But so one of the important things that like the important reasons why Matt here talks about that that way It and a lot of people kind of miss why he uses the word recreation he’s doing it for a very and some people got annoyed by the term recreation because they they felt like it’s like recreation in the sense of you know, just hanging out like just this idea of a of Taking a vacation, you know So you’re you’re you’re playing a game, right? But there’s a more important aspect, which is that in Scripture that aspect or the the non The recreational aspect is actually part of recreation it’s what it’s how you resurrect things and And so there are moments and it happens, especially in the story of Judah and Tamar like that story is about that It’s about that. The lever it is about that. The lever it is about this like It’s bad and and the way that it’s told in the story of Judah is is especially about that because Judah thinks he’s sleeping with a prostitute Because Judah thinks he’s sleeping with a prostitute and by doing that he’s actually resurrecting his son He’s rector he’s resurrecting his son’s line and And so it doesn’t justify what he did. He’s actually blameable for what happened, but it nonetheless that’s what happens and so so you can understand that and And that’s why again I keep I it’s like I keep trying to get people to understand this that’s why The resurrection of christ happens in rome That’s why the resurrection of christ is adjoining with the foreign woman it’s not it it can’t be Adjoining with the with with israel at least not at the outset And it had to manifest itself as adjoining with the foreign woman No, so when you say in rome you mean like in the roman empire, right? But it happened that rome happened outside of the city of jerusalem, right christians No, I mean resurrection not just resurrection of his body. I mean the body of christ the the coming up of the body of christ was had to happen in so It had to first it has to first happen in the foreign land because it’s a part of a new world It’s like a recreation of a of a world It’s not a continuation of the old world. It’s a it’s a it’s a change so When there’s a change of world think about it like think of places where there are changes of world in in the in scripture so The two spies go into the city. Where do they stay before that city is going to turn to change to the other side? They stay with the prostitute because that’s that’s just it’s the same. It’s the same stuff it’s like for for the list like Shift to happen there has to be there’s something connected with that other side and so like To resurrect let’s say so you can imagine like so so There’s a there’s this famine in in in the world, right and jacob is about to die with his sons And what saves him his what saves him is? His son joseph joining with the foreign woman Right joseph goes to egypt and that’s how he resurrects the body of Of jacob and it’s like it’s it you’ll see it. It’s just it’s there everywhere in the scripture matzah like just really Nailed it like in terms of seeing a pattern that people haven’t doesn’t seem like he’s seen matzah is like He he didn’t lay it out enough like in my opinion like I wish he would have like just Like but he really wanted to write something which was like this Beautiful pure Text, I know but but he could have laid it out way more and showed you like, you know I’m just not I i’m not just making this stuff up guys. It’s everywhere. You know, so so that that aspect like the aspect of the You could call that the wine aspect or the this this it has a it has a function it has a function in this This like refreshing of the of of reality, you know Of reality, you know compared to just feeding it compared to just giving bread. It’s like It’s a turn right so you get drunk you turn it’s like this turning and then Yeah, I think your brother’s book and i’m not sure if I covered this in the three-part review that I gave of him last year That word recreation was super helpful for me because even that like take like the increment of a week and how Sabat or the sabbath is supposed to be the day of rest the seventh day of creation um Of recreation so it’s like instituting a mini flood So you do things where you’re turning in circles you dance you play music you take naps, you know, you do things that Aren’t productive right? You do things that are pleasurable you do things that are celebratory Or pointless, you know, that’d be the time to do it And that was super helpful for me because like that word is perfect my two uses the word pointless such a beautiful Every word he uses is so perfect. It’s like it’s pointless and he’s saying it doesn’t have a center Right. It doesn’t have a it doesn’t it doesn’t move into a point. It’s not a pyramid. It’s not any of those patterns It’s pointless. It’s right. It’s it’s not a axiomatic or it’s like the horn without a point So it’s tying to music as recreative But so what we do we do need to understand that that sexuality is basically the image of how everything manifests And so that’s why st. Paul uses the relationship between men Man male and female as being the pattern of reality and so like jp marceau had a great he had he had such a great Expression and when he realized finally that that it’s head and body like That’s the that’s the structure of everything and so you have a you have a