Hell means death. So hell is Hades, right? And there’s a difference between death and the lake of fire that’s described in Revelations or that’s described by Christ at some points, Gehenna. Death itself is a product of sin. It wasn’t created so much as when you miss the mark, things start to break apart and you decompose. That’s death. That’s why it’s represented in the ground. That’s why the idea that hell is below, it’s down there. All this imagery is to show you that hell has to do with decomposition. It has to do with breaking apart, losing cohesion, losing memory, losing connection between the body and the soul. Something like that. So it’s not that it was created, it’s just that it is a side effect of sin. It’s a side effect of missing the mark. So the idea then of the fire or the fire of Gehenna or the river of fire that comes from the throne of God, that’s more complicated.