There is inequality. What that means is there’s always going to be people around that are better at something than you are. And that’s a problem because you can get jealous and you can get bitter and you can get resentful. And worse, you can get hopeless. His friend of mine, he told me something so funny. He was decrying his lack of success in the world. And he compared himself to his roommate. He said, you know, his roommate, his college roommate was doing much better than he was. And his bloody roommate was Elon Musk. It’s like, really? It’s like, oh, you’re not doing as well as Elon Musk. Well, I mean, you can see it would take it rather personally because they were roommates and everything. It wasn’t like he was doing badly. Like he was doing pretty damn well. It’s like, I’m not as good as Elon Musk. It’s like, yeah, well, you and like seven billion other people, you know. But I thought it was instructive because, well, you have to be careful who you compare yourself to.