So what is the symbolism of chess? What can we learn as society starts to chip away at the levels, monarchy, American Revolution, the church, et cetera? Well, there are a lot of questions in your question, my friend. All right. So what’s the, maybe I could just answer your question. What’s the symbolism of chess? The symbolism of chess is very powerful. It’s a very, very powerful symbolism because it really does have to do with the interaction of two opposites. It really is a war. And it can make you understand the relationship between opposites, even on the board because it has black and white. And you’re not allowed to, you have to follow a certain rules of movement on the board. And so it really is a, it also, chess really is powerful because it forces you, it really is pattern thinking is it forces you to think of straight, let’s say straight movement, diagonal movement and crooked movement and a kind of crooked movement. And so you have certain figures that move in an S shape and then you have the certain figures that move straight and then you have those that move diagonal. Then you also have, of course, one that moves in every single way. And so it’s like, that is really very powerful in terms of understanding possibility within the world. Like how to deal with, how to, how do you answer someone who’s moving crooked? How do you answer, how do you deal with someone who’s moving straight? How do you deal with someone who’s coming at an angle for you? So it’s a very, very powerful microcosm. We probably take like a full video to talk about the symbol zone of chess.