personally by myself Can build every service on Amazon because they’re all open source and and you could write but it’s so much money Right, it’s such a huge initial investment and then of course nobody believes me like literally nobody Like I go on interviews and I’m like, okay, you know this this technology whatever I wrote that and they’re like no you didn’t I’m like, yeah, actually everybody did back back in the day like these things are not big deals and everything No, they’re not actually this is standard stuff for a software engineer a real software not a modern software They’re all dumb, but no, it’s it’s really funny to see channel can’t see your personal channel See yeah. Well, I put yeah I put I put that stuff there. Yeah. Yeah, I’ll do more of that But it’s it’s remarkable the stuff people don’t know about I’m like now we should do this all like like everyone’s like you Configuration is code. I’m like, alright, so you mean you checked in the Files that determine how your infrastructure runs and they’re like, well, no, it’s not really that simple I know it’s it’s exactly that simple. I was doing that in the 90s literally in the 90s for real Like this is not new, you know, and they’re like, oh it’s brand new and devops. I’m like, no, no, no No, I was doing devops before it was called devops. This is not new. It’s not new It’s just not no, it’s brand new and I’m like, no, you just made up a name That’s it although devops is the best named thing in computer science of all time Unfortunately, it corrupted it but it was initially spot-on. So yeah, these people think all this stuff is new and I’m like now You know, they’re like, oh Google’s got the best search algorithm ever and I’m like, no, actually they don’t what they have is the best information gathering system ever and Because they gathered more of the internet they had a better search engine The best algorithm in the world with no data is worth nothing it doesn’t work right algorithms need data But if you have better data, you can have a worse algorithm It doesn’t even make any difference because the better data is more important at the end of the day if you like people don’t know They don’t really understand how this stuff works So, yeah, it’s a container matters The container is probably more important than the data It’s probably more important than the data framing Framing matters more always framing matters more which and what determines framing tell us like it This is why it’s because like I said with the with the with the spell check algorithms spell check algorithm doesn’t work because it’s an It’s a it’s a large language model spell checker And spell check is 200 lines of code in a dictionary and that spell check is way better at spell checking than a large language model Why because a large language model has a limit can’t do two things. You can’t do spell checking because that’s not language Right. That’s mostly typing errors most spell check problems or typing error problems And the other thing it can’t do is write stories. Why because stories are above language So you’re in this weird middle layer that actually has very little ultimate utility without a lot of help Right, and so it can’t write good stories and it can’t do spell check But it can do other things really really well like there’s some cool stuff, but you have to specifically train it That’s why prompt engineers make six figures right now And i’ve actually been trying to figure out how to be a prompt engineer. I’m like, all right I’ll just be a prompt engineer. I don’t care but I haven’t figured out how to get that job because i’d be really good at it Let’s do it. How do we do that? I don’t know. I’ve been looking I just don’t know how to get paid for writing prompts Because I could write good prompts Does it intern somewhere? Intern online for somewhere. That’s the easiest. Let’s just Go steal someone else’s System of learning and then You obviously knowing you mark you’ll just do it better or just figure it out quicker. He’s like, um, oh i’m interning He’s like no i’m just figuring out I had to get around not interning anymore and then Right, well That’d be my mark My mom’s most getting of jobs, especially now is who you know, not what you know, because nobody can determine what you know Right. So that’s who you know And yeah, and then with the with the whole fake news virus scandemic um You know And and moving I you know, if I were in boston, this wouldn’t be a problem if I were in charlotte This wouldn’t be a problem In columbia south carolina. It’s a problem, right? So, you know, it’s just surely getting turned on line though Surely remote working is a bit more Remote now remote is like no like everyone’s written the article remote work fails Failed experiment, right? So they’re not really yeah Yeah, and remote work you’re competing with a larger pool because you’re competing with literally everybody in the industry all of a sudden So like that’s the problem. That’s the downside to remote work Because people then think they can get somebody that knows their specific thing which is literally impossible But it seems that way because there’s more people willing to lie about what they know And figure out what it is and it’s easier in a random system If you have a larger set to find exactly what you’re looking for Even though it’s actually random and not what you’re looking for. You don’t know that you have no way to assess these things Hmm And and that’s really the that’s actually the problem Right. It just turns out that it’s all illusion at the end of the day And so it’s it’s very hard to like, you know these things down and you know we didn’t um, what was um, mature pejor said that we’re essentially post-modern Is the end of the illusions That’s what I think that was a summary of his tweet the other day Which I found very Yeah Yeah, that’s true Yeah, but the end of the illusion is the realization that you need a monarch Like it’s the it’s it’s ironic right it’s ironically saying Tyranny is required Like there’s no other way to do it. We can’t cooperate without tyranny. So so I um, um, adam made me I don’t know if we say tyranny. Oh, no It is tyranny. No, no All right, you want to say it that way? I don’t know. No, we call it tyranny We call for tyranny adam made me watch this british series called monarchy with david starkey and it’s wonderful It’s really wonderful the book. I got the magna Yeah, I I learned a lot from watching that series. I learned a real lot and and mary herrington today Tweeted out We need to talk about we need to stop talking about I forget which things and start talking about um the english civil war And which is ironic because adam and I have been working on that’s the video we’re doing next is the english civil war That’s why I had to watch monarchy to understand that and now I have to do some more research because there’s a bunch of stuff Missing in there that I absolutely need to know But that that’s what we’re going to do and that was the setup because we’ve done we’ve done the bracketing around that already So it’s like oh we already covered sort of the french revolution and we sort of covered the american revolution We sort of covered what happened afterwards right now We need to go all the way back and start with the with the english revolution so that we can understand all that stuff I thought it was funny that mary herrington tweeted about it today. I’m like we’re literally working on that We’re gonna make it we’re gonna make it happen. So then we’ll tell her when we do it. Maybe it’ll get retweeted. We’ll find out Well pvkm interviewed her so maybe you can Do some swimming Oh, no, we’ll we’ll we’ll no no we’ll we’ll do our full court press on that what I want to do though is I want to get the my stupid website fixed and and all that but I’m just overwhelmed with technology doesn’t work. So tell us Yeah, we need we need wordpress. Tell us anybody that’s got wordpress and some time hit me up. Well, we’ll chat It’ll be two weeks before i need yeah It’ll be another two weeks or so before I can even start on the On the audio stuff but once I can I just forget I always got some photography work coming through. Oh, that’s fine I don’t know. That’s Well, wait, well I got it already for you because somehow my editor is like well I can do that. That’s easy And I’m like, all right, we’ll go strip all the audio. It’s easy I know it’s just Just making sure that your room doesn’t sense a reverb. It’s all nice audio levels like this this much Well, the order the the older stuff sounds reverby, right? And then as I went I fixed sound and lighting, you know a little bit at a time. So you just gotta order some acoustic um Foam You’d be fine. You put it in your corners in your room at least one of the corners This I I have a yoga mat behind me for that reason Yeah, but no it needs to be all the way up the wall on the corner and then you’d get rid of No, no, no, actually all I need for this room is to hang stuff here here here and more books Now actually fix it. I mean I still need the yoga mat too Yeah, you need but all the other one would be right on top of you. You do an acoustic window there. No, it’s all things No, no, I have one Really? Yes, it’s it’s a side effect of having the um um light Defused because I have a light diffuser over the lamp Oh, okay. I have a huge light diffuser right over my head Yeah Okay. Yeah. Okay. So that’s probably what’s helped a bit. Hey tim. Hello. Hi tim Hello. Hey, uh, hello. I heard you talked about audio. That’s one thing that might help you find all your reflections It’s just get a little compact mirror And put it on the wall and if you see the speaker in it, that’s where you got to put your uh, You’re absorbing I know that but marks marks a techie Into that guy with nine screens like getting him to do a basic audio setup It’s my agenda it’s Look, i’ve i’ve improved it tremendously And it needs more work like in fact i’m reverbing today because I forgot to put the pillow against the door So I have a pillow that I put against the door and that reduces the verb from the door And like there’s a piece of foam behind the whiteboard And that was an actually for sound and then I realized oh that’s also helping the sound situation So yeah, I could do more foam for the whiteboard too because I only have one piece there But I have more foam that I can put there I have to think about these things and then I have to actually go and do them that that’s like too much Tim, where are you from? Do we know you? Uh, I just started joining the video streams I uh, okay I’ve been kind of watching from afar for a few months uh, unfortunately you guys usually you or Jacob are streaming when i’m not available for life reasons Yeah, that makes sense Yeah Well, we’re trying to do more more stuff at different time frames like we did we did the video thursday You know manuel and I did that in the middle of the day and that It got a decent amount of views didn’t get a lot of live views, but it’s doing okay It’s got over 200 views between the three channels. So four channels Yep. Yep. So yeah, i’m uh based out of idaho Oh, okay, but i’m actually from california. I was born and raised there We just moved here post covid is uh, california didn’t want me doing software engineering in california anymore, so That makes sense. Yeah I can well i’m glad you escaped Uh the uh the hell that’s good Yeah Yep. Yep. So The other thing too is that in your uh previous video For this stream you guys at the very end you talked about almost famous and you’re right That uh, the story was real. They just changed the names to protect the uh artist yeah Because the uh, it’s actually based on his first article for rolling stone, which is actually the allman brothers right after greg allman’s brother died um, and so Due to everything that’s going on there. They they put some of the lines in there from there um because of just the paranoia here greg allman was going through at the time and he And changed the ending a little bit Uh, it wasn’t that they called it To confirm and they denied everything it was the night that he flew back They confiscated all of his notes Right because they thought that he was working with the fbi or