St. Isaac the Syrian says, let yourself be persecuted, but do not persecute others. How do you see the relationship between let yourself be persecuted, but do not persecute? There’s a few things that are difficult to understand in terms of the idea of persecution. One is there is a difference between, there is definitely a difference between you and let’s say the body of the church or the body politic. And when Christ, for example, says that you should not kill, when the law says that you should not kill, or when we have this idea of Christ telling people that even if you hate your brother, that this is equivalent to killing. And when you have this idea as well that we should not, Christian should not persecute, I think that this is true. I think we have to always be careful when we try to scale that up. Of course we can regret, and I think with reason, we could regret some of the horrible things that have been done in the name of Christianity in terms of executing people, the burning of heretics and everything. I think that’s a really difficult thing to think about. But we also need to understand that any group and the church is included has to have a mechanism to deal with, to eject, to remove from them those who are causing fragmentation within the group. And so, a state has to have a way to eliminate those that are causing chaos in their state. And also a church has to have a way to eliminate those who are causing chaos within the church. Now usually the traditional manner is excommunication. That is the traditional way is to excommunicate someone so that they are not in communion with the church, and therefore they can no longer subvert the church from within. But that has often, when Christianity became more powerful, of course, then that has often slipped into aligning yourself with the state and creating other kinds of punishments. And so, this has also involved the death penalty for heretics. And it’s problematic. I don’t totally know what to think about it. I do think it is problematic. And for sure I think that as a person, as an individual, you should not attack or persecute others. There’s a difference between someone who’s in authority and just a person. And this is difficult for a lot of people to understand is that when you are in authority, you are not acting out of the passions. In theory, in practice, you are not acting out of the passions. In theory, in practice, sometimes you can’t, but because you have the authority of the church and you have a function to play. So a policeman can tie someone up, can put them in prison, can do all these things, but you as an individual cannot do that. If you do that, then you are not acting in justice and you’re not acting out of the authority which has been given to you by someone who is above you in a hierarchy. And the same goes for theology. We have a method, authoritative method to deal with heretics within the church. And because of this kind of weird democratic culture, everybody somehow seems to feel like it is their role to be casting out heretics. It isn’t our role, it’s not my role. I’m not a priest, I’m not a bishop. I’m not within, I have not received authority from above to act as a police officer in the church. And so I don’t, I try not to at least. I’m sure that I slipped it sometimes, but I try not to. So I think that’s probably the best I can say about that.