What do you think of Mr. Trudeau? So I think he’s an egomaniac. And I think everything he does comes back to his egomania. Even his political ideology. You really think about his expansionistic role of the state. It never comes back to serving an individual objective other than to make him more powerful or his legacy more grand. So let me give you a few examples. So he slashed the amount you can put into a tax-free savings account. But then he simultaneously increased the amount you were forced to pay into the state savings plan. He killed multiple pipelines. Then he invested state money in a pipeline. He attacked parents’ ability to take care of their own children by removing tax fairness for families with a state-owned parent. And then he brings in a government program to replace it. So what you’re seeing there is you say, well, it sounds like these are utterly inconsistent positions. The answer is no, they’re not. They’re all very consistent. In all cases, what he does is takes away the ability of business or individuals or families to do things for themselves. And it requires they do things through him and through the state. And his ideology is always about creating a pretext in order to justify the state garnering more control over every aspect of your life. How you raise your kids, how your business functions, what you see and say on the internet. He believes the state has to be everywhere always. That’s because, as King Louis would say, the state is him. I’ve got a couple of things to throw at that. I think it’s a very dangerous thing to attack the man rather than the ideas. As I rule a thumb, but you’re making a case that in this case that can’t be done because there is a personality trait that is uniting diverse policy decisions that isn’t ideational or ideological even. It is in fact personal. And so my sense of Trudeau, initially, I was very upset with it with his decision to run for prime minister because I thought, well, you don’t know anything and you’re attractive and you can behave well in public and you have a charming facade, but you don’t know anything in any real sense. And there’s no indication that you do. You’re not particularly well educated and you’re not particularly accomplished. This is actually a hard job, but worse than that, the only reason you even have the vaguest possibility of succeeding is because you have the same last name as your father. And then he ran and I thought, well, how do you justify that to yourself? Because the gap of knowledge must have been painfully evident to him. And the fact that the Trudeau name, you could say, well, the Liberal Party came to me. That’s his justification. They came to me and there wasn’t another person that could win on the liberal side and better a Trudeau liberal, even if it’s a consequence of family name than any damn conservative, let’s say. But I still saw it as a manifestation of a really profound narcissism. I think a reasonable person would have said, I’m not prepared for this. Certainly not yet. And I’m not the man that needs that there needs to be in this position. And so I don’t know what you think about those musings, but that’s how I looked at Trudeau. And I certainly haven’t seen anything in the preceding years that has disabused me of any of those notions. I think there’s some truth in that. He is his victory was definitely not a meritocratic one. He was probably the least vetted Prime Ministerial candidate in our history. The media just glossed over so much of his life to go straight to help him and protect him. It’s almost like they built a protective cocoon around him. He had dressed up in grotesque racist costumes so many times, he says, by his own claim, he can’t remember them all. The average politician had done that once. It would have been exposed and that person would have been expelled from politics altogether. But he had run as a middle class champion, even while he sheltered the millions he inherited from his grandfather in a tax preferred trust fund, all these things would have been front and centre in the public sphere had it been anyone other than a Trudeau. But he was protected by the media who still protect him because he really is their candidate. He represents the political class and the establishment in Canada. Those who profit off a big bloated bureaucracy and regulatory state in the old upper Canada aristocracy know that he will always deliver for them and he has. He’s delivered mightily for them. That’s why they’re doing so well and that’s why they’ll fight tooth and nail to keep them there. Why do you think he was and still remains attractive to a substantial subset of Canadians? I mean, people seem to regard him as charming and caring, and I think he is charming in a kind of shallow sense, but it isn’t obvious to me at all that he’s caring, but he seems to play the part and he plays it well enough so that while many people, and this is true of people all over the world, certainly by the act. So why do you think that is and how do you combat that? Yeah, look, he is charming. I won’t deny that and he’s a good looking dude, but I don’t think he’s actually that popular. So people forget he got 32% of the vote in the last election. 