cia Did a paranoia But wasn’t he like a kid with me like yeah, he was a kid he was like 13 or 14 Right. Yeah, he was really young Yeah um and uh He got it back a few months late like six or eight months later Uh, because one of his friends was still true with him and was able to convince him that by that point He wasn’t greg wasn’t on drugs. He’s like, I don’t even know why I have this you can have it back. Sure Nice And that’s when he was able to print his article for rolling stone And that’s what basically started his career Right, right. Yeah. No, no that that yeah you and you can tell like there’s certain moves you can tell like I don’t know. This is just diary entries. They didn’t write it. They didn’t write a fictional story here at all. They just wrote what happened Yeah Yeah Yep, so it’s actually still waters the fake band but the band he was actually throwing work for that was greg allman And the allman brothers, yeah, the allman brothers band, isn’t it? Yep right after greg allman’s brother had died like within like a couple months Just when he was trying to yeah, I have one of the apples a lot at that time They look a blues rock band Yeah Yeah A good old there’s a lot of settings You don’t like the subwoofer wolf wolf wolf music I like some of it Yeah, I mean if i’ve done, you know really well like no you get some really good. Um Organ music Oh, man, it can if you have a good subwoofer setup and you have like the organ music that goes down to the lower bass regions That’s the close. Yeah, i’m hearing a real wide pipe organ in like a really good acoustic church I’m talking about this post skrillex era of music wherever it’s getting to him Yeah, I think about the only one that does that. Well is this guy by the name of clay scott He’s gone under a couple different band names Uh, it’s just him uh sail the weather in circle of dust Tell her what he’s done more of the post skrillex stuff, but he’s about the only one that used that in a way that Made it tell a story as opposed to just Yeah Well, this is leaving till next time man Yeah, I I don’t know. I was listening i’m a man of principles. I I think pop music died in 2010 I think pop music was the pre-cultural thing. No, no. Yeah. Yeah Come on, you know, i’m sure you know You know you’re you’re killing me you’re killing me. No, there’s no culture war. Okay. I would call it game. We’ll call it game again Well, it really is like dude so many things happened in 2014 I can do a video in 2014 just so many things happen and I don’t even have a list I gotta I gotta like Compile the list what we need to do is we need to subscribe to The anagimus burn power. We need to we just need to wrinkle him into room. We’ll offer him a little bit of a thing and you know Yeah Prick him. I still want to follow up with that. He’s three fusions of reality he said he did he did a half talk about that in the The german bridges are meeting conference and he kind of fumbled through a whole bunch of really interesting notes But never he never really emphasized anything on his three visions of reality. I’ve always They didn’t know he has he’s been he’s been it’s been kind of a bit Yeah, it held up with something it’s hard to say Yeah, they’ve been held up by people who can’t get things done, right? Catherine got all the videos out for you know, all professionals recorded and out for thunder bay like it wasn’t big deal Just yeah, the german folks. They just were never on it Production probably the german folks don’t think very german Well, it’s usually pretty efficient. It was the fake netherlanders who moved from the u.s Cassidy and yeah, and uh Yeah, and the crew in the netherlands there which is too bad because I was looking forward to seeing those videos but um Yeah, I should go back to the thunder bay videos too because there’s some real gems in there that I should just pick apart but It’s it’s so hard things are moving so fast, although they’re moving in a bad direction Everything’s sort of flying apart and people are getting good john’s doing crazy videos on ai where he’s just talking about stuff He does nothing about it’s just getting worse. It’s like what is happening Gino will be and we need to talk about We need to talk about vanilla sky too to get it back to camera and crew and all the same You know, that’s actually one camera program. I have not seen yet. Oh, you gotta see it Oh, you gotta see it twice first time you won’t get it. The second time is far more far more interesting because you you see the subtext clearer The subtext is actually that interesting. I’m not gonna tell you right now what subtext is I think oh come on. What didn’t I see in my first watching? Oh goodness What should I look for in the second watching? What references are pointed out and what aren’t Because all this Thread of references And hey what why why is this important what are you doing here? Because it’s not that important to the narrative that he has like a sea of references like Literally the internet. I think the movies are about the internet ultimately. I think I don’t think it’s about existentialism, I think it’s literally about the creation of the internet, but Maybe it’s just in my slightly. Um Um Spooky sense of things. Yeah, it’s um, I think that that that film is um It’s a pretty it’s a primer for gaming it It’s telling you about what’s about to be lost Not what’s about to be found Right, they’re burying the lead would be another one burying the hatchet any thoughts on nostalgia. There we go Well, that’s what that’s another thing. That’s exactly it. That’s what um vanilla sky is about Right, right and why is it naysay? Well, look There is this thing called progressivism that is a disease see my video on progressivism on navigating pattern There is it this disease of progressivism Causes people like john burvigli to say we can’t go back And then of course he goes back and then when that doesn’t work he goes back further, which I just I think you’ll the culture Funny, you’re gonna steal the culture Neoplatonism no, no, no, no, that’s not no that doesn’t work after socrates. We’ll go back a little bit further than neoplaton That’s your strategy for not going back, right? Well, they don’t want to lose anything And that’s why you don’t want nostalgia because you get nostalgic. What are you gonna give up to go back? You have to give something up. Maybe it’s the whole internet which you know, i’m kind of like oh, well, you know That’s not a bad idea. I’m okay with that actually right Because because how do you get high paying jobs back in your area? You stop competing with everybody else in the world for the same stupid effing job Right and now now the only people that know about the good pushy job at the bank are the people that live in your area Because they advertise in the newspaper and not smattered all over the internet where anybody can can bid on it Right because because that’s the problem like when you import the cheap labor from india You destroy the the culture around the lifestyle because they’re willing to live, you know six people to a three-bedroom apartment and you’re not Right and it’s like well your your your quality of living is going down by competing with all these people so I think though you have to kind of go back further and I’m just gonna say just to summarize it. I think the almas got it right in that regards Because that’s a compelling argument a lot of people have said no No, the the the only people who are going to survive with the amish and i’m like, well, that’s actually not necessarily wrong So they that that that that could be true chat. I don’t I don’t think nostalgia is homesickness actually I I think what they’re what they’re actually pointing to with nostalgia is they’re pointing to the desire for something in the past and Homesickness is particular and specific and I think And they’re not doing a good job. That’s telling me this but I think that If you have a spiritual home your material home doesn’t matter so much right that the home is where the heart is Right, but that heart has to be co-located in the ethereal realm and have a home there Then it can then the material home doesn’t matter and that’s what they’re not Uh, you know talking about What even a church What right a church No homesickness was a medical diagnosis nostalgia was not a medical diagnosis He’s he’s going off of a vanderkley video All right I Someone needs to get the message to vanderkley to stop doing so many videos every week It’s like do three you’ll get you’ll get better results Yeah, I mean that that Yeah, the longing for the past can be a problem right I mean It’s a weird it’s a weird situation I don’t think I don’t think it’s I think sometimes the longing for the past is because there’s things that were done right in the past we’ve lost now That’s where I was saying like i’m not saying initially go back to it exactly what the amistu The core thing if they get correct Is everything’s local communities? Because once you get beyond like a small group of people you have problems with scalability of being able to go Who’s telling the truth where if you have a small knit community, you know exactly who’s telling the truth and really what the school said is So my nostalgia, uh thing isn’t actually coming from the vanderkley video. I actually Uh did some research around nostalgia and the etymology of it So, I mean we could blame etymology online if you want but that that’s literally what it was. It was homesickness So that’s definition number two in miriam so like fair enough so, I mean And and I think it’s so what I was trying to point out was what I think you can’t leave off the table if you want to make a case for uh Accepting nostalgia as something valid is I think I think proper tradition in this place I think you know, like you can’t Yeah Because I mean that’s when I think about Things that i’m nostalgic about Um There’s there’s a reverence for uh tradition, um or family tradition or Or even you know, uh, it could be a national tradition things like this. They’re important No, I agree the war against nostalgia is actually the war against tradition that that that that sounds correct Yeah, making the positive and negative thing and and yeah, i’d be curious to know when it turned negative Because nostalgia to me was never negative Right You know, it was it was whimsical, but it was never negative Right. Well, and then the way to make a spot Go ahead if I can make a point though When you talk about nostalgia in terms of homesickness, you’re talking about it in a materialistic frame If you look in the other sense of nostalgia, it says to heal or to recover Yeah, no, i’m not looking at it materials frame No, but you that’s what if you agree to nostalgia predominantly equals homesickness You’re going to miss the other side of nostalgia, which is the sense of recovery healing it with the embodied sense of depression there which is It doesn’t have a materialistic bent to it, which is where I think where we’re at like witness Nostalgic for a place we’ve never been or nostalgic for a place that we used to be You get half the truth you could say you’re not fully aiming you’re not fully oriented But it’s not the place itself It’s the things that make that place. It’s it’s the relationships And memories that make that place up And and I think that’s So that’s not really the material um So like in the article that I wrote I talked about Places places I did go as a child and memories I have but they were the memories were really shaped not by the You know not by the place itself, but the relationships that happened right there Right and when you when you focus on the relationships you change it out of the material Yeah, and and all of a sudden you re-enchant it right because materialism flattens everything and then and then it becomes a different thing So yeah, I mean this is right in the etymology to recover It’s not just a sickness. There’s a there’s a recovery in that word Right, and you’re just ignoring that side because materialism and yeah, that’s the problem that being said as we move as we move forward in time Is the internet a place that you can truly even have? um nostalgia it can nostalgia um really be um Born out of interactions on