What did you remember that produced that emotional response? That’s an engram, eh? By the time they realize I’m not gonna disconnect from my mom, they officially kick me out of Scientology. And then they go to my wife and they say, well, you have to divorce your husband or you’re gonna get kicked out of Scientology. And she says, that’s not gonna work for me. So they kick her out of Scientology. And so then they go to her parents and they say, you have to disconnect from your daughter and your three granddaughters or you’re gonna get kicked out of Scientology. But my wife’s parents have three other kids who have spouses that are Scientologists, who have kids whose spouse’s parents are Scientologists. They’re basically going, which kids do we wanna lose? Which grandkids are we never gonna see again? My wife never saw her dad again until the day he died.