the tyrant, the pharaoh, is the opposite of Moses. In some sense he’s received a divine revelation because Moses, who’s the agent of God, has come to him and said, what you’re doing is wrong, give us a bit of a break. And the pharaoh, instead of just saying no, says no, not just no. It’s like you want a little freedom. Here’s a little more slavery. And so here we’ll just make it a little bit harder, and that’s what you get for asking for, well even a modicum, even a modicum of freedom. And so we know already that the pharaoh is the kind of tyrant who will double down even in the presence of legitimate authority. But you can see it fractally even at all levels within yourself. I think of an alcoholic who suddenly decides I’m going to stop drinking and then watch him a few days later like binge out of his mind. Anytime you try to free yourself from anything, the thing you’re trying to free yourself from doesn’t want to let you go. Not only doesn’t want to let you go, but if you start to manifest a desire to get away, it’ll just bite down on you.