It’s interesting at the Exodus seminar, you know, with all my love for Dennis Prager. So it’s like, you know, I asked him, like I even outside of the conversation, outside of the film conversation, I said, and I said, who’s the figure in the book of, of Daniel, like who is this figure that sits at the right hand of God, you know, and that has, that looks like the son of man. And he was just like, well, you know, I don’t know. I don’t know who that is. And I was like, it’s interesting. Like, it’s like, it’s there, right? It’s right there in the text. So what is anyway, so there’s some definitely things to elaborate on. And if you look at the iconography, you’ve probably seen this, but the iconography of Christ, like the early images of Christ are all mapped on to write the visions of the prophets in the Old Testament. So if you see the image of the Ascension in the Rebulah gospels, sixth century, it’s like Christ is ascending into heaven and under him is like all these wings with eyes and heads and wheels. And it’s like, yeah, that’s because they knew that this is what was going on. Like the image, the visions in the Old Testament were revealing what Christ was and his ascension into heaven is him returning in the same spot that is described in those, in those prophetic visions. Yeah. Yeah. And the interesting thing about that vision in Daniel is that, you know, Daniel and Ezekiel are in certain ways, twin books there at the same time, or I think in the same time, Ezekiel mentions Daniel by name and that little phrase, you know, one like a son of man has one of its closest parallels in Ezekiel one. I saw one seated above the throne in the likeness of a man. And so, you know, these I think your scripture has a very specific and precise theology of things like the angel of the Lord. You know, it’s not just this kind of vague thing which is hinting at, you know, something which is only becomes clear later. There’s really a lot of specificity to it and how it relates to the tabernacle system and all that kind of stuff. So, yeah, that was something that I found really exciting when I was just starting to see the beauty of scripture. I remember reading Isaiah two and it said that the nations will cast away their idols when the Lord rises to terrify the earth and he alone will be exalted in that day. And I looked at those words. I mean, there’s lots actually of resurrection puns, I think, in the Old Testament. God rises and then things happen. You’re like, oh, wait, that happened in the resurrection of Christ. But when it says the Lord alone will be exalted in that day, well, you just go a few chapters later near to the end of the book. And it says that the servant will be high and lifted up and he will be exalted and then he will sprinkle many nations of the nations are sanctified and things like this. So it all just rolls together in this way that makes an icon of Christ. Inside the Old Testament on its own terms is really compelling, I think, in showing that there is actually a coherence to this text. So Father Stephen DeYoung on my channel recently, you know, he he he studied this quite a bit, too. And he was saying that it was so intense that in the in the early first, second century Judaism, as it was burgeoning, kind of being born, that they they started writing commentaries about how that, you know, this image of the son of the son of man sitting next to God, like the God punished him for it. Like, you know, you shouldn’t sit, you know, you should stand like there’s a mistake, like you shouldn’t be sitting at the right hand of God. Right. But it’s like it shows you the deep, the deep idea that the idea that this figure, the Daniel, the Daniel and Ezekiel see right. The fact that it’s sitting means it’s not an angel, like it’s at least not an angel in the regular way. There’s no way like it’s not a servant. Servants don’t sit. And that’s why we also like we just don’t have that way of thinking anymore. But like servants just don’t sit. The one who’s sitting is the one who’s being served. And so it’s not anyway, it’s it would be interesting to go deeper into it. But yeah, there’s definitely there’s a lot to say about about that. Yeah, I mean, it’s a book inspired by an infinite God. So there’s an infinite amount of things to say about it. And that’s what’s so exciting is that you never run out of material. That’s right.