This is Palm Sunday. We celebrate the passion of our Lord’s death this day. And we reflect upon it, and we can certainly identify with that and walk with the Lord as he invites us to today and this week. We just heard the reading of the Lord’s passion. Imagine what was going on at that time, what it was like for them. There was chaos, there was fear, the potential for death, people were running and hiding. All these things were going on. And after Jesus’ death and his burial in a tomb, where were the disciples? They wanted to be safe. They wanted to stay safe. They weren’t hiding. They were in a locked room. Now, doesn’t this sound familiar? It sounds like what we are going through right now with the coronavirus that’s happening not only here but throughout the whole world. With the coronavirus outbreak, there is suffering, fear, and chaos. We need Christ. We need him always, though, but especially at a time like this. We turn to him. He is there for us. So the challenge of Holy Week is clear and has a different message maybe for us this year because of what we are experiencing of something that has never, ever happened to us before. So we reflect on the Lord’s passion. What a wonderful opportunity this is for us. He died for us. We do not deserve what he did for us. We do not. We are unworthy. This week reminds us that our lives are also filled with suffering, too. So we can identify with the suffering Christ. We are not exempt from suffering. Christ willingly and freely embraced the cross. He did not exempt himself from suffering either. Sometimes people say, why is this happening to us? Why is this happening to me? Why would God allow this to happen? But Christ was not exempt either. He suffered. He died. We are called to identify with that, with Christ. You know, I’m so overwhelmed by the people on the front lines of this pandemic. Doctors, nurses, medical staff, who risked the potential of contracting the disease and even dying. Some have lost their lives. Also, I want to acknowledge the other suffering that’s going on right now, too, on this Passion Palms Sunday. Many people have lost their jobs. Hours cut back. People have debts and bills. People are laid off. Parents are challenged with a double responsibility of keeping their children at home, assisting them with online learning, and keeping them safe. There was stress for them as parents, stress for the kids, as they tried to maintain, as parents tried to maintain their own jobs and care for the children. People who work in other essential services also experience stress, frustration, and suffering. For example, the employees at the grocery store, they’re leaving themselves wide open. And places of other essential services, they’re risking themselves. Here is the good news. The account of the Lord’s Passion does not end with Jesus being buried in the tomb. It does not stop there. We know that. That is the good news for us. He rises. He’s alive. He is there for us. In the midst of suffering, we are lifted up because we are a people of hope. So even in the midst of what we are experiencing right now, we are filled with hope. So for Holy Week, let the Church lead you. Let the Church guide you through the liturgies of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday. Take this opportunity to set time aside and really reflect and pray during these liturgies. The Church encourages you to do this. It is possible here at St. Alphonsus, we will have on-line streaming for the liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday. Deacon Eric Seitz developed Sunday celebrations at home. A wonderful participants’ guide and leaders’ guide for you to celebrate those times of worship as well. You’re also invited to stop by the Church to pick up Blessed Palms. Another way to connect, as we identify with our faith, is to stay connected by going on our webpage. There are many different opportunities there. Call fellow parishioners who may be experiencing isolation, especially those living alone. I have often heard the phrase, and maybe you have too, this heartfelt phrase saying, we can do this. The response I’d like to give is, yes, we can. Christ gives us hope. So let us embrace our crosses and experience the grace and the gift of hope that Jesus Christ can give us through the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. .