the internet, do you think because I I think it’s interesting because I mean, yes, we’re having somewhat of a relationship. I mean we’ve we’ve had one kind of You know, we’ve talked on video and stuff. Um, but It’s not I don’t know if it’s if it’s if it can be Any and maybe that’s why guys like for vicki are are like saying No, it’s a nostalgia because you know, like they maybe they recognize that you can’t You can’t actually have nostalgia on uh They’re casting it. They’re casting it as negative And I think that but the reason why john cast is negative is because he says we can’t go back He says that like 19 000 times in awakening from the meaning crisis and that’s fine, but it’s wrong It’s just observably just falls people go back all the time Like if you went the wrong way you have to go back There’s no choice about that, right? It’s just my And there’s nostalgia would be going back because I think it’s not about going back. It’s about bringing something Forward forward. Yes. No, it’s going back is creating a vulnerability Right when you retreat from your enemy You turn you back towards your enemy you’re actually allowing yourself to be slightly vulnerable and that’s the very thing that john John doesn’t want he doesn’t want to be vulnerable. But if you look at peterson Reason why the relationships people people form with peterson on the internet But purely because there was a certain time that we was a collective sense of vulnerability Rejoining to whatever the peterson movement was which created a vulnerability in us as well as It was a time of vulnerability itself, but but also peterson appeals to the past Yes But john doesn’t what john does is he says let’s go to the past and here’s a problem And let’s go to the and here this explains this problem. Let’s go and this explains this problem But you know, what didn’t have any problems neoplasms If you here’s here’s something if you try to um Constructing nostalgia Uh in an arena that doesn’t have a body. I think that’s where you get really weird shit happening Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah what you’re talking about with, you know, like Peterson the peterson waves. I mean and then maybe how that might how people might You know gather in their little their little corners or whatever Yeah, like that bad shit can happen there because there’s no There’s nothing there to give you real boundaries to bump up against the no t loss Right literally there’s no t loss and so there’s no container And because you can’t define it and so it spins out of control But peterson and vervecky are emergence is good guys. They don’t they don’t necessarily know that but they act as if emergence is good That’s why they’re okay with drugs Because emergence is good and drugs cause emergence like okay like fair enough, but also no we know this is wrong We know this is wrong like the scientific data is in guys Stop talking about it. Yeah to what you’re saying to deadchad, you know if you Enchant a place that doesn’t have a Fixed body you’re leaving yourself spiritually open You you actually are allowing yourself to be spiritually open, which is what circling is fundamentally right? like you were actually increasing your vulnerability to um I love the phenomena. So This is a remark on things Well, it doesn’t matter If the the way things happen, right we can call them different names So just say something remarkable happened when we spiritually opened ourselves up to something Right, like I remember going to um Used to be part of this pentacostal church, right? And so there’s a certain arena That we have where we had a conference Three to four weeks later 30 seconds to mars the gnostic cult gerolito band had the same type of concert With the same type of music and the people there were doing the same actions as the pentacostal movement that happened four weeks ago That’s what broke me. I was like, whoa Whoa, what’s what’s what’s happening here? Like it’s the same arena It’s a place that spiritually opened. It’s not a traditional environment That one tribe has come in it’s on a set of actions now different tribes come into the same place But there’s a very different sense of phenomena. It’s happening between the two Very different sense because what’s being what’s the telos of this gathering is very different And it creates a spiritual vulnerability. Is it? Yeah, that’s what that’s why you need both Like you can’t just do the thing you can’t take the procedure and transport it Right because telos matters and even if the procedure matches the telos But it’s a different telos you’re going to get different stuff because that’s what telos does it gets you different stuff, right? I would say it’d be very unwise to try to Again try to construct nostalgic Let’s say Nostalgia can’t exist without love. How about that? That’s probably a good way of looking at it And and what I mean is like the relational aspect. So yeah, okay Yeah, you and I are sharing in a fandom of 30 seconds to mars but that I mean that’s There’s not really love there now, maybe my wife My problem was there was love there, but it was a rock and a shoe for me I carried that Phenomena of noticing these two different events happening within the space to say two months, right? And that me seeing the same actions by two different tribes with the same type of music was something I couldn’t shake for years. It was like a rock and a shoe. I mentioned that yeah And then eventually it broke me because I realized what was happening there was once it was praising the right thing And the other was doing something completely different. That’s different. That’s now I would say the one that’s praising the right thing is One that’s rooted in love and the other is an attempt to be rooted in love But doesn’t have an anchor to love unless like I said my wife and I let’s say my wife and I are Are really big 30 seconds to mars fans Now we can have some nostalgic moments from the time that we went to the 30 seconds seconds to mars show and And like it was a wonderful thing, but that was the nostalgia is not about That particular exactly the band it’s about like the whole event there and our time together in our lives at that time and so that’s why love it loves at the bottom of it, but Yeah. All right guys. My love will heal the wounds that that event phenomena happened Yeah, that’s that’s how you know, there’s love there. It’s because you can carry these Rock and shoes these wounds whatever you want to call like whatever you want to container you want to put it in But it’s love is what heals or creates the potential for the nostalgia To be properly oriented and I think it’ll the nostalgia will survive the storms of of life, too you know, um because I just I still have some pretty fair events that happen That are tied together around some of those people and different events, but The there are some good things that I will remember that will be and those are the things that that our lives are built on I think So I just stick around guys, but I gotta get some bad now, but all right Sleep well my friend. Have a good one. Nice to see you When there is there is something like peterson talks about, you know Uh resurrecting the father, right? He talks about um Revivification right and that’s Like those are very old sorts of patterns and so In one sense we can’t go back because we don’t that context is gone the past is the past In the other sense though, we we have to we have to revive right, we have to Drag out the good stuff from the past and carry it forward Because if we don’t we’ll lose it and then once you lose it and I think that’s 2014. I think 2014 is the break There we go. Yes, we have to watch the masters of the universe 2014 is really I think the break that’s when we stop Dragging things from the past that were important and started just grabbing random garbage Well, I say it’s 2010 because that’s what the music industry does. So So I i’m curious what’s important about 2014 2014 That there are other sudden nursing phenomena that was contradictory to traditional values No, well, no a bunch of weird breaks happened in 2014 So one of the biggest thing that happened in 2014 by far That isn’t a big thing, but it was the biggest thing Eventually, right was gamergate and when you understand what happened in gamergate Which is just watch sargon of akkad’s playlist on gamergate. It’s not actually that long you can watch the whole thing Once you understand that this man who is a prophet in every true sense of the word Said this came from my little community my tribe This corruption and it’s just corruption. It’s none of the things that are projected about it are true It’s just a corruption is going to hit every single system and institution that you know about eventually and then nine years later It it yes, yes, is that the um, same thing that hit the southern baptist uh There’s a video I watched a couple about two years ago. I think the southern baptist convention actually adopted um As a part of their statement of faith folk ideology De i practices. Yeah No, it’s die. Let’s go with peter But that was their original thing, I mean this is they change they change the i because of peterson The people don’t realize that like peterson’s having a way bigger effect than than anybody realizes because it’s not just his followers that he’s affecting He’s affecting a whole bunch of people that actually don’t like him And he’s affecting a whole bunch of people that don’t know anything about it And no one has any idea like you you’re not getting it. His effect is Enormous the the only person with a bigger effect is Carl benjamin carl benjamin’s effect is so freaking you can’t even imagine. I’m sure I can’t even that it’s huge I see it pop up everywhere and I go. Oh, I know where that came from Oh, yeah, I know where that came from right and like some of it is reflected in like the t-shirts that I bought that I still have all of them. A couple of them are getting holes, but you know, it’s gonna happen after that long so It there’s there are these four titanic like it’s like tim pool before this the fake news Virus scamdemic was saying i’m out drawing cnn guys I have more viewers on my show than cnn has on any of their shows That happened a long time ago at this point And people people are still going like well the mainstream media is hanging in there. Mainstream media was dead Like a decade ago guys They’ve been declining in the u.s for 30 straight years Every year for the past 30 years viewership declined and it was never that high. It was never 10 percent Like well, how much lower can you go from 10 percent? Right, but it turns out you can go a lot lower And and they’re already I think in under one percent And if only one percent in u.s population is watching mainstream media, what the hell is going on? Well, they’re not moving the narrative the people moving the narrative are the people online and they have been for very very very long time So who’s that? That’s daily wire Right, that’s tim pool and it’s carl benjamin And there are others but they’re the big three they have all the audience basically right there the Pareto distribution on that side Yeah On that side of things. Yeah um, maybe i’ll i i’m gonna get out but the I’ll end on this slightly optimistic note Which won’t sound optimistic at first The depression is a part of the recovery phase Yep Yep Both economically spiritually and even relationally if you don’t go through these peaks and valleys, right you you’re in flat land Where everything just feels the same right you you have a bad nostalgia you’re not recovering anything Well, I like that. I like that formulation relationally because that’s the intimacy crisis Well, of course, it’s that’s that’s the most immediate The immediate order of effects, right if you fix the relationships with those around you All of a sudden your area your environment starts to feel better and then you have 30 people doing that, you know, you can imagine Imagine in a hypothetical situation That you focused everybody out on the largest picture on a larger picture like the state or the country And so they weren’t spending their time making small local connections That would automatically scale up because they