Welcome to Meditating with John Brevecky. I’m a cognitive psychologist and a cognitive scientist at the University of Toronto, where I academically teach and scientifically study mindfulness and related phenomena, like insight, flow, mystical experience, transformative experience, higher states of consciousness, cultivation of wisdom, and the aspiration to enlightenment. I’ve been practicing Vipassana meditation, metacontemplation, Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung for over 29 years and teaching them professionally for close to 20 years. Welcome. If you’re joining us for the first time, please know that this is a progressive course. The introductory course is done and we’re now teaching an advanced technique that builds on the previous instruction every other Monday. We meet Monday through Friday and we sit every day and there’s Q&A at the end. Please keep the Q&A at the end of these sessions to questions concerning this ecology of practices course. For more encompassing questions, please come to my live stream on YouTube, general Q&A every third Friday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time and I believe that’s June 19th this month. For those of you who are just joining and want to catch up, I would recommend look for links in the description of this video to previous videos. Do the first lesson, join us every day, Monday through Friday, and then try to watch one of the previous lessons, a new one, each Saturday or Sunday so that you’ll eventually be able to catch up with us. I believe that’s everything we need to go over right now. One more thing, please. If you could like this video stream, that will help to raise its profile in the search algorithm and help me to help more people. So thank you very much for that. All right, so get your basic posture ready, set your phones on do not disturb, and then we will begin together when I say begin. Slowly begin to come out of your practice. Try to do as much as you can to integrate what you cultivated in your practice with your everyday consciousness and cognition, perhaps by reciting the five promises to yourself. Okay, we have time for a couple of questions. One from Ronnie Chan. We were doing a group, Alexio Divina, which turned out to be very powerful and wondered afterwards, should we express our resonance with the things others say during or after practice or at all? You should express your resonance and your appreciation of what other people are saying. At some point, as it develops more clear, I’ve started a workshop on this. I want to explain the process of how you take Alexio Divina into dialogus. But in answer to your specific question, Ronnie Chan, yes, you should do that. When you are resonating, state it from your perspective. Don’t say, this is what you’re doing. Say, this is what’s coming alive for me. This is what’s resonating for me and what you’re saying. It’s very important that we do that. You might also want to note how you’re not only resonating with what other people are saying. And this is a little bit more subtle, but precisely therefore more profound. How you’re all resonating with something together. This is the logos, the word that’s coming through in Alexio Divina. How all of you are being gathered together. That’s what logos originally meant. So dialogus, dialogue, so that you come to belong together. That’s what you’re experiencing, the resonance. What’s that overall resonance? Not just person to person, but everyone to the gestalt, to the whole. Anyways, I’m very glad to hear that the Alexio group, Alexio, is very powerful for you. All right, so we typically have to have a very hard out on Thursday as on Tuesdays. I encourage you all to keep up the ecology of practices. We’re all moving through it at different paces. But one of the deep lessons I learned from how I was taught is that it’s the ecology as a whole. And the way it takes on a life of its own. That is what gives us self-correcting, self-transcending, self-writing path that we can walk upon in good faith with the path, with ourselves, and with each other, Buddha, Dharma, Sañña. Please thank you for joining. I want to thank my good friend and techno major, Mar, who’s always there. And my beloved son, Jason, behind the scenes, pinch-hitting when necessary. Please subscribe to the channel to be notified of the next video. On the subscription on my home page, you’ll find links to a lecture series, Awakening from the Meaning Crisis, links to a discussion series, the whole Dialogo series, Voices with Rebeki, where these ideas are developed and deepened and extended into an entire way of life and perhaps a new culture, a new worldview. Invite others who might benefit by sharing this series, trying to help as many people in these very chaotic and confusing times to increase their resiliency, their adaptivity, their discernment, their ability to see through bullshit and illusion into what’s real and what really matters. Please join the Discord server. The link is in the description. Brett is here. Pleasure of doubt, always. Discord server, they have people there doing this sit, meeting afterwards, doing some glucolexia sometimes, I believe, in discussion. I’m there every second Monday at 6 p.m. Eastern Time during Q&A. Many of the people that are on Voices with Rebeki are showing up regularly for Q&A. Paul VanderKlay, Guy Sendstock, Greg Henriques. I know that Jordan Hall is going to come, et cetera. So just that’s a very powerful and nourishing resource. We do this every weekday morning at 930 Eastern Time. Please remember that continuity of practice is more important than quantity of practice. There’s no enemy worse than your own mind and body. No friend, no ally, no true companion on the path greater than your own mind and body. Be lamps unto yourselves. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Take good care. Thank you.