I never imagined myself to be this guy who’s like, hey, by the way, I used to drink a lot. Here’s what that was like. And like, hey, by the way, I did ayahuasca. Because I feel like the psychedelic stuff is something I really never thought I’d end up talking about a lot because I feel like everyone’s been at a party where someone’s like, hey, you know, I did ayahuasca. And it was crazy, man. I’m like, I never want to be that guy. But then I go on my sister’s Normie Facebook and Vice News is like, hey, do ayahuasca. Lindsay Lohan did ayahuasca. Go on The View. And then I talk about ayahuasca and I’m like, OK, kind of have to like push back against this a tiny bit. Yeah. No, I agree. Because people in my own circle, people that I admire, you know, have been have been, let’s say, seen to seems like they seem to be pushing psychedelics as some kind of a solution. And you know, I’ve never done psychedelics. It’s not like I can I can speak out of experience. But I I do feel like there’s a there’s an aspect of the message that’s missing. We need to be careful as people kind of see this as some solution to their problems that they think that they’re going to find it there. You know, there is no chemical solution to your problems in, you know, in terms of spirituality. It’s not it’s not possible. It’s not how it’s not any of this stuff works. Yeah. I also feel like, you know, I would normally feel frankly, like arrogant being like, hey, everyone, like, listen to me about this thing. For me, it’s more like there’s really no and this also fits in with like the Christian worldview tying in with like how culture is going and stuff. I feel like there’s just no pushback against it at all. I think that most people, probably 99 percent of people have probably never heard anyone make the statement of like, yeah, I used to do psychedelics a ton. And here’s why I think that is not a viable spiritual path. I think that in everyone’s mind, it’s kind of just this reefer madness thing where it’s like, oh, don’t take acid. Like you’ll turn into a glass of orange juice or something. But I think the intelligent case being made against that stuff is almost at zero. That goes with a lot of other things that I’m not really about anymore. But yeah, it’s one of the only reasons why I kind of like started talking about it more is that I was like, wow, no one is either no one’s equipped to push back against it or no one’s doing it or I just haven’t found them yet. But what I think that that’s maybe one of the issues. One of the issues is that, let’s say, like I in my normie state, in the sense that I never done psychedelics, so I don’t have the tools to push against it either. I just kind of see it weird. Like I’ve noticed that a lot of the things that well, one of the things that I have noticed is that despite the fact that people tell me how much insight psychedelics bring brings them, when I talk to people who’ve done a lot of psychedelics, I don’t necessarily feel like they have more insight. And so, I mean, not to be arrogant, but I just I just don’t see your insight. I see you tell me you have insight, but I don’t see you able to communicate that insight somehow to the world around you. So because of that, it’s like I’m like, I don’t know, man. I don’t want to be like you said, I want to be that idiot and just say drug bad, drug bad, don’t do drugs. But at the same time, I was like, I don’t I haven’t seen I haven’t seen, let’s say that it that it necessarily gives something good. You know, it seems like a chemical tool like any other chemical tool. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it’s funny. It actually kind of fits with like the whole the whole fool thing that maybe we’ll talk about later. But I think that in a lot of cases, it’s almost and this goes with like, frankly, everything that I’m kind of against in like society, honestly. It’s a very like Emperor New Clothes style situation where the lie is kind of like so thick and everyone kind of takes it for granted that it really takes someone who is kind of willing to like maybe even look like an idiot to be like, hey, actually, like everyone’s saying that down is up. But have you ever thought about that up is up? And then people are like, wow, actually, I never I never really thought about that, actually. And I feel like that about psychedelics, honestly, like the whole time that I was in that world with a ton of different people doing it in a ton of different contexts all over, like whatever. I feel like there was almost never anyone who expressed any skepticism whatsoever. And the first time that I had someone be like, hey, have you ever thought about like maybe this isn’t like 100 percent great? I was like, wow, that’s almost why. I actually actually I haven’t ever thought about that. Wow. So, yeah, it’s very I love the Emperor New Clothes story, especially now, because that’s like really how it is. Like you need a little kid to be like, what if do it? What if smoking weed literally all the time is bad? And you’re like, oh, yeah. What if that is bad? Like, so, yeah, I’m sure some people are listening and they’re like, what are you talking about? But people who are in that world, people who are in that world know I’m talking about it. And I feel obliged to reach out to people that are kind of like in the same tide pool that I used to be in, let’s say. So some people probably are like, what are you talking about? But some people are like, oh, it’s probably true. Yeah.