thought scaling had something to do with them Even though they’re a muppet and they can’t scale imagine that just hypothetically just imagine that like it’s like that Totally just yeah, it’s just a thought experiment really Socially distanced socially distanced Oh, by the way, we’re talking about I put this up right I do this every every stream I Chat for bringing up nostalgia because Here we go well done Yeah, you brought that one up before too, I like that one that’s good that’s that’s the ultimate nostalgia right there T loss T loss the community What are you looking at? Looking at the boat we’re looking at people Right Right. All right, sir chiles good bless Tim what’s going on? What do you what do you got for us anything? uh, I’m combination of listening and asking questions because Yeah, interesting. Uh, what have you been watching if you wouldn’t watch grim? Do you watch vander clown? Do you watch verveky clown? Which which of the clouds do you watch? Oh, um I was actually the first thing I saw your video was the suits here. I haven’t finished watching it yet um, but uh, i’ve been Been very busy over here so the only other stuff I watch is some stuff that uh, jacob was doing on um, anti-semitism Um, i haven’t finished my text I think like six hours so i’ve been watching it. Oh Yeah, jacob’s got some great content. Yeah. Yeah um but um Yeah, so I just discovered you guys probably What three months ago Oh, wow. Okay. Well, you’re very new to the to this little corner as they’re calling it. Yeah. Yeah um and uh yeah, it’s quite interesting I actually I probably came in the Opposite direction of how I think other because it sounds like you guys were all part of this sort of peterson phenomenon Yeah. Yeah peterson was the thing that caused all this. Yeah, and joe is the other name that I recognize Yep. Yep And I think a lot of those people went over to lord of spirit while I started with lord of spirits and went the opposite direction Oh, that’s funny Yeah, yeah a lot of those people went to lord of spirits the ones the ones that were Already part of a church that were having a crisis of faith Yeah, that’s that they all went to lord of spirits. Yeah Yep, yeah So now i’m kind of circling back is I think uh, father stephen showed up on jacob’s stream That’s right And then jacob posted that the first time on youtube and that’s when I first started seeing. Oh, okay I got you. Well, that makes sense. Yeah, I came in through father stephen. That’s that’s funny Yeah, I did it. I did a talk with paul vanderkley where I um recently to Um live stream where I was explaining the difference between the meaning crisis and the crisis of faith And I think he’s finally starting to it’s only been three years Geez paul. This is so easy. How come you yeah? No one gets it. These are different things. They have a lot of overlap, but they’re very different things Yeah um Yeah, but a lot of the same things with What you guys are talking about are things i’ve been thinking about probably for like the last 20 years at least Yeah, well, it’s it’s been bubbling up. I mean that’s one of the things that uh, um, you know, jesse mentioned burn power Right is the anadromist. He’s got a great series on the anadromist youtube channel where how we got here It’s it’s ridiculously long and I can’t recommend it even though I watched most of it. It’s quite good But he he traces it, you know trauma from the wars all the way through the music into the 60s and 70s and things really blew up and then it’s been a cycle since then and uh I picked up a few really good gems from that series But you know, he’s basically saying the culture follows the music in a 10-year lag or five-year lag, whatever it is I forget if he pins it down or not and you get that from uh, francis shaker I No, I mean he Burn was there like he was literally there Okay, he was in like new york city when rap was created and knew He knows a bunch of these guys. It’s really fun. Okay Yeah, and and so he’s got his own little formula and framework for that that’s why I wish that the germans would release the The the silly videos that I could watch the the ones because we did a conference in thunder bay in september that I went to All those videos are released like they’re all out there and they’re they’re awesome So the the ones from the german festival have not been released yet, which is kind of a bummer Okay Interesting Yeah, because burn is probably one of the more interesting integrators Because he’s talking about art and music and stuff he experienced And he has all this contrast from new york city to alaska to tablisi, georgia. It’s like whoa That’s that’s some serious contrasting. You can really show stuff with that kind of contrast Yeah I was just carrying if he was getting some of his framework if you’re familiar with francis shaker and what he did Is he kind of? he in the 70s Went through a similar crisis of faith And was trying to trace back like okay. How did we get to where we are in the 70s? I think he made a couple of mistakes because I think he was pulling From secondhand information on a couple of philosophers He flipped a couple of them, but the main point still sticks as long as he Plays it with a different philosopher than the ones he pointed to is the one of the main problems But he does that same thing where he shows it going Uh, the friend he did he did labrie. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah burn was that labrie? Oh then that makes sense Yeah Well, I knew I knew I kind of knew the name but I can’t I can’t track in his religious stuff It’s way i’m not I don’t do that. That’s not my thing So, you know, I got my own non-religious strictly non-religious thing going on for reasons um So, yeah, I can’t I can’t track all that there’s way too much of it too. It’s just like it just expands infinitely, you know What’s your background I can ask like I am A self-taught Computer engineer guy basically that’s it. That’s my background. That’s my whole background So I was I was homeless when I was younger I never went to college Uh, yeah, I mean totally Totally built built my whole life by myself went through this meaning crisis thing when I was homeless and then I was like what? Why would anybody go through meaning crisis easy to solve? I solved it’s not a big deal And they’re like, oh wow, all these people are lost with the hell You know and you you find the meaning crisis through peterson. It’s like why would anybody resonate with this? This is all kind of like obvious stock stops that everybody knows when they grow up, right? Wrong it’s like oh Oh, okay, you know and then you get verveky’s work and I made this case on vanderklaas channel Probably two and a half three years ago now, uh, but my first talk with vanderklaas. Yep My name and peterson’s name in the title. It’s great. Uh, but I I said look the way to understand peterson was verveky’s science of meaning Right and now but now since then verveky’s totally gone off the rails and just said wacky doodle things Um, but his science of meaning is still good. I mean we still use the framework to help people so it works So yeah, we’ve been on discord for you know, three and a half Or so years helping people out who are in real trouble Uh using a lot of the peterson stuff a lot of the verveky stuff and a lot of stuff that we’ve pioneered ourselves um And yeah, you know that that worked great. Uh, it doesn’t pay the bills unfortunately That’s a different problem Yeah But I think usually most good things don’t make money Yeah, it’s yeah, you’re supposed to make money and do good things afterwards kind of but uh, I was I was trying to combine those two It didn’t didn’t really work out. So Yeah So, uh, it sounds like you’re are you pretty big in movie watching As far as no, no, i’m not. I don’t do media No, i’m i’m fairly I mean I like good movies, but they’ve got to be recommended because there’s a lot of crappy movies I hear you Not a lot with music either. I mean, I like heavy metal so but you’re like not all heavy metal Just try listing heavy metal bands I’m gonna run out real quick because I only like the top 10 percent of anything Same same with class. I think it’s in the classical. It’s like but if you start talking about most classical i’ll be like I’ve never heard of that guy You know because I only want to listen to the good stuff. So i’m you know, deitov and chikopi Fuck, you know, sure. I know those guys are great. Vivaldi Stravinsky sure. Why not right? Of course a cough. Yeah. Yeah Okay No, you know There’s a lot of crap out there. So Right. Well, i’m not i’m not super well read like I didn’t read any of the classics on purpose I’ve read one shakespearean play only because they made me uh, you know But you don’t need that. That’s the other thing too. Like you don’t need any of that like Oh, you need to read play dough and eric. No, you don’t you can figure all this stuff out by yourself it’s actually not that hard but people get caught up in the fantasy of being smart or knowing something or secret knowledge or whatever, right they get caught up in the gnosticism and then they you know, ah and it’s like And and they can’t understand me because they get these very simple models and they’re like well, what about the you know The third derivative of the second trigonometric funk and i’m like no, it’s really just two plus two Really and they’re just like no it can’t be that simple. It’s like now it really is so simple It’s real easy Yeah, people get caught up. They want they want these complicated hard things to solve and it’s like no actually it can’t be that way because Our ancestors didn’t have access to this stuff and they you know I don’t know if you heard I mentioned earlier about the cathedral Like it turns out you don’t need any advanced mathematics to build a cathedral. Not zero zip You can just use these simple geometric principles that you can do with strength and that’s actually how they built cathedrals. They just use strength They don’t need any measurements either right because it’s all ratios and proportions it’s not that hard Yeah, no, I mean once you have a pattern of you know, how long you want something you can Basically just line everything up and just cut it like okay Well, one of the one of the funniest things I ever learned that I thought was just a complete riot was You know one of these uh pyramid debunking videos what they basically said was Well, the reason why pi is encoded in the great pyramid of giza and all the other pyramids. It’s very very simple They didn’t use measuring tapes. They used measuring wheels And then you’re like, oh that totally makes sense because of course they’re gonna Do so many wheel rotations, right? And when you do so many wheel rotations, that’s gonna reflect pi in a way that is unexpected But also someone’s gonna figure it out and it’s like, oh well that totally makes It’s why pi is all over the great pyramid like you don’t need a conspiracy and ancient aliens to figure it out It’s like oh I see so you because you don’t have to like pi is Unconditional you don’t have to know the number to have it show up in a circle because it’s in the circle Like it’s not right People think like when you understand the detail level of everything in order to use the thing It’s like no one ever does that that never happened in the history of the universe. What are you talking about? You’re a lunatic. We use things all the time and have no idea how they work. It’s fine It’s fine. It’s not a big like you can get into the science of cooking, right? But you can’t out cook my grandmother. It’s not possible You know what I mean? Like she doesn’t need any of that science nonsense She’s got better methods for knowing And then it just works And you don’t need thermometers like like I love these people who like use thermometers to cook their steaks I’m like, what are you kidding me? You can’t tell on the grill when something’s done Because I can see it Because you can But and some people can’t like fair enough, but also like maybe you should get that skill Yeah, it’s interesting because my dad Cooked for years without a thermometer But since he’s gotten a thermometer, he’s actually improved and his stuff the way he cooked was