You know, our whole culture pushes the idea that teenage life is some sort of pinnacle and then everybody dresses down, especially men. They look like overgrown 10 year olds and there’s something extremely demeaning about that. And so to provide people with the opportunity to dress up in a classic manner and to look like adults, to present themselves in that manner. Some of it’s just fashion, you know, I mean, fashion moves around and then it usually drifts from the top down. And so when formality becomes the norm, but that drifts down to say to the working class, then the upper class thinks, well, we can’t do that because that would associate us with the unfashionable people. And then they dress down. And so then that drifts down the hierarchy. And a lot of it, too, is this idea that this sort of reflexive rebellious attitude, that anything that violates traditional norms or even anything that’s associated with patriarchal oppression and adulthood is to be eliminated in favor of what’s hypothetically more free individuality. But it’s not because everybody looks the same.