Is this a picture of Muhammad? Something woke me up at 530 this morning Maybe it was my conscience. Maybe it was God Take your pick I’ll go for conscience in any case this week Canada’s government is going to consider an anti-islamophobia motion M103 in Parliament Before that happens, I have some things to say Moses was a murderer Christ was a bastard and Muhammad Muhammad was a Muhammad was a Muhammad was a Holy man whose every word and action was correct I ask Muslims worldwide Can I say anything else? On the week Canada’s government is going to discuss anti-islamophobia motion M103 in Parliament I ask Muslims worldwide. Can I say anything else? I ask Muslims in the West Can I say anything else? I ask Muslims in Canada Can I say anything else? I ask Ikra Khalid sponsor of M103 in Canada Can I say anything else is this Can I say anything else is this a picture of Muhammad Where do I cross the line this is a picture of Christ this is a picture of mole This is a picture of mole This is a picture of Moses This is a picture of mole this is a picture of mole Is this a picture of Muhammad this might be a picture of Muhammad Did I cross the line When do I become Salman Rushdie, I’m a Westerner I Am Salman Rushdie Ikra Khalid, are you Salman Rushdie? When do I become a Danish cartoonist? I’m a Westerner I Am a Danish cartoonist Ikra Khalid Are you a Danish cartoonist? When do I become Charlie Hebdo? I’m a Westerner I Can criticize so that things can improve? So that we’re not trapped in the dead past so that we’re not trapped in the embrace of the corpses of the past I Am Charlie Hebdo Ikra Khalid, are you Charlie Hebdo? Which side are you on? Every Westerner is Salman Rushdie Every Westerner is a Danish cartoonist Every Westerner is Charlie Hebdo Every Westerner is Charlie Hebdo Who is Ikra Khalid when push comes to shove as it will this week Where is she going to stand Muslims of the world on the week of anti islamophobia motion 103 in Canada Muslims of the West on the week of anti islamophobia motion 103 in Canada Muslims of Canada on the week of anti islamophobia motion 103 in Canada Ikra Khalid of Canada who sponsored the motion after the murders in Quebec City On the week of anti islamophobia motion 103 in Canada Can I say? This is a picture of the Prophet Muhammad Because if I can’t It’s not islamophobia Is this a picture of Muhammad? Is this a picture of Muhammad?