68% of those who cast ballots voted against him. That’s the lowest. He got the lowest share of vote of any Prime Minister in Canadian history and before him, the record was set by him in the previous election. He got 33% of the vote. He never actually reached the height, the vote share that Harper got in 2011. So sometimes we think he’s an extremely popular guy because of the adulation he gets from the mainstream media, but in fact, he’s not that popular with ordinary Canadians. What he succeeded at doing to his credit is engineering a very efficient distribution of votes so that with 32% of the vote, I think he got something like 45% or 46% of the seats. That is the nut we need to crack. He wins a lot of seats with few votes. We win few seats with lots of votes. In fact, the last two elections, Conservatives have beat him in the popular vote. We just haven’t got them in the right places. So that’s the change we need to make. I believe we will make in the fourth coming election. So you don’t think that it is a preponderance of Canadians who have had the wool pulled over the rise? It’s no, he’s not by any objective analysis of the data. He’s not an especially popular Prime Minister. And in fact, he’s probably more on the side of an unpopular Prime Minister. 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And the problem is when you go back to the electorate, people are going to say, well, you’re part of the same problem. I was in Chamblis in Quebec, lifelong NDP supporter, very upset with how life is. The guy was telling me he’s had to reduce his diet to one meal a day because food is so expensive. And he was voting for the NDP until he signed the NDP formed a coalition with Trudeau, the guy who’s caused all the misery. So it’s going to be very hard for Jagmeet to go to the people and claim that he represents anything other than the Trudeau-pean status quo. And I think that in the next election, people will be looking for a drastic departure from Trudeau. So they’ll be looking for the anti-Trudeau. So what do you think of him on the personal front? I mean, one of the things that’s really struck me about Singh, apart from his unconditional support for Trudeau in exactly the manner you described, is that he seems almost stunningly and singularly devoid of ideas. I haven’t seen anything come out of the NDP federally that isn’t just woke nonsense, that constitutes a genuine appeal, let’s say to the working class. And I also thought that his, we can talk about this too, his response to the truckers convoy was something remarkable to behold, because here you had the party, the putative party of the oppressed working class, if anything, even more dismissive of that protest than the liberals, which is really saying something, because Trudeau, as you pointed out, called them misogynists and bigots and claimed completely falsely with the collusion of the CBC that the vast preponderance of the money that funded that protest had come first from the bloody Russians and then from the American Republicans who were apparently trying to stage a coup in a country that isn’t even really on their radar for reasons that no one’s been able to. I was in the States for three months. I went to 50 cities in the last three months. And I talked during the Q&A period about, people kept asking, what’s going on with Canada? And I said, well, you’re not going to believe this, but our government and our media have told Canadians that mega type Republicans basically tried to stage a coup to destabilize our democracy. And they would ask, and this was Democrats and Republicans alike, they would ask, well, why would we do that? What possible motive, if we cared, which we don’t, why in the world would we possibly want to destabilize Canada’s democracy? And the answer to that is, well, I always felt as a representative of Canada in that situation, I always felt like I was in some sense out of my mind because I couldn’t believe that I could present that complex of ideas as a reality and that there wasn’t just something wrong with the way I was looking at the whole situation. It’s so utterly preposterous. So, well, back to Mr. Singh, he didn’t support the truckers at all. No, and the NDP has abandoned the working class. They’ve become another party of the elite institutional aristocracy. They represent those with big salaries doing managerial work, and many of whom have been able to work from home with fully protected salaries and incomes for the last two years, which is fine. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with having, I don’t begrudge anyone for having had that good fortune, but it’s certainly, if you are such a person, then you shouldn’t be judging those who are protesting because they’ve lost everything over the last two years. And you would think that the NDP would have actually stood for the downtrodden, but that is not what they really believe. And that goes back to what I was saying earlier, like you were saying, isn’t it the left, isn’t it the socialist parties that really care about the downtrodden and the disadvantaged? And the answer is, of course not. That is the rhetoric. What they really care about is a powerful state, and anyone who threatens the state is the enemy. And that’s what we saw with Jagmeet Singh. You saw a group of people who were independently raising their voices for their freedom. He said, we can’t have that. I’m going to join with Trudeau and call them a bunch of horrible names. And that’s what he did, which is exactly the opposite of what you’re supposed to do if you really care about working class people.