head and then you have the the The potentiality that come together to manifest that head and so it’s like that’s how everything work and he said It’s heads and bodies all the way down and I was like, yes, that’s the perfect way to describe it And so and so but the idea that that all the reality is basically a it’s always like a mini sexual union It has a sexual Structure and that in in the old testament in genesis when it talks about heaven and earth And then it is really really exactly like the chinese it is male and female It is masculine and feminine and it is this Coming together and finding places where it can connect and be fruitful in its connection and so all the formulations are about finding places for The the invisible influences right the seeds the invisible seeds of the world to find body proper bodies and to manifest themselves in a proper way and so That can become unbalanced and that’s when you get you get giants you get monsters you get all kinds of weird stuff um, but the way how do we balance it and so That’s what the temple is the temple is the building of a body To receive the the the glory and so you can imagine it as a As a seat with the king you can imagine it there’s all kinds of images which are about the joining of these two opposites But it also it also does have a sexual connotation it has a sexual Has sexual imagery in it as well So so we have to understand that that sexuality is an is an image of how the cosmic how the cosmic reality Manifests itself. It’s one of the most succinct ones actually, you know, and uh, and that’s why that’s why christianity represents itself as this union of of a bride with a groom and that that’s how The that’s how the the world is saved So you have a cosmic body which is joined to its head or a cosmic bride, which is joined to his its groom and that’s how you have a a well-balanced world And would you say that pattern of marrying the foreign or marrying the gentile carries through with the christ story as well Well, yeah for sure. That’s what the samaritan story is about And the canaanite the canaanite woman the canaanite so there are several images like there’s the there’s the the the samaritan He’s really She’s she’s i’ve written about this if people are interested because she’s really not only the foreign woman But she’s the loose woman like the term that’s used in proverbs when it talks about the foreign woman is a word that could also mean Like a loose woman, you know, not just a foreign woman. And so the samaritan is that’s who she is, right? She’s had you can you can count them. She’s had five husbands. Yeah, and she’s had a sixth husband, which is not legitimate So she’s on six And then christ is the seventh day christ is the is the one who he’s he’s the final day He’s the final day of creation And so he he and that’s why he and that’s the day where he joins with the foreigner That’s the day of his husband That’s right that christ is the seventh husband and so recreation Yeah, that’s what it is. That’s exactly what’s going on in that story. There’s no other way to to see and it’s about um and so And so there’s that story. There’s the story of the woman The the woman who’s healed her for bleeding that’s an important story because it’s it’s that it’s about an impure woman And so the woman who is it was impure and is bleeding is also an image of the of the foreigner In the sense of the impurity and so christ makes her pure Right. So he he he he he makes her pure and then he also makes the impure meets pure And so all of this is all about joining with the foreigner. It’s all these image of joining with a foreigner um, and so and there’s actually like a really interesting kind of little trope in there, which is that You know when christ comes into druzlem sitting on uh on an ass, you know sitting on a on a on a donkey Even until today if you read a rabbinical description of of that prophecy they’ll say that The the you know the sitting on the donkey is the messiah dominating The foreigner that’s what it is Right because he’s sitting on the donkey. He’s mastering the impure and mounted He’s mounting he’s mounting the impure animal. He’s coming into druzlem And so they saw it as of course this king who’s going to come and is going to defeat The foreigner in that in that way, but it ended up manifesting itself in a completely different way Which is that that that the bride of christ ended up being It’s in large part The foreign bride it ended up being the one they crucified him it ended up being The the the whore and ended up being rome like rome is the one that ended up manifesting the body of of of uh of the messiah And so it’s like it’s just really fascinating. So you can imagine like and it’s funny because you could think that They would see that That’s what happens to joseph in in israel right joseph ends up He ends up dominating the foreign land But he does it he saves it Right. He saves egypt joseph saves egypt he doesn’t just Dominate it in a negative way like in like a like an emperor who comes in and clamps down on the on the land He he he becomes the head, you know next to the pharaoh and then he saves egypt and so so christ the messiah coming in on the donkey Is the thing that people didn’t seem to perceive or even sometimes don’t still don’t seem to perceive is that it’s not a negative thing It’s christ saving the donkey