All right, so Josh the Mover says, I’ve heard it said before, I’ve heard it said that before the second coming of our Lord, a new Elijah will come as John the foreigner preceded the incarnation. Is this a dog with the Orthodox Church or mere speculation? How do we distinguish such a figure from a false prophet? And so there’s this idea in Revelation of the witnesses. And so there are different traditions about how these witnesses are, Elijah and Enoch, this idea of these people who kind of ascended into heaven and now kind of come down and act as witnesses. You see that in Revelation and in some of the early traditions. So there is kind of this idea. And I mean, it’s not that hard to distinguish. It’s not that hard. It’s maybe harder than you think, but way to distinguish a false prophet from a real prophet. One of the ways is that the prophet is calling on someone else. The prophet is preparing the way. St. John the foreigner was preparing the way for someone who was greater than he was. And so he didn’t want the buck to stop at him. He wasn’t calling upon people to worship him or to admire him. He was constantly trying to, even though he did have disciples, he was constantly trying to kind of show people the way towards something else. And so, it’s like if someone appears and wants to start their own church, then that’s already a big problem. But if someone appears and is telling people that they should go back to church or that they should rediscover the tradition that they should return, that you should repent the way that St. John talked about, then already you’re in a safer spot, I think. Anybody who starts their own church is already, I’m sorry, is just right away is a problem because authority doesn’t come from you. Your authority never comes from yourself. It always has to come from someone else. And so even Christ, for example, whose authority came directly from God, for the people manifested it as being baptized by John the foreigner and then John showing everybody that this was the one that he was preparing the way for. And so this is just how it should be. And so I always kind of joke and say that, like I agree with Martin Luther when he’s criticizing the corruption of the church and the kind of the abuse of the system of indulgences, all of that, I’m like, I’m with you, Luther, I’m with you. And then when Luther starts to like name his own priests and starts to act as if he’s a bishop all of a sudden, then it’s like, sorry, Mr. Luther, then I just can’t follow you anymore. Same with a lot of the other reformers. Like as soon as you take authority on yourself and you start to have your own church, then it seems to me like you’re on the wrong track. [“Pomp and Circumstance”]