The story of Goldilocks is all about hospitality. It’s all about the problem of things that don’t fit and the relationship of hospitality to the stranger. So on the margin of the world, in the forest, in the dark forest, on the edges, there are things that don’t fit. There are things that don’t connect to you. They’re too big, they’re too small, they’re too soft, they’re too hard, they’re too hot, they’re too cold, whatever, it doesn’t matter. It’s the idea that they don’t fit with you. That is what’s going on. So Goldilocks goes into these houses and the things don’t fit, and then she finds the thing that fits with her. But in finding the thing that fits with her on the outside, she’s actually transgressing hospitality. Because the relationship between the outsider and the insider is that there has to be a kind of buffer of distance in order to respect each other’s identity. And then we encounter each other as strangers. So that is the proper relation of hospitality. But let’s say you recognize something in your relationship to the strange. You see something that has value for you, and then you take it, right? And that’s a story of a lot of situations. It’s the story of colonization. It’s the story of so many situations where when you find something in the stranger that you recognize, you end up transgressing hospitality. You end up taking it somehow. So it could be the story could have very, very dark, dark undertones if you understand what’s happening. But that’s really what it’s about. And so the bears in the story are like the dog-headed men, right? They’re like St. Christopher. They’re like the monsters on the edge of the world. They’re these talking bears that live in this whole idea of the barbarian, right? And so that’s what the bears are. And so you need to find a normal relationship with that which is outside of you. All right.