What’s Joe Rogan like? Joe’s Joe’s great I’ve been in rooms with Joe with some relatively Formidable people You know, I was at dinner with him at one point probably four years ago with the inter what do they call those? characters the International dark web is that it Eric Weinstein’s term. He really nailed that We’re gonna put out the IDW drinking song. This is funny. I got to tell you this story. It’s so funny I’ve been working with this university down in Georgia in Savannah called Ralston and it’s a bricks-and-mortar Institution and we have some fun with it and we’re thinking about a motto You know, you have a little shield and then you have a lot of model motto and I asked my the president of the university Stephen Blackwood What our motto we started talking about what our motto might be and I said well what if we what’s the Latin for? up yours woke moralists So He thought that was pretty funny. It is pretty funny. I think that would be hilarious actually to have that Latin and then he said Well, I’d be a good motto. Maybe we need a drinking song and I thought that’s a funny idea. So I I Don’t know a song popped into my mind. It’s a Lydia Lydia the pink it’s a famous song from the 1960s. It’s an old Folk song will drink and drink and drink to Lydia pink Pink the pink that up that on that up that up that on you get the idea and I rewrote that as a parody of postmodern philosophy Because that that seemed to be the thing to do and then we got a bunch of people to sing it so Ben Shapiro sing some of it playing the violin, which is very very funny and Dave Rubin and this crazy bastard from Concordia University in Canada Gadsad who’s a evolutionary biologist who regularly dresses in a purple wig and flagellates himself for committing social justice crimes and so and And Janice Fiamengo who Tammy’s talked to who’s this? Who was a feminist at one point a woman studies professor who had an epiphany 20 years ago and realized that Everything she was teaching was toxic to the hilt and has become maybe the world’s most effective deep academic critic of feminist thought and who else do we have in there? Douglas Murray A whole host of you know The usual suspects and we’ve made some puppets One of them I’m so embarrassed to even tell you this but it’s so funny There’s a woman named Andrea Dworkin and she’s like if you stacked up toxic femininity and you put someone at the pinnacle it would be Andrea Dworkin and She was a hooker for like ten years and I’m dead serious. I’m not making this up I’m not making this up And and a busy one And she didn’t like men and no wonder you know, no wonder and Dworkin’s most famous line is all sex is rape and she’s she’s She’s quite influential in radical feminist circles and we made a puppet with her And it it’s nude from the waist up and she has pasties and swings around a stripper’s pole, so Yeah, we have Foucault we have a Foucault puppet too and I don’t like Foucault very much even though he was he was brilliant Michelle Foucault and Some of the things he said were were he was on to something, but he’s a demented person intellectually personally very bad actor in the deepest of all possible senses and we have a Foucault puppet too and We have him surrounded by children that he’s inviting into the back of a van with the promise of candies. So Yeah, so that’s all gonna come out in the next we’re open two months so stay on board for that man So and of course, I’ve completely forgotten what the question was Oh, yeah Rogan, okay okay, so I was in the this restaurant with these IDW guys the ones that are singing this this song and Shapiro was there Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin and Eric Weinstein and Who else was there? That doesn’t matter you get the picture and you most of you know who Shapiro is and you know I don’t know what you think of Ben Shapiro, but he is so damn smart that it’s just beyond belief, you know That man he I’ve been on a plane with him and and I’m I can talk quite a lot in case any of you have haven’t noticed but Shapiro he’s just a he’s just a machine gun And I think he probably thinks five times faster than anyone you’ve ever met and you know fast he talks He’s thinking way faster than that the words can barely keep he can barely keep up with himself and Eric Weinstein’s no slouch either and but still you know, I’ve never been in a room and thought that Without harboring the suspicion that Joe Rogan was the smartest person in the room So, you know and he plays Lunkhead to some degree and he’s tough guy and he’s got a working-class background and he’s banged around and he is a fighter and a commentator and a comedian and He’s an he’s an ordinary guy and in the best sense, you know, but man He’s one smart character. He didn’t get to where he was by accident. He’s been successful in like four different domains, right? He has a successful Career as a comedian and he’s pretty damn funny his his piece on the Kardashians enticing