What you have to realize is that this situates the meeting of the Lord, which is 40 days after, you know, the situates the meeting of the Lord or candle mist as being halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Nice. Yeah. So, to me, this is this this sort of reveals or sort of brings out one of the most important facets of universal history, because one of the most important elements of universal history is understanding the way that the Christian story maps onto and it fulfills the sort of old agricultural cycle of the year, which is present. And so, what is present, it’s not just pagan or is present both paganism and Judaism, both paganism and Judaism have this old this agricultural cycle that by the way predates the law of Moses when when God starts telling the children of Israel here are the feast of the agricultural cycle. That wasn’t the first time that they’d ever heard of them or celebrated them right he’s just telling them, here’s how you celebrate these in a way that shows that you’re my people. But everyone basically has these feasts, and more or less with certain variations, pretty much every culture in the world that lives within the same kind of climate and climate cycle has the feast right around the same points in time. Okay. So, what universal history does you know one thing that we’ve talked about is the way that universal history shows how a group of people try to tie themselves into the Christian and the Roman story. Yeah, right. But another thing that universal history does that’s kind of part of this in this broader expansive way that I’m using the term is it shows how how does my daily life tie into that story. And so, in, sometimes people will make a big deal about the fact that for instance in, in like Celtic paganism they had these sort of quarters of the year, and these were the days that fell exactly between those each solstice and equinox right there’s one on this date. Right. In, in Ireland, that it was celebrated on February the first, which happens to also be the feast day of St. Brigid of Kildare, who’s actually the patron saint of my new daughter, so there you go. It’s all connected. And so people will make a big deal about this and they’ll be like, oh, this is just like, see it’s just a Christian izing of this older pagan thing. And again to that I have to say, one, I don’t care. You guys can be complaining, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll baptize shark week, like, I’m sure you see that meme it’s like, listen, if you guys keep you guys keep complaining about this stuff we’re going to make shark week a Christian holiday like that’s right to do with it. But I mean, in another sense, you have to realize that this is the, this is the way that things work right this is the way that that we, we, that reality manifests, and this is the way that we know each other and the world that we live in and it’s the way that we know God, right, is the way that these things manifest themselves in time and the cycles the recurring cycles of the seasons, which were made by God. And so it’s kind of like preposterous to think, and this is why I just, I get heartburned from these people who are like, oh well this, you know, a long time ago when I was a pastor of a church, there was a big fracas because we, we had a Christmas tree up in like the, the four year, the four year, you know, which is what Baptist called the narthex you know, and, and some people like, oh well, and you know like Chris, you know, that’s a pagan holiday and they sent me like this DVD series, you know, like, you know, you got to Christmas. I know exactly. I know you know what I’m talking about right. But the reason that stuff gives me heartburn is because it’s like you know you think God doesn’t own the days of the year like he made the year. He made the agricultural cycle he made the solstices and the equinox, you know like he made these things. And so why would he not when he manifests himself in the world. Right, when he becomes incarnate, he becomes incarnate, taking on human nature in this full complete total way. And so he also like becomes incarnate at a particular point in time at a particular place in history. But what the, what the whole sort of Christian year shows is the way in which that particularity, you say again like the, the glory of the people Israel becomes a light to the And so, and so Christ doesn’t just fill up the 33 years that he’s walking around on planet Earth. Yeah, but actually fills up all of time with himself. Right. So, there’s no other way that the stuff could manifest right this is a feature it’s not a bug. Understanding the relationship of the times of the year to the life of Christ via the Christian liturgical year is vital is absolutely vital to the reading of medieval literature. Just to take as a for instance, Arthurian literature, every great Arthurian story happens at a particular Christian feast day. Yeah, sometimes it’s Pentecost, sometimes it’s Christmas. And so, the Gowan and the Green Knight happens on the feast, not of Christmas. One of my many, I mean happens during Christmas time, but doesn’t happen on Christmas day, which is one of my many beefs with a recent film. Yeah, it happens on the feast of the circumcision of the Lord, which was very popular in England at the time that that poem was written. And also it’s like, don’t you, if you cut something, a monster in two and you don’t understand that there’s a relationship between the circumcision and that. Yeah, that ends like you’re missing out on some of the story of what I don’t want to I don’t want to like, I don’t want to sound impious about this. Okay, but first of all, you have to understand in the Middle Ages people thought this was a pretty good joke. Right, there’s a beheading happens on the feast of the circumcision of the Lord, like, like people, people were aware, right, but also like if you don’t understand if you don’t understand that that story begins on the feast of the circumcision, you won’t actually understand anything about the story. Right, which is like what to do with the remainder. Right. That’s what the whole story is about. That’s what the whole story is about. I mean, it’s about, you know, like the sash and everything is always about it’s always about that. So, and so, if you don’t understand this stuff, then you won’t be able to read medieval literature.