How do the unvaccinated regain their freedom to travel? So one of the things that Tammy and I talked quite a lot about What we’re going to do in Canada what we’re going to talk about as we toured and and not just in Canada What would we concentrate on and one of the things that really needs to be concentrated on in Canada at the moment is You got we all of us we have to Involve ourselves more on the civic front You know because things are shaky and part of the reason they’re shaky You know here’s a question why are only the most insane people in charge of school boards? And the answer is because all the same people have abdicated their responsibility So here’s a rule. This is an iron rule every bit of civic responsibility abdicated will be taken up by tyrants and used against you That is 100% certain so you know you should ask yourself and you can ask yourself tonight like Are you engaged in any civic activity whatsoever any club any? local organization any church any charity God forbid a political party you might say well those damn politicians. It’s like well Fair enough the field of politics like entertainment like the media attracts a disproportionate number of narcissistic narcissists because narcissists go where the attention is but That that’s not Any reason to get cynical and say well you know i’m too good for that it’s like you’re that good are you? Well congratulations to you, and it’s probably not true, but if it is true Well, then we could use you frankly and so you might say well What could I do if I joined a political party and the answer is if you’re half-assed and reliable and you know even partially hardworking Those organizations are so desperate for you You can’t even imagine it if you joined a political party and started to actually show up and find out how you could be useful And listen to people they would You’d move through the ranks so fast it would it would shock you And you know you would be shocked because partly what you’d find is those organizations are so understaffed and desperate It’s no bloody wonder they don’t do a very good job And that’s definitely a shock to find out and then you’d find out that oh my god Now it’s on me and what the hell do I know because that’s also a shock but if you’re concerned you know Do something about it Do something about it and We have the spirit of our institutions is valid is viable. The spirit is viable The manifestation is corrupting but the spirit is viable. And so if we wanted to All of us if we decided it was important we could Take on the responsibility of our civic duty. There’s enough people in this Hall tonight to completely change the country Like if every single person in here it’s right, it’s absolutely right If if every single one of you And i’m not suggesting you do this because you know, your lives are complex and I don’t know Maybe you’re already up to here with obligations. But if every single one of you decided to Flat out do your civic duty The whole country would be a different place in 10 years Because 5 000 people that’s a lot of people and at the same time it’s not that many people, you know so So That’s a good solution So Do it get involved You know Take on a civic job that nobody really wants school board membership is a good one. You know, it doesn’t pay much. There’s not much status If you’re seeking status, you could probably find it elsewhere. But But it’s necessary and if you don’t do it someone narcissistic and crazy will and as you can see then you’ll have 144 quadruple d trans shop teachers Exposing their giant nipples to high school students and you’ll think how did we get here? It’s like well, it’s because you’re sitting on your hands boys and girls And that’s why so