Jenner into becoming trans is it’s like it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen you got to check that on on Netflix I just couldn’t couldn’t he he acts out the devil post on post perched on Jenner’s poster bed screeching to him about becoming female in a Kardashian voice, it’s just It’s inspired in the best possible way and You know Rogan was a fight commentator and and And then he started this podcast and it’s just the barest bones podcast. You can imagine it’s still like that It he’s got a nice studio in Austin It’s quite cool and It’s just him and his producer. That’s it and Joe picks all the guests and why? Because he wants to talk to them. That’s the only reason because Joe doesn’t need to do this, right? There isn’t another driving motivation he invites people he wants to talk to and then he asks them all the questions he can think up and What’s fun about Joe and what makes him unlike the run-of-the-mill? Especially legacy journalists is He’s actually asking you questions the reason Joe’s asking questions This is so strange is because he wants the answers Imagine that instead of just laying a trap for whoever he’s talking to so that they can do themselves in So that that can redound to his benefit, which is what the narcissistic legacy media journalists do now not all legacy media journalists are narcissistic by the way, but Plenty of the Mar and and the whole enterprise rewards that to some degree whereas Joe He just asked stupid questions and Why when I say stupid, I mean, well you wouldn’t ask the question if you weren’t stupid because you’d know the answer But if you’re really wise then you know, you’re stupid and so you’ll ask the questions and then once you get the answer You’re not stupid. You’re not stupid. You’re not stupid Once you get the answer You’re not stupid anymore. And so and he’s been doing that and how many people has Joe interviewed now like three thousand So imagine now this is his university. He said three thousand of the sharpest people in the world answer every single heat question he had four times a week 3000 times and so Joe’s great, he’s straight. He’s never played a trick on me He’s never asked me a treacherous question like he’s no pushover. You know, he’s a tough guy and He’s got his opinions. Although he doesn’t really take them all that seriously partly because he’s a comedian and What are you gonna have a comedian that takes himself seriously? That’s like like a woke comedian and the thing Thing about woke comedians, I don’t know why I’m so happy The thing about woke comedians, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but they’re really they’re not funny and so That means they’re actually not comedians, I don’t know what the hell they are puppets of Satan I think but But they’re not comedians that’s for sure and Joe’s damn funny and and and so that’s also delightful because it’s having a conversation with him is it’s a high form of play, you know and Especially the last conversation I had with him which was the best one we had partly because I’m feeling much better than I’ve been feeling for like seven years Mean the time the time just flew by, you know three hours later you’re just like done because Three hours of intense conversation that’s quite a lot and so you have to you need a day to recover from going to talk to Joe and But then you know the fact that Time flies when you’re having fun is also why his podcast is so popular You know, it’s like Joe asks the questions he has to ask and turns out that those are the questions other people would ask by and large and Then he’s taking everybody along for the ride instead of feeding them predigested pablum, you know The the result of his opinions. He’s conducting the exploration with them, which is what I’m hoping by the way that we’re doing Well, we’re here tonight because none of this is Prepackaged, you know, I mean I have my corpus of stories that I draw on but I don’t have a goal coming out here except to get farther in my Explorations than I have already and then to see if well, I’m getting farther. I can simultaneously make that comprehensible to to each of you Not not to all of you but to each of you that’s different, you know There’s no crowd here as far as I’m concerned. There’s just people there’s one person. There’s five thousand Individual people here and so it’s a good thing to know if you’re public speaking You know if you’re talking to the crowd you’re talking to the wrong organism you just talk to a person I always pick a person and talk to them, you know, because That works and then you can do it and I Really like Joe I admire him tremendously what he’s done is impossible, you know, he’s He’s he’s number one podcast in 96 countries No one’s ever done that in the history of the world he’s the most powerful media person who’s ever lived and He wears it lightly, you know, and that’s really something so Two thumbs up for Joe Rogan as far as I’m concerned