The consequences of not saying what was true. It’s like whatever hell you might fall into by opening your mouth when you have something to say that isn’t popular, it’s nothing like the hell that you’re going to envelop yourself in if you lose control of your own tongue and mind. And like I said in my clinical practice, I never saw anyone get away with anything even once. And so all you have in a situation like that is what is the truth. Now, you know, of course you only have your approximations to the truth, but that’s better than nothing. You need to be afraid of the right thing and you should be afraid of contaminating your soul with deceit. That’s what you should be afraid of. That will definitely do you in and I know exactly how. What happens is, you know, garbage in, garbage out. The old programmer saying goes and so you’ll fill your head with nonsense and no one will call you on it except you. But you can still that voice if you try hard enough. You just wait until you get in real trouble.