Caleb is another non-Hebrew stock hero in the Torah. The Torah goes out of its way to tell you this is not a Hebrew. Oh, so it’s another noble outsider. So you have one of the only two spies to say we can conquer Canaan. One of the possible readings of the name Caleb is dog. And so you have Joshua and the dog, the Kenazite who take over Canaan. And Caleb gets the edge of the camp. He gets the periphery of the camp. He’s not an Israelite. Flash forward to Christ. There’s a little wordplay and game happening with Christ when he encounters the Canaanite woman who comes to him and asks Christ. And Christ says, you know, do not get to the dogs that which goes to the children. And then he ultimately says, like, I have not seen such faith, you know, as in her. Yeah, because she says the dogs can eat the crumbs. The crumbs which fall off the edge of the table. And she’s referring directly to this story, I think, to Caleb who gets the edge and who is the one one of the people that came in with faith into the land. So all these subtle references in New Testament. Right. And these are the two who produced the positive report. And so it’s unity of the center and the fringe as well that are represented. Well, that’s worth thinking about.