To what extent do you believe that discourse with moderate Muslims can lead to reform of the ideology such that the gap between Islamic and Western beliefs can be bridged? Well, I guess we’re gonna find out about that because that’s one of the things I want to do over the next couple of years As far as I can tell there’s only three states of being there is tyranny there’s slavery and there’s negotiation and You know tyranny tyranny and slavery are forms of war So we either enter into discourse and hopefully with the moderate Muslims or We’re the tyrants or they’re the tyrants and we’re the slaves or they’re the slaves and then there’s war and so we bloody well better have discourse because war is what happens when discourse fails and You know, we actually in some ways we can’t really go to war anymore because we’re so armed and Increasingly that’s also the case in the Muslim world. I mean look at Pakistan. It’s it’s developing a pretty decent nuclear arm armament a nuclear deterrent let’s say which is quite terrifying because Pakistan is one unstable and dangerous place But I mean, what are you gonna do? You’re gonna go to war with people have hydrogen bombs It’s like that’s not gonna work out very well So we bloody well better learn to talk and so I’m hoping you know, I’m doing this biblical series Which some of you may be know about but in parallel with that I’m doing I want to do a very long series of discussions with moderate Muslims theological philosophical political Practical to see if the gap between Islamic and Western beliefs can be bridged I’d better be able to be bridged because we’re on the same planet man, and there’s lots of both of us. So capitulation on either side isn’t gonna work and and Like blind ignorance of the of the dangers mutual dangers that our societies pose to one another I mean to the degree that Islam Islamic societies are functional traditional societies they’re threatened in that functional traditionalism by radical Western technological and philosophical revolution just like worth threatened as Westerners ourselves by our own technological and philosophical revolutionary nature Discourse truthful discourse man That’s that’s the hope for the salvation of the world and so hopefully we’ll put it into practice I’ve I’ve met a number of moderate Muslims already in Canada who are extremely interested in this sort of thing and some in the US As well, and so I think that well, you know It’s worth a try man. So You