So one of the arguments we hear coming from the new type of atheist is run something like this. When I was a child I believed in Santa Claus. When I was a child I believed in the Tooth Fairy. But then one day I grew up and I realized that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. I realized that the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist. And in the same manner one day I grew up and I realized that God doesn’t exist. And usually God in this type of formulation is referred to as something like a sky daddy or a sky fairy. Something at disparaging in that manner. Now I’ve always found that line of argumentation rather funny because to me it seems completely absurd to say that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. Because obviously Santa Claus exists. This is Jonathan Peugeot. Welcome to the symbolic world. There are Santa Clauses everywhere at Christmas. There are guys who dress up as Santa Claus. There are Santa Claus decoration, ornaments. We have stories. We have songs. We have all these things which celebrate Santa Claus. And so it is it is it is patently absurd to say that Santa Claus does not exist. Now there are certain things that don’t exist. For example a square circle or dry water. Now those things are impossible. They do not exist. But Santa Claus definitely exists. Now the question we need to ask is if Santa Claus exists in what manner does Santa Claus exist? And I think that asking oneself that question of how it is that Santa Claus exists can maybe help certain people understand the manner in which we say that God exists. That is there are things that exist that are not at the level of my coffee cup. You know that are not at the level of my pencil or at the level of a rock or at the level of a concrete you know thing that you that you can hold in your hands and say this is it. There are things which exists at different levels of being and that that don’t have as contained let’s say contained bodies okay. And you can say that about concepts. It’s like love exists but you can’t you can’t put it in a bottle. You can’t put it in a box but it still exists okay. And actually let’s say Santa Claus exists in a much more immediate manner than something like love because we know what Santa Claus looks like. We know what his purpose is what he does. We you know we know we have stories about him. We have songs that celebrate him and we have events which celebrate him as well. And so it is obvious that Santa Claus exists. Now the thing is that what people tend to struggle with is to understand that beings are not obvious. It’s not that obvious what how to contain a being. So you for example you have parts. You have hands and fingers. You have you know you have toes. You have eyes. You have hair. You have all these different parts okay. And there is something your being your personhood which holds all those things together which makes us see that those parts are are you okay. And there are you can even add things to you which make us see that that participate in your person. You can get a tattoo. You a woman can wear makeup. You know I can also cut my beard in a certain way which participates in my person. I can even put on clothing a certain style of clothing which at some point will participate in my being even though it’s not completely attached to my body. It’s still part of who I am as a person okay. So I have these parts and there’s something which brings those parts together. Okay now Santa Claus is the same thing. First of all he has elements of his person which manifests his being who Santa Claus is. We all know who Santa Claus is. We all know you know what what what he represents what what his purpose is and those but his body let’s say Santa Claus’s body is just not as contained as your body. It is actually a lot bigger than your body and so there are parts of Santa Claus are the images of Santa Claus that we see in Walmart that we see in in movies that we see in in in different you know different songs different stories just like your picture which appears online or your picture that’s in your telephone or in some family album also is an extension of you right when people see the picture they recognize you and they come into contact with you like so too Santa Claus has parts so when you when a guy dresses up as Santa Claus in your mall he is manifesting Santa Claus right he is a part of Santa Claus to the extent that he’s participating in the being of Santa Claus at that moment okay now Santa Claus is actually a great example because you can actually speak to Santa Claus now when you go into the mall you sit you know if a child goes to the mall they sit on Santa Claus’s lap and then they speak to Santa Claus what will they do they will tell Santa Claus the Santa Claus will ask them oh my young child what would you like for Christmas and the child will answer what they want for Christmas and Santa Claus will find some story about how you know he’s gonna try to get that child his gifts for Christmas okay so the child is speaking to Santa Claus and that’s really important to understand the child is not speaking to Joe to the Joe under the costume who’s put on the fake beard she she isn’t speaking to him she’s speaking to Santa Claus and it also isn’t Joe that is answering it’s Santa Claus that is answering because Joe is not gonna tell the little child about his recent divorce or about how his girlfriend left him with his best friend and how he’s in the rut right now and that’s why he’s taking the stupid Santa Claus job for Christmas he’s not going to say that no he’s going to smile he’s going to laugh and he’s going to tell the child about what gifts you they’re gonna get for Christmas if Joe starts to tell the child something else starts to talk about something else about maybe his new car you know he just bought this new car and he’s making his car payments the child will no longer recognize Santa Claus that person that Joe will cease to be a body part of Santa Claus now you can write a letter to Santa Claus you can write a letter Santa Claus North Pole put it in the mail send it to Santa Claus and you know what Santa Claus is going to answer and it isn’t Martha sitting in the post office you know typing out the letter she’s not the one who’s actually answering she is manifesting Santa Claus okay you can do the same thing you’re doing to Santa Claus I can do to you I can say when you answer my question I can say well it’s not you that is answering my question right it’s your mouth that’s answering my question but is that is that true is it your mouth that’s answering the question no your mouth is the tool by which you are answering the question and so to the disguised Santa Clauses that go to the mall are the tool by which Santa Claus manifests himself in the world Santa Claus is a being that’s pretty coherent you can he has a personality he has a way of speaking you can engage with Santa Claus and Santa Claus will answer and this is not this is not just imaginary because you are not that contained as you think you as a person you can be possessed by all these different ideas you can be influenced by all these external influences and even in your mind you are not as centered as you think you have all these different kind of crazy personalities that can pull you in different directions so why do you think that you as a person exists right there is something there is a total way in which those elements are pulled together into a consistent being if it wasn’t so we’d say you’re schizophrenic or we’d say you’re crazy if you’re not crazy there’s something pulling those elements together so that when I ask you something right you answer me I recognize you in that answer okay now I want to tell you a story about about the about the tooth fairy because the manner in which the tooth fairy exists is also very interesting to help