There’s some additional problems with divorce that people don’t really grasp when they’re young. Like, the idea that you can be divorced once you have children, that’s kind of a stupid idea. Because you can’t. You can find a limited substitute for your initial freedom. But if you have kids and you try to get divorced, the probability that that’s going to demolish your life is very, very high. First of all, it’s incredibly expensive. So one or both of you is going to come out of that poor. And your market value has declined. Let’s say you’re the woman who takes the kids. Your market value has declined radically. You’re going to be poorer. The man, he’s just a scroot because he is now an indentured servant and there’s no escape from it. And it’s not so bad if you can negotiate a peaceful separation, and some people can, but lots of times if you have a terrible relationship, it’s not like negotiating a peaceful separation is all that easy. But if you’re at each other’s throats, good luck to you. I think it’s roughly equivalent to having non-fatal cancer.