A lot of the politicians that I’ve watched and talked to, when they don’t rule by principle, let’s say, or when they’re not governed by principle themselves, they devolve to short-term opinion poll manipulating, and they deliver people what they hypothetically want in the short term, even though it’s very hard to measure what people truly want, and you can’t do that very accurately with opinion polls. And… No, you can’t. No, no, you… Because you don’t give them choices. You can’t set the choices out clearly enough. No, no, it’s very hard. First of all, in some really comprehensive sense, people want many contradictory things simultaneously. Yeah. And so scattershot asking them about what they want today in a very narrow manner doesn’t inform you about their true wishes. That’s a very difficult thing to catch the wind about. Well, it’s very, very hard indeed. You know, would you like a 12, well, no, maybe I don’t want that. Right, right.