always really good to begin with So I don’t know I don’t know if I’d be that black and white No, no, I mean you you can definitely improve things, right? That’s not the issue. The issue is Is it always better and is that the thing that’s making it better because it’s not clear to me that it is And then what are you losing as a result of the measurement because one of the problems that we have is that people don’t pay attention To what they’re doing anymore because we’re doing five things so we’ve enabled ourselves to do five things. Well, that’s wonderful But like what do you lose? Well, you’re losing the reflection time and the contemplation time and the meditation time that you’d normally have had Like when you drive to the grocery store in 10 minutes Like you’re losing all of that walking time that would normally be spent philosophizing in the correct way in a particular way Right, yeah, you’re actually losing stuff not gaining stuff That’s true, yeah Yeah, and people don’t they don’t see that there’s such a richness because they’re they’re looking at material things and going well Materially, there’s more stuff. There’s more quantity, right? There’s way more quantity So more quantity is better. It’s like well a no, it’s not and b what about the quality because quality is bigger than quantity right, because that’s the thing that opens you up to potential and the future and and the way like Quantity is a is a one-to-one relationship Quality is not quality is just it’s a many-to-many relationship So we can go all kinds of places that you can’t even anticipate that that’s interesting because Going back to your analogy of you know, you lost out on the ability when You went to the store. You had a long walk to the philosophies. It’s really interesting is one of the biggest selling points for the industrial revolution Was they would allow you to build the philosophies more? Yes. I know I know right, right. Yeah, that’s a good that’s a good catch. Yeah Yeah, well, well they want everybody to be more intellectual but their idea of intellectual is purely in your head, which is actually fantasy It’s not intellectual anymore And that’s what these guys are falling into right? They’re falling into the the line between intellectualism and non-intellectualism and like for vacay to be fair He tries to get it back with practices But you know he says over and over again like ariestotle and play-doh were wrestlers, okay Then there’s no practice there you you wrestle like why are you trying to invent a practice in place of wrestling? You already know what they did. You can just do what they did. Yeah, but then he goes well, we can’t go back We can’t go back. We can’t no we should go back. We should go back to wrestling. Like why is this a difficult equation? It’s really easy. We had the answer. We abandoned it. We can go back and get it We can update it. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same answer, but we have the damn answer. Why are we what are we doing? Yeah Well, then once you get sort of obsessed with the industrial revolution you start like doing more stuff It’s like I can do stuff It’s like can you I mean in the industrial revolution are you doing the stuff or is it a bunch of distributed cognition? Some of which is dead Doing stuff and then you’re reaping the benefits which makes it parasitic. Well, I think it’s parasitic right And and that’s why t-loss is important because if you don’t have one you’re probably being a parasite on something It’s hard to be generative when you’re not deliberately being generative it’s easy to destroy though that takes very little effort right But doesn’t a parasite also have t-loss too, I mean i’m maybe i’m mixing metaphors here, but I don’t think so. I mean it’s worth pondering. I don’t I don’t have an example for you right off the top of my head But I I don’t think it does I think that is the difference I think that is the difference like non-talotic action is parasitic always or or wrong talotic action because there is You you go either way with it, right? You’d say you do the no truschgotsman thing like everything that that doesn’t result in in manifestation or co-manifestation or procreation Is not talotic Uh, but also you always have a t-loss like you you’re always working towards something So it’s yeah, it’s not useful to to make that distinction in my mind Yeah It’s been a few it’s been a while since i’ve done philosophy it’s like 20 years ago So philosophy is terrible. Don’t do any Uh, that was sort of that was our live stream on yesterday on thursday There was don’t do philosophy all the philosophers are trolling you Uh, at least the ones past aristotle And uh, yeah, there’s pretty good evidence that that’s true I’d have to agree with that. Do you ever speaking of uh, pointing out them trolling you have you ever seen the mighty python skit on uh They did a skit where they actually hit the classical philosophers with the modern philosophers and a soccer match I’m trying to think i’ve probably seen it but it it’s not it’s not hitting my brain at the moment It’s been a long time since I watched any of that stuff It’s been a long time since I watched any of that stuff, but yeah, I vaguely remember them doing something like that Yeah, it’s it I watched uh, I watched life of brian recently terrible I was like, why do I find this funny? Oh, yeah, I was like, why did I find this funny? This is not actually funny. How how did that happen? Interesting so you had seen it before and you thought it was funny and then you said again, it’s not funny Completely hysterical Okay, I thought it was completely hysterical. I i’m a big monty python fan Yeah, then I watched it again recently and I was like this isn’t funny at all like none of this is funny There are a couple of jokes, but like the rest I was like really this how did I find this funny? This is so strange What do you think changed in the way that you looked at the world that? Well, I think I think it’s desacralizing now Okay, and I think I just have better desacralization sensors all of a sudden and so yeah, I mean there’s a bunch of stuff so I was watching uh, uh Tron legacy Right and you know, I rewatched tron legacy one day on a whim I wasn’t feeling well I’m like I need a you know, I need a movie that you know can get me back in the groove and I’ll watch some tron legacy It’s great film and um I was like, holy crap. I didn’t see any of this stuff before. How did I miss? You know, it’s right right there. The refutation of buddhism is right in that movie Right that the the christ’s sacrifice is right. I was like, how did I miss this before? Because i’d seen it like, you know, four or five times um, including in the theater, it’s such a great movie, but Yeah, it was weird and then I talked about this, uh in another stream Uh, you know the movie’s super bad When I first saw that movie, I thought that was the funniest movie That could ever exist in the history of the universe like actually I was like no No, this is because I could not stop laughing And then I watched it again several years later and I was like, this isn’t funny at all Yeah, there’s some funny lines in it, but I was like how did that happen? and it just turns out it’s one of those movies that because it’s new and fresh and Exciting, right? You know the jokes just work, but only once It’s not the only movie like that, but it’s the most egregious example in my opinion of Funny once movies and never funny again right Yeah, basically once the uh, the twist happens that makes you laugh Once you expect the twist, it’s only funny, right? You can only do it once and once you’ve seen the pattern it’s like oh now i’m tuned to the pattern of the of the movie and now I get all the stuff way before it happens and now it’s not funny anymore because It relied on that element of surprise right Kind of the same problem when you watch uh puzzle movies that once you find out what the uh, the puzzle is It’s not nearly as interesting going back right again right Right and some aren’t like that like some are just it doesn’t Like it doesn’t matter how many times I watch the matrix even though in many ways. It’s a terrible movie Um, the underpinnings are terrible Um, I still enjoy the matrix like I still and I still find stuff in it and go Oh, because the first major movie is so full of philosophical concepts just charcoal them It’s still there through the other three films as well Uh, it is well the second film has less But they’re deeper and the third film has even fewer but they’re way deeper Right, it just gets deeper it gets narrower but deeper in every film. It’s kind of funny Have you had a chance to listen through the commentary track with um, Colonel west and I can’t remember the other guy, but they’re both two philosophers Uh, no It’s really fascinating because they bring out all of Especially colonel west he brings out all of the eastern religions that influenced uh The stories and he actually predicted What they ended up doing in matrix four? When the original dvds got released for matrix 3 Really? Yeah Wow Based on what he was following in the story that he was picking up at the time. I completely missed but now through you know unorthodox and then also Going to lord of spirits I was like, okay, I can try to i’m like what he was picking up was, you know, through the way ahead of the curve Right. Well, and that’s part of the thesis that that that manuel and I have Some others that we developed on the awakening the meaning crisis discord server, right? We have this whole model around the loss of poetic information And then you get that back now you can now symbols work and you can see patterns everywhere Right and you know You don’t abandon propositions, but you lessen propositions and sort of increase your intuitive knowledge and That’s that seems to be the thing like that’s how you get people unstuck and get them out of meaning crisis You give them a way to relate, you know, not linearly not one-to-one but many to many That allows them to a bit but they have to buy into hierarchy And submission because if you don’t buy into hierarchy and submission it’s not gonna work right you have to You know if you’re trying to understand the world by yourself you’re screwed You’re just not smart. No one’s smart enough And that’s what people don’t want to hear because they’ve been told the opposite for so long. It’s like yeah, they just lied to you It’s okay get over it move on Yeah, if you think you can understand the world just look at any fortune 500 company and how much they’re feeling I think that’s the thing like I can drill down on a bunch of stuff with people and lose them instantly and go See, you don’t know anything about this It’s really powerful. I mean it shakes people up. They’re like, oh, I thought I knew something on this topic. I’m like no, you don’t And and that’s the thing like ooh You know once you sort of You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know You know once you sort of humble yourself and like find humility. It’s like oh But what but once you do that you’re free because now you realize I don’t have to worry about what what’s going on in the white house Right. I don’t have to worry about that every day. I don’t track that every day I don’t have to worry about how how far the fourth estate has fallen, right? I don’t have to worry about what carl benjamin said today on lotus eaters I don’t have to right because I can use other people to help me sense make that and just trust them And sometimes they’ll screw me for sure But most of the time they won’t and i’d screw myself anyway So it’s like oh, okay Well, this is actually brings down your anxiety because you have to track, you know nine things you can track like three And then and then it’s much just easier on you, right? And your life gets better and easier and you start focusing locally and then when things go right for you locally And whatever. I mean the president’s gonna do what the president’s gonna do. So Yeah, it’s all kabuki theater in my mind I There’s no way to kill back the onion to know Who the actual guy is behind the wizard? Yeah, exactly Um, because I you can’t get honest direct truth Yeah, I don’t know I mean, I know they’re