If you look at the story in Genesis from the fall to the flood, you have this fall from Edenic place. They go down the mountain. Because of the sins of Cain, they develop cities and civilization. That leads to monsters and giants. And then that leads to water, which is the flood in the end of the world. So that structure is a structure that is universal, right? You can think about it in terms of a story, in terms of time. You can think about it also in terms of a phenomenological description of how any identity sees themselves. And so the Greeks, they had the ampholos, right? They had the middle. They had the belly button of the world. And then they had strangers further and further from them. And the further you went, the stranger they were until you got monsters and giants on the edge of the world. And then on the edge of that, you have the great ocean, which is like really the end of the world in that sense. Okay, so now what we’ve got is we’ve got Israel basically wants to go and back to Eden is the way to understand it. The Promised Land is an image of Eden. And so the structure of how they’re going to go back to Eden will appear as backtracking the fall. And so what they’re coming is they’re coming up to the Jordan. There’s a river. They have to do a river crossing, right? And when they finally do cross it, it’ll really be even like the water is going to split the Ark of the Covenant, like the Ark of Moses is going to cross over the waters. And then what do you need on the other side? You need giants. It’s like giants are there before you’re able to get to Eden. So they’re going to see giants. And then later they’re going to defeat a first city, which is this image of the city. And that is how they kind of begin their entry into the Promised Land. So you can really see how beautifully structured the whole narrative is as they kind of go back. And this is something, this type of storytelling is there everywhere. If you look at Jeffrey Monmouth, the first people that come to Britain, what do they have to do? They have to fight giants. And it’s a universal mythological story of that which is, let’s say that the world that was before us usually is made up of giants and you have to conquer them in order to start up a new world. Whether it’s like the Scandinavian Eddas have that same structure, the frost giants. I mean, it’s just, I could go through all the myths. Those giants are the, you could think about them as the underlying principles of the state that is now going to be conquered. Because when you encounter a people, you just don’t encounter their soldiers. You encounter the whole landscape of the ideas that animate them. And those are giants. And sometimes, I often think Rome died of indigestion and you could say, well, it consumed so many giants that they went to war in the stomach of Rome and then tore it apart. They couldn’t digest that, the culture. Because the culture isn’t just the fragmented individuals that make it up. There’s these gigantic principles operating behind the scene. And usually it’s almost the image of a remainder. It’s not just the culture. It’s like this culture that has become too heavy in its body. It’s like an excess of body, you could say. A lack of head. You know that image you have of the giant that has a dwarf on his shoulders that’s moving around? That’s the image. Like too much body, not enough mind left. And so it’s, yeah.