Alright, so Alex Cilento said, Jordan Peterson asked, Muslim, Christians and Jews unite over our book in order to protect what is sacred. What is your take on this idea? Is this possible and or practical? So for all my love of Jordan, I think that no, I don’t think that we are people of the book. Honestly, I do not think that Christians are people of the book. I think where people think that saying that we are those who worship the one God, it would be better, you know, in order to understand what it is exactly that binds us, because our book doesn’t bind us, you know. The reality is that I understand, you know, Islam supersedes, you know, acts, you know, the way that it sets itself up is that it supersedes Christianity and it supersedes Christianity and Judaism in ways that are very extreme, because although they keep the story, they’ve changed the very essence of the story. So they, for example, so they say Christ, but they say Christ was not crucified. And so they say Abraham, but then they say, you know, it wasn’t Isaac who was the preferred son and the one who was going to be sacrificed. And so in some ways they keep the story, but they really remove what at least for Christians is the very core and essence of the story. And so I think that nonetheless, I do think that the fact that Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe in the God of Abraham and that they also, they also do have a monotheistic direction. I think that that might be a better place for us to be able, not to unite together in a direct way, but see each other sometimes as allies, especially in a world where things are falling apart, you know, and there’s this like, there are satanic orders that are appearing around us. I think that in that case, it would be very useful for Christian Jews and Muslims to work together to the extent that they can. Just like I believe in the same thing in Christianity. I think I’m not a fan of simple ecumenism where it’s like we’re all just going to get together in kumbaya. I think that we have to recognize the reality of our differences and also understand the manner in which we are joined together to the body in which we commune. But, you know, I will ally myself with Protestants and Catholics every day of the week in the places that it is appropriate to do so. And so I think in terms of Jews and Muslims, I think that is the same. And you could also, to be honest, you could actually extend that even bigger and say, there is a manner in which all traditional religions of the world could ally themselves in some ways to fight, you know, the AI system of Antichrist, which is like kind of looming on us where this kind of weird secular technocratic world. So I think that there could be ways for us to unite across all kinds of different groups, let’s say.