someone understand what exactly it is we’re talking about when we talk about spiritual beings and how they can exist in the world now my daughter you know I grew up in a in a kind of Protestant home and so in my house we didn’t believe in Santa Claus the way that other families did so I kind of kept that let’s say habit and so in our family with my kids we don’t we didn’t we didn’t tell them that Santa Claus existed in the same manner that their uncle existed or their aunt or whatever we treated it as a game you know something to celebrate something to tell stories about something to to have fun with and and and celebrate and enjoy and we did the same with the tooth fairy so I never pretended that there was an actual physical fairy that came into my my child’s house to put a tooth under her pillow but we did talk about the tooth fairy we talked about the tooth fairy and we talked about the story of the tooth fairy and and I you know I would kind of joke around with them and say oh the tooth fairy is gonna come and bring money and put money on your pillow and I and I thought that they knew that that physically the physical cause of the money getting under the pillow was me you know but then when my daughter I forget how old she was I think she was like seven or eight maybe one day she she lost her tooth and she was gonna put her tooth under her pillow and then I I said something because I wasn’t being careful at all and I said something you know to the effect of how I I I had to make sure I don’t forget to you know to put the money into the pillow and and something like that and then she looked at me you know with these eyes like like I had like she was devastated because I had I had kind of ruined the magic I guess you know of what kind of how other families do it and she looked at me with those eyes and she said what she said the tooth fairy doesn’t exist and then I looked at her and I realized that you know I maybe I hadn’t been careful enough and that she really had entered into this you know full throttle and so I thought for a second but it didn’t take me very long to to ask her a few questions to kind of help her understand what was going on and I said I asked her I said why do you think that you know I would put money under your pillow and my daughter said well because you know I lost my tooth so you know you put money on my pillow but obviously that is not direct causality there’s no why would you put money in their pillow because of a tooth I said why would I so I asked I said why would I put money under your pillow because you lost your tooth because I mean obviously that’s not that’s not that an immediate thing it’s not it’s not that obvious and then she said well you’re doing it because of the tooth fairy and so that’s what I asked her I said so what you’re saying what you’re telling me is that the reason why I put money under your pillow is because of the tooth fairy so the tooth fairy is making me put money under your pillow and she looked at me and it’s so funny because you think you know seems like me even adults don’t understand how that works but she totally got it she totally understood what I was talking about and I just saw she had this smile on her face it’s like she she she had just discovered a little mystery of how the universe exists and then it was really fascinating because I don’t remember why but for some reason she had to do the same like I think someone or a friend or I forget who had also lost her tooth and then she was the one who was going to put the money under the pillow and she was so excited like she was so happy that she could be the one putting the money under the pillow for the tooth fairy you know and realizing that it was because of the tooth fairy that she was doing that so I think that that can that can help people understand to what how beings function what it means for something to be a being what it means when we talk about the notion that certain cities have certain personalities that certain cities have certain elements which make them unique make them something and you can then understand why in the Bible we have this notion of the angels of different cities how different cities have different angels because a city can say something a city can speak coherently can say things which make you recognize that it is that city which is speaking to you okay now once again you you obviously cannot take it at the first degree you have to on you have to be able to pierce the mystery of understanding how these beings you know stack up in a hierarchy and how you know how you are also made of parts just like a city is made of parts and the your uniqueness is no different from the uniqueness of a city which has its own personality its own way of speaking and you can hear a city speak you can you know just not it’s not it’s not it’s not superstitious thing at all just like you can hear a country speak just like you can hear higher level beings you can you can you can encounter them you can encounter them and and hear them okay just like you can encounter Santa Claus in the mall by looking at Joe who’s dressed up as Santa Claus you are in that moment encountering Santa Claus you are hearing Santa Claus okay and you’ll say well you know that’s just silly that’s just absurd but you do you you would you do that all the time when you encounter a police officer or you encounter a judge or you encounter any official representative of a city or of an entity that judge is is not going to represent to you his own personal proclivities and when he does that we’re in trouble some people are seeing that happen now seeing how the judges instead of just manifesting the law you know they’re inserting all their as much as possible their opinions into what they’re they’re saying but in a normal functioning world if if let’s say if a city holds together if a if a country or you know a state holds together the representatives of that state are there to manifest to you the will of that state based on its identity its Constitution its laws and so when you hear a judge speaking you are actually speaking to the city the state that you are encountering to a certain extent when you pray to a judge you are praying to the state which the judge is supposed to manifest and the judge’s answer is the answer of the state there is no other answer besides that right you can maybe appeal to a higher level authority but it that’s the it doesn’t matter even if you appeal to a higher level authority you are appealing to something which manifests the state more and more purely the law of the state more and more purely okay and so you can pray to the angel man some people are gonna freak out at this but you can speak to the spirit of the United States and you can hear the spirit of the United States speak through its representative through its images through its through through you know through both its cultural images but also its formal legal representatives and that is just how the world works and so atheist seriously Santa Claus exists you know the Tooth Fairy exists there are beings that exists that exist different from a rock so all right I hope that helps you understand if not leave all your angry atheist comments below and all your your your silly superstitious accusations below but I have to say that I would make the effort to understand because it is possible that it is not me who is making a fool of myself so I hope you enjoyed this video my next video is coming very soon it’s going to be an interpretation of the movie gravity and so yeah I’ll talk to you guys soon if you enjoyed this content and our exploration of symbolism get involved I love to read your comments in the comment section below please go ahead and share this on social media to all your friends and also please consider supporting us financially on 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