You don’t want to judge who you are so harshly that you just destroy yourself and everything is cast into the pit. You want to take a look at yourself and say, look, you know, you’re a person among persons and you have intrinsic worth and you have your flaws, your sins, your domain of ignorance and inadequacy. But that doesn’t mean that you’re entirely worthless because of that. You have a base level value. That’s intrinsic worth. Let’s say that that’s reflective of the fact that you’re made in the divine image in the most fundamental sense. You have intrinsic worth and that’s due a certain degree of baseline love. But there’s the becoming problem. It’s like, well, especially when you’re young, most of you is still in the becoming phase. And so why wouldn’t encouragement be the hallmark of love? It’s like, get the hell up. Get your act together. Adopt some responsibility. Put your life together. Develop a vision.