trying to gain more power and that’s about the only thing I can guarantee that they’re trying to do But whether or not they’re going to be successful What is this matt see mark you’ve been missed where did I go how did you miss me I do look in live streams once a week Um, although next two weeks, I won’t be doing live streams. I’m not on fridays. Anyway, I might squeeze one at morning two in here Or there but not not on fridays Who who’s been what you’ve been absent matt not me You’ve been absent matt not me all I can think of So what’s your uh, have you one of the things i’ve been reading for a few years now I’m curious your take on that based on your soothsayer Video and I don’t know if you using it now because I haven’t finished watching that video yet. What’s your take on? scott adams Um scott’s an interesting guy. I mean I really liked his um Forget which book of his I read it was one of the more recent ones really good. Um Was it how to lose and still win bigly Yes, that’s what it was That’s the one. Yeah, that was really good. I read that mostly when I was in scotland actually oddly enough um I mean He’s struggling with bad worldview and he’s super logical and rational and he’s very smart and He just A lot of people have a hard time when their worldview is wrong and they have nothing else to fall back on Right. So what i’m pointing out here is if you don’t have a large frame to hold You when you have to give up your worldview you’re kind of stuck So you’re probably going to double down or get angry when the world doesn’t work out or You know, it’s probably just going to be really difficult for you um, you kind of need not just a grand narrative, but you know and Eschatological level narrative to hold you So that you can break down your worldview and you know Like a lot of people are just stuck in this political frame and it’s like What do you do when your party gets in political power and none of the things you think they were going to do happen? Literally none of them because that’s happened like that happens over and over again. It’s a it’s a perennial pattern It never goes away um Like you break like you just like you scream and you’re like no No it’s going to be you know the space aliens fall to the lizard people or ancient aliens or um, It’s it’s really a secret cabal from the billionaires that are pulling the strings, you know And it’s like dude, you were just wrong like relax calm down get a better worldview And scott adams doesn’t have a way to do that So I feel bad for him because he’s clearly stock and it’s like dude This is easy to fix like just fix it and he can’t he can’t Is he leading people astray I mean, yeah in so far as he’s holding on to this ridiculous worldview that doesn’t work and Using political framing like political framing is garbage. It’s the lowest resolution frame you can get Right and even peterson’s stuck in political framing. Well, you guys like, you know better like why are you doing this get out of that frame? It’s a horrible way to try to understand the world. Nothing makes any sense in political framing So Can you define what you mean by political framing I’m political framing binary and I have a video on on binary frames It’s just the binaries are terrible and you get stuck in the binary you’re screwed Because you’re only in two options. Everything has to fit in bucket a or bucket b Okay, right and then your options are bucket a is defined by x And everything that isn’t defined by x is bucket b But that’s a lot of things. It’s never there’s never an exact opposite to things so what ends up happening is You you know, you can redefine You know criteria a Right all day long But it’s never going to work because all the other things that aren’t that are a lot of other different things And I’ve got to disagree with matt know matt he was doing political framing a long time ago Uh, dandy wire is not political. Uh, if you can’t see that you’re actually just missing a bunch of stuff Uh ben jupiter is not actually a political actor Which is I know people think it’s actually not which is very funny um, I I keep telling lefties like I said this to To to vanderkley when we had kale and sam on us you guys are all lefties if you actually read Conservative news, that’s right folks conservatives mostly consume their news by reading Yes, that’s a fact. You can look it up. It’s always been that way if you actually read Conservative news you’d have a heart attack and die immediately just you just fall over because that’s what Conservatism is way different from what you think it is um And and and that’s the problem is that Like like ben shapiro regularly still as far as I know I don’t watch him anymore But uh, I well i’m gonna end up watching a bunch of them here next week for sure um Ben shapiro regularly gets crap from the orthodox jewish community because they’re like if you are like you are on your Podcast on your news program, then you’re not an orthodox too. It’s whoa No, no, no, this isn’t me This is me reporting on the news. These are not my views I keep my personal views out of the news because i’m an orthodox jew It’s like yeah, you got no idea about conservatism unless you understand what orthodox jews are like Because and I got a number of orthodox jew friends somehow. I don’t really understand it, but whatever jews love me They love me. I don’t know why it’s cool. I love them. They’re all great. Um, but it’s it’s weird because like He gets flack for all the time because yeah, you can’t be that moderate middle of the road And and be orthodox. They’re not moderate middle of the road guy at all If you think if you think when when shapiro’s on On there, he’s being right wing you you’re so far away from right wing You yeah, you wouldn’t you wouldn’t survive the encounter. It would kill you immediately you’d be like, oh and that would be the end of you Dead right away. Yeah Yeah, you’re not even conceiving at that point. You’re not even conceiving of where right wing is right wing is way Worse in some sense than you think You know, you think it’s uh, you know, like tim pool is is right wing or whatever It’s like tim pool is left-leaning moderate donald trump left-leaning moderate Uh donald trump is literally bill clinton Except for china and trade and he was always that way you can see him on oprah Um, i’m I i know bill clinton i’m friends with bill clinton. I voted for bill clinton bill clinton’s wrong on china and trade Almost exactly what he says Like almost exactly he’s never changed his position ever. He’s the most politically stable politician in the history of politicians Possibly in the history of all government like literally you’re not even getting how how different this is from the world being portrayed Yeah, that’s the funny part like no no the right never moved at all. They’re conservatives. They don’t move by definition Yeah, it’s not a swing no no see matt’s stuck if dw is political and it’s not political they’re a neutral news organization They’re extraordinarily ridiculously moderate Like that’s the funny part. They’re so moderate. It’s insane how moderate they are In fact, they’re more moderate than fox news was before roger ailes left, which is just amazing because fox was Left-leaning because all tv news is left-leaning Always was it always means left fox was this like left-leaning moderate out outfit and because look go read, uh with them, um American standard I forget, you know Like one of the old buckley publications or something like you wouldn’t believe what you’d be like what? You’d be like this is unbelievable. Yeah, it’s unbelievable, but that’s what conservatism is. They don’t watch tv They actually don’t actually watch tv Like this is why leftists don’t understand it. They think everybody watches tv No conservatives read their news. They get it from newspapers and magazines mostly periodicals mostly quarterly Like they don’t even they don’t even want daily news. They’re not interested in weekly news They’re very much like nassim taleb who says yeah, we read the news quarterly. Yes. That seems to live is correct Pay attention to the news quarterly. That’s it and and don’t pay attention to anything within the last quarter Right, you read the quarterly news from two quarters ago. So, you know what actually happens? I’ve been using that trick forever Like I didn’t I didn’t even realize everybody didn’t know that i’m like really this is kind of obvious but And to be fair like I used to watch cnn fox and msnbc all the time And then I could tell I could watch one story on one of them and tell you what the other two were saying about it It’s very easy. This is a simple skew calculation Right, but they’re also all left-leaning. So fox is You know the most moderate but like that doesn’t resemble any of the material that you would read In a in a conservative periodical. It’s just there’s no overlap at all. That’s the funny part There’s just no the way they talk about everything is totally foreign At that point, it’s totally foreign to the moderate position moderates would not even recognize the language They just use terminology completely differently because it’s conservative. So they’re using very solid well defined definitions for words that Moderates and leftists just throw out and change the meanings of all over the place Yeah, a lot of people just don’t know that It’s like it’s like a lot of people don’t understand. I don’t know if it’s still true, but Massachusetts for decades and california for decades. It might not be true now, but it was true for decades Have more republicans and more republican voters The reason why they’re democratically controlled is gerrymandering And that’s why they kept electing republican governors because we do it by the popular vote by the popular voters They would they they they lean republican Right, but when you do it by the district, which is how they allocate the you know, the the government Then they put all the democrats, you know together so they get the vote together and all the republicans are together And so that those states both end up democrat controlled even though they have a republican majority Like people don’t know this stuff It’s like now the world is not the way you think it is A little bit things are way more complicated Yeah, no california took it one step further than they created what’s called the jungle primary And so what that means is that only the top two Primary candidates regardless of party gets to be on the ballot Oh, that’s weirdly illegal. I love it For four years you’ve only we’ve only had options in california to vote for two different democrats for the senate Wow the last decade so basically the last Both first Senate which is whatever four years then of course the Four years you’ve only we’ve only had options in California to vote for two different Democrats for the Senate Wow You don’t even get the option of voting for any other party So yeah, that’s they just yeah, I see they rigged it that way. That’s yeah Yeah That’s super clever yeah Also fundamentally evil but also clever say like points were clever all points taken away for evil. That’s how I do it Yeah, so yeah, there’s basically I think the last time before that was put in place was when Schwarzenegger was government And from that word there’s there hasn’t been any way to vote for Yeah, it’s it’s it’s remarkable that the rigging of the system and nobody’s paying any attention Or really understanding the magnitude of the problem and like yeah, this is gonna come snapping back with with death That’s how this is gonna end guys if you don’t end it soon. It’s gonna end with death You gotta get back on the idiot back on board Yeah It’s it’s fascinating to to watch some of the old like William Buckley on TV stuff back in the day when he was on like PBS and stuff you can find that online There was some clips and this is like what and he was like he was the leader of the conservative ideals back in the day back in the 60s and 70s and such are and If you haven’t heard them talk, it’s like whoa What about it sticks out to you as being whoa, I’m curious I I mean I’ve heard his name a lot I just never read his stuff I Try the question again, I didn’t quite follow it. I’m curious. What is it that