In my church in Romania, our art is not given that much importance in my opinion. And for example, music, we don’t compose that much music locally here, we’re just borrowing it from the states or some other composers. So, and I really think that it would bring more liveliness to the communion of the and the meeting of the people here if we would have more art. And I don’t know if that’s true intuition or… I mean, I think it would be. I think that the difficulty in which you’re going to, difficulty you might face is the difficulty of certain Christian traditions, which is that there are certain Christian traditions which do not view the pattern of the incarnation as being the pattern of reality and as infusing everything, as being behind the world, that Christ not only is a guy, was a man in the first century, not only was someone who came to die for your sins, but is the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world, that Christ is the pattern of everything, he’s the divine logos. And so I think that because some people don’t view the world that way, they tend to view the world with a scientific lens and then impose on that world vision of the science, this kind of secular scientific vision, they impose this story of you sinning and Adam and Eve sinning and then Jesus coming to die and kind of fixing that problem and now you’re saved and now the purpose of art is to get other people to be saved. And so because of that, there’s a lack in the deep expression of the logos which appears in scripture, which appears in the image of the temple, in the image, all the prophetic images that we see are soaking in the imagery of how the logos, how the word of God ripples through the world and manifests themselves. And so I think that you’re always going to kind of hit that wall a little bit. But I think there are ways around it in the sense that Christianity developed an extremely powerful language of architecture, of music, and of visual language. And so that’s the place to look, that’s the place to look to kind of recover it. It’s just that if you’re in a community that sees all of that as evil and sees all of the tradition, the visual tradition and architectural tradition and musical tradition that Christians develop for a thousand years, if they see that as evil, then you’re going to struggle because you’re going to be grasping at straws and you’re going to try to make it up as you go along and you’re going to create music based on pop music and all this stuff. And it’s going to have a certain weakness. Sorry, I don’t want to be harsh, but that’s a difficulty. That’s one of the reasons why there’s, that’s why Christian art stinks most of the time. And most Christian art that’s made, it’s horrible. It’s bad art, it’s bad Christian art, it just doesn’t have the depth that the ancient, that the ancient ancients have. And they also don’t have the depth of the secular people that they’re trying to copy because they don’t understand the actual message in the form of what they’re doing. So if you make, jazz has a form, rock and roll has a form. That form is symbolic. You can’t put a baby to sleep singing rock and roll songs. And so that’s because rock and roll has a form and that form has an effect on us. And so there are some things you can’t say or can’t do with that form because it has a reality of its own. It has its own body. And that’s one of the things that people tend to ignore. They think it’s all arbitrary and you can just use this form or that form because it’s popular and they don’t realize it. If you use, if you make videos that you show in church in which you use advertisement tropes, you’re using advertisement strategies to make videos to show in your church, then the effect it will have on people will be the effect that advertisement has. It won’t be, and you can’t do more than present, let’s say the gospel as a commodity that you need to get if you use those patterns. The medium is the message. The medium, it’s not just, but yes, the medium is the message. You can’t completely go outside of the medium.