makes you say? Whoa about William Buckley’s Oh I see. That’s like well, it’s just Again, it’s his framing for things. Okay, and and it’s his like like conservatives will stand ground Like they’ll just say like nah No, not moving never you know, they don’t they don’t they don’t have any progressive disease So they’re not like change is good. They’re like no no we can change things But first we’ve got to slow down and do a little research, right? It’s a Chester since fence problem, right? They’re like now we’re not gonna we’re not gonna change anything unless we really know what we’re doing We’re just not like that’s not even it’s not even a consideration on the table And if you bring it up and shoot it down immediately and they and they just do it they just shoot it down They don’t go. Well, you see let me explain. They don’t explain anything. They’re like no No, we’re not doing that And then they move on from there which you know for me. Yeah, that’s the right answer Like stuff’s been around for thousands of years just because you didn’t read any history doesn’t mean that that you’re right It actually means that you’re probably wrong I Tim are you going to Chino? I’m not going to Chino. No, I’m not going to Chino. I Didn’t think so, but I figured I’d ask since it came up. Yeah, I will not be attending Chino I never had any plans to I don’t have a good feeling about Chino, but I hope it goes well Also, I got a family obligation. So No, nothing overrides my cousins. Sorry Nothing that doesn’t happen. My cousins are actually all good So yeah, especially especially the cousin I’m going to visit because I stayed there for for a couple of days and like I got nothing But treated like royalty. I was like, oh, this is great. I should stay with Tony more often. He’s wonderful Yeah, we went out to fancy restaurants and ate like complete pigs and no brownies It was Sounds like It was fun. My last trip was fun. Yeah, it was it was before that it was a little dicey But yeah, my last trip was fun. I flew up this time I got a drive So I’ll drive up and drive up for a couple days and drive back down which is but I like to drive so the drive is fun because I I’ll probably take the Yeah, I’ll take the coastal route up and I’ll probably take the mountain route back, but maybe not. We’ll see We’ll see how I feel I might take the coastal route back down it Where are you based out of again mark? I’m in South Carolina. Okay Actually, I think that’s where my brother wants to move when he gets out of the military. Oh Really? Oh cool. Yeah, I like it here. I like it a lot Does it I’m two hours from the mountains and two hours from the ocean. So not bad Yep. Yep. Yeah his wife wants to get something with a little bit of land to eat. She can have horses. Oh My goodness dude like land here it just like it’s practice practically handed to you. It’s Ridiculous how cheap everything is it’s absolutely as long as you don’t want to live in Charleston or you know downtown I’m not far from Columbia, but downtown Columbia is really expensive Relatively speaking but even that it’s not that much money, you know in a couple of other spots are expensive But everything else is so insanely cheap, you know, I’m on 12 acres I didn’t spend a hundred thousand dollars for 12 acres in a house. Oh, wow Yeah Yeah Down the street for me. They got I think they’re acre lots for a hundred twenty thousand new builds to car garage 125 in that range. Yeah, two miles two miles from my house. I’m 20 miles out of Columbia That’s nice deal Yeah Yeah, no Matt, I don’t have a good feeling about Chino Chino just seems like chaos to me And not already on the coast know what you don’t want to be on the coast here because they have alligators That’s one reason The other reason is the coast floods a lot because we have the lowlands and the midlands I’m in the midlands and we’ve got the uplands. I’m in the midlands. I want to be in the midlands It’s a lot cooler and a lot nicer where I am and it’s not mountains because I don’t I don’t actually want the mountains So I love the mountains. They’re gorgeous, but I don’t want to do the mountains Yeah, the coast down here is brutal like the whole reason why Camden exists is because people are getting out of Charleston during the summer and Camden’s no picnic either. Although Camden is way better than Columbia Columbia’s Oh I see I see see the true tell us comes out here with Matt. Yeah, but you’re in game-cart country. Mm-hmm Uh-huh. See it was all a ploy. He you know, I don’t know you’re gonna be up in the mountains You can’t be in game-cart country. Oh Clemson’s up in the mountains man Yeah, that’s a nasty. I don’t even understand those things right cuz everything in Boston where I’m from is there We it’s the national teams We don’t fight over the college teams. Nobody even knows who they are You know like we fight over the national teams because we always had good national teams At least in one one or two sports at once so yeah, we never I’m not used to this whole like College team rivalry thing is just like complete anathema to me. I’m like what? What do you mean? See I grew up in Southern California, so it was always UCLA versus USC Matt then come then come clean which which fan are you if you’re if you’re not if you’re not if you’re not a Clemson guy and you hate USC what the hell? Or do you just hate all the South Carolina teams or is there another team I don’t know anything about because it bit Clemson versus USC is like huge here like people This fight but my goodness is that the most Yes, I’m very low resolution. This is I have to ask my best friend John because he’s a huge SC fan Yeah, and ask him about Clemson. See what he has to say No, they go nuts, it’s really funny. I mean it’s all good-hearted and stuff, but it’s really really funny to watch Yeah, there was a company I was working for for a while unfortunately but um, they had these three conference rooms and one of them was Clemson colors and and Mascot the other one was USC colors and mascot. I was like, okay Yeah, it was Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah people just go nuts with that. I’m like, what is wrong with you people? Why are you doing this? It’s crazy You know what I grew up with you, Southern California I couldn’t tell you Yeah, yeah, no, I don’t I don’t really understand the sports religions And I’m not a super big sports guy anyway, like not that I don’t like I love to go to a good ballgame but we saw when I was up in New England last time we actually caught the opening opening day for the for the Manchester Monarchs, so that was that was fun Is that a Basketball team trip triple a baseball triple a baseball. Okay. I think it’s triple a I forget now Yeah, we just happened to catch opening game my uncle and I because he’s a big baseball fan so That was fun. Yeah, I’d love a good Red Sox game, you know, whatever And I’ve been to the Fireflies down here. That’s cool. We got a brand new stadium. It’s very nice Nice but but I’m not like I don’t follow that stuff. I don’t go Let’s see. We’re at the stats. I don’t I don’t do that. I Hear you Yeah, I didn’t even tell you Other than the teams that I knew just from growing up because everybody’s obsessed before I grew up. I had you know the Dodgers the Angels I Couldn’t tell you where they’re at or what they’re doing. It’s just Nasty listen, there’s a reason the Midlands and mountain regions best here obsessed with sports ball. They have no beaches Dude, I’m telling you I’ve been in Charleston in the middle of the summer. It is not pleasant Okay, you can talk about the beaches all day long I’ve been on the beaches up in the Outer Banks and stuff and it’s still not pleasant like it’s it’s good It’s way better than inland Sometimes and sometimes it’s not at all like sometimes it’s like oh, please take me in linsir Please, you know because the dry heats much better, you know in some cases So it’s not that straightforward Matt. Don’t be giving me that Like I said Camden Camden, South Carolina only exists because it’s too hot in the summer in Charleston That’s where the that’s where the money all went beautiful. You never did Camden, South Carolina’s absolutely gorgeous horses everywhere They got all kinds of things up there gorgeous bunch of Revolutionary War history I knew nothing about so so happy come down south. I learned all these things about the revolutionary war I’m like those bastards in New England lied to me those sons of bitches. Ha now I have I have more data I give you a little bit more data my Great-great-grandfather my mother’s side is that next door’s neighbors with Thomas Jefferson? He was an inventor And actually created a safer gunpowder which is part of the reason why we’ve won the Revolutionary War because our guns discharged less than the red army Yeah, we had a lot of good firearms technology, right? Yeah the mounting rifles and stuff and a whole bunch of job that helped but the thing that people don’t know is that although all the battles in the south were smaller the Southerners won almost all their battles where it’s the other way around all the battles in the north were more people But they lost almost all their battles in the Revolutionary War. It’s very funny and And actually it was the South coming on board because the the Brits took it for granted that that wasn’t gonna happen But it was the South coming on board as a result of I can’t remember the name of general. It’s too late at night Tarleton that’s his name Tarleton put some local in charge and like said you do whatever you need to do and he just started burning farms and they’re like Wait, what? Screw the British and then they just started to attack and harass and the movie the Patriot is actually You know, they’re rolling up characters. They’re rolling up multiple characters in one character But it’s actually fairly accurate from what I can tell if you start digging Information which is very hard to find. Um, you kind of realize oh, no, no, no, this is You know, this is this is pretty accurate actually not in spirit not, you know, not exact facts But the patterns are actually correct And they because it because they were all like no no, we’d never fight against the British. You kidding? We’re Brits We’re not we’re not doing it and then it was just this one boneheaded movie And they were all like, no, no, we’re not doing it. We’re not doing it. We’re not doing it And then it was just this one boneheaded move by one arrogant piece of garbage and and him putting the wrong people in charge and Boom, he created a war that didn’t need to exist and had the South not gone to war We definitely lost no question about it So yeah, and at the same time there were two battles of Camden and they couldn’t get Camden back Part of that was bad luck You know Yeah, there’s all kinds of little historical and and of course, you know They’re big on Civil War down here, which I think is the worst war ever to even think about but yeah Oh, well, you want to talk about a major change in our country. That was That’s a basically what killed our Constitution Yeah, well, I mean I I don’t think that’s what killed it. I think FDR killed it but The real the real problem let me put this way FDR wouldn’t be able to do what he did if it wasn’t for the Civil War No, I think he would have and he would have done it anyway I mean you can you can argue either way on that but the thing the problem with the Civil War is everybody misunderstands what happened and Everybody was on the wrong side of every issue somehow and it just it’s mind-blowing to me how you rule four states rights In the way that they did in the Supreme Court like that that’s just like what wait what that’s backwards It’s actually Dred Scott’s backwards and it’s Massachusetts that started the war basically Massachusetts is fault Which I find amusing Yeah, that that’s the thing is the That’s what I mean by the FDR wouldn’t be able to do what it is because of the fact they basically emboldened states rights Yeah in a weird way they took out states rights using Legal corruption roughly speaking right because they were afraid of the repercussions Right. I like the book American Nations by Colin Woodard. He basically cast the whole thing as a battle over Future slavery not current slavery and it’s like oh Totally. I mean, I think he’s right. It sounds right to me and it’s not the only one that talks about this But I think he makes the best case for it actually What so what’s his argument about future slavery versus currently mean It was more none of the new no other state was gonna be allowed into the Union if they allowed slavery That was already a done deal But what that meant was that the political power of slaveholding states is gonna go down and they knew eventually that man Slavery would be abolished and so they forced the issue sooner rather than later Because they had the power they’re like well we have this this many votes today and We’re gonna have fewer in the future. So we don’t fight now We’re in trouble Right, okay And that was a time of expansion right they were like, oh there’s all this land back here and we can fill it up with people So we’re gonna bring more states online And that’s why you get I think it is it Kansas that was split Yeah, there were two states we had a lot of brother-on-brother fighting in particular because of the split It even happened in states that were marked as being southern states There are parts of the states that anyone goes for example My dad’s side of the family they were in Campbell County, Tennessee, which is Eastern, Tennessee They didn’t want to go with the south They wanted to go to the north right when the north came in they treated them as though they were the south and so They hated both sides the war Right, but that would it explains all this because he redraws the geographical map to the Immigration pattern, okay, and then and then he shows all the immigration patterns You’re like, oh right because because really like Appalachia Should be its own like the country of Jefferson or the state of Jefferson should exist like that because they’re all the same Right, but they span all these states right because Appalachia is you know, north northeastern, Georgia, right? Northwestern South Carolina Southeastern Tennessee, right? It’s Virginia. It’s West Virginia. It’s North Carolina, right? Kentucky like there’s all these things wrapped up, but all those people are the same. They’re all in the mountains because they’re rebels They’re all Scots Irish. They’re all pretty much the same. They all have the same political ideas, right? but they’re but they’re strewn across all these states and then you look at something like Tidewater which is the mid-atlantic state versus And it’s and it’s like halfway down Maryland and halfway down North Carolina, right? They’re very different from the deep south But they’re closer to each other than they are to the Yankees because everybody hates the Yankees. Fair enough I was in Yankee. I’m not a Yankee. I’m French-Canadian So we don’t play that game, but like fair enough that the Puritans are bad But that’s the thing like who allied with whom is you know So the funny thing about Appalachia according to Woodard is Appalachia is against every single war until it’s declared and then they’re all in this is weird They’re just like nope. Nope. No wars. No wars. No wars and when we declare war, they’re like, alright, let’s do this It’s like wait a minute. What what happened? They have there’s nothing in between for them. It’s really really funny It’s really because they’re all they’re all Like they’re all Scots-Irish that were screwed over by the British military So they hate government. They’re all rebels. I want to call them the rebel mountains I think we should just rename Appalachia the rebel mountains give them their own state so they can vote correctly Everything will be better Interesting, okay Matt Matt the Puritans were always bad. Everybody in New England knows the Puritans are bad The Puritans were always bad everybody in New England knows the Puritans are bad It’s just it they think their puritanism is good and the other puritans are bad. That’s all it is. I’m serious that’s all it ever was and And that everybody hates the Catholics fair enough, but I’m French-Canadian So my whole family is Catholic and the other side’s Irish. That’s no better. They’re all Catholics, too So they were the last two holdout countries for Catholicism and the French-Canadians were crushed like the last last Alright, it was only recently that that collapsed the Joe talks about that I’d love to get a deep dive on that the Puritans were always bad there be so the amazing thing about about American nations by call and order the thing that I learned that Really pulled it all together because the North-South divide doesn’t make any sense at all The the North-South divide is simply this it’s the difference between Public Protestantism in the north and private Protestantism in the south and that difference roughly speaking is Public Protestants believe that if there are no liquor stores People won’t get drunk and therefore that will bring about the shining city on the hill private Protestants don’t believe in the shining city on the hill and They don’t they don’t believe that you should be interfering with the lives of other people and if somebody’s a drunk That’s between them and God That’s literally the difference and once you understand that all the North-South stuff makes total sense like abolition Prohibition it all it’s all like oh Right because then when you start look where those movements come from the Metals and Quakers. Oh, they’re the worst They’re the ones that rabble-rous all this garbage Okay, fine, they do seem to think they’re fixing things in Puritan 2.0 Yeah, well they do the North-South divides keep you folks away from our gloriously human beaches. No, that’s that’s not what it’s for That’s not what it’s for. Well, also I found out why that see that book is great Colin Woodard awesome American nation is an awesome book learned so much I thought there was no more history for me to learn in the US and man that book just broke that open He he did a great job That book just broke that open he he points out the reason why the southern schools are are Terrible is because the northerners the Puritans came down to educate all the children after the war and the Southerners were like no Okay, it’s not just the southern is like nobody who emigrated to the United States one of the Puritans teaching their children Nobody ever the Germans kept moving west, you know that yeah, the Swedish came in They wanted nobody wanted the Puritans so because they didn’t want them educating their children So the Southerners were like I know what we’ll do We’ll just remove all the funding from the school system and the northerner carpetbaggers will go home It’s literally what happened and they never refunded the school systems. They never put money back in the school system So they’ve terrible schools down here. It’s literally that simple. It’s a legacy from that whole time period It’s so bizarre and they’re going to see it you’re like wow, you can’t unsee it It’s like oh all these patterns make sense now. They’re shocking I guess I would part of you another reason why they wouldn’t like the north and if the north was the the public Puritans Eastern my dad’s family were German brothering. Oh Yeah, no, no the truth. Well, so another thing that Woodard points out and I’ve read this elsewhere But like he does a much better expose them than the one I had originally read So they go into Philadelphia to like form this new thing, right? That eventually becomes the United States and the first thing they do is they take William Penn’s folks the friends and they make sure they Have no voting power whatsoever So first thing they do because all the sides are like these friends man, they’re they’re creepy. Let’s make sure they can’t vote Where they invade their city their actual city and they prevent them from voting about any of the country Automatically first thing they do. It’s like what what? How did I miss that my history class? They don’t talk. That’s the thing like words really good about that Like I understood when I came down here and realized this is all this revolutionary war history I’d never heard of it was like wow, I understand that cuz I grew up in Boston like I grew up in Boston Right. I’m in the level which is probably the most historical city in the history of the universe, right? I’m going to Boston field trip to go to the museums get history museums all kinds of stuff all over the place, right? Just great great learning about the the revolutionary war except nothing about the South almost nothing ever And of course, nobody wants to talk about the Civil War except the Southerners, which is fine. You know problem with that I don’t want to hear about it though So you end up with this view of the victorious north and it’s like well you look at it You’re like, I don’t know they weren’t very victorious and then you find out the southerners like kick-ass They just were kicking tail and taking names left right and center, but they’re all small battles like they’re very small battles I Was the Requiem for this column order column order. How do you spell that? What are wooded wooded? Yeah? American nations the 11 nations of North America or something is a subtitle. It’s quite a good book I were blown away Now the very ending of the book right after he talks about public and private Prostitism oddly enough he goes completely off the rails and starts doing future prediction and Like Greenland is the utopia and I’m like, I don’t you must have been dropping acid or I don’t I don’t even know How you get there? No idea how you get there It was crazy talk literal crazy. It was literally like dude either you’re on some medication You shouldn’t be on or you’re off some medication you should be on but this is just weird so ever Book recommendation for you since you’ve got some that he might mention in his book It’d be interesting does but that there’s a book you may want to read Especially if you’ve already read the Federalist Papers There was a book written in 18 20 by Yeah, it was 1825 Was written by this guy named John Taylor. He was good friends with Thomas Jefferson Okay, and Thomas Jefferson’s actually Quoted I don’t know if they prayed the foot just for the book or he actually did say this but basically said the reason why he never wrote about what he meant when he wrote the costumes because his friend John did it with some minor quibbles and What the book does is basically Reason why it’s important is it came out two years after they declassified all the personal journals Everyone who was at the Federal Convention of 1773 And So because that he’s actually showing By pointing to the journals where the Federalist Papers lied What was agreed upon? Oh When they signed the Constitution Really? Yeah What’s the name of this book new views of the Constitution by John Taylor Oh Yeah, there it is, okay cool Thanks. I might check that out Matt thinks I am probably the only person awake in Camden. I’m not in Camden. I’m close though. I love Canada candidates gorgeous It’s a beautiful little place to visit They get a nice little bookstore downtown. Oh, they get some cool books there reminds me of Harvard Square back in the day Harvard Square is now a scum pit, but back in the day it wasn’t All right, I think I’m gonna sign off Alrighty, sir. Well, it was great to meet you and soon Yep. Yep. As long as the stars align I’ll be here Alrighty, sir. All right. Sleep well. Take care And I’m not no I think I’m gonna go to bed because it is it is way past my bedtime I stayed up too late as usual but that’s what we do on Fridays to make sure all the All the Buccaneers are taken care of so thank you everybody for watching Watch my other live streams. They’re all awesome watch my other videos and navigating patterns because they’re awesome and I hope this was tell us talk was helpful and it’s gonna be a couple weeks, but we’ll get back into the Friday thing And get Jesse on there You’re welcome. Matt. You control me anytime. It’s perfectly fine. I love a good troll Very fun. Yeah, I hope everybody got something out of this and I hope to see everybody a couple weeks Three weeks when I do it all again, and I’ll try to do live streams in the meantime if I can Have a good night sleep well behave