We see the world through a structure of value and I think that a huge part of that structure of value is Actually derived from the entire set of texts and their interrelationship that have the biblical corpus at their base And so it seems to me that I think you can make a pretty damn strong case Maybe on scientific grounds That you can’t see the world except through the lens of the Bible like literally you actually can’t see it now If it’s not the Bible might be some other corpus of texts, but it might be it isn’t and If it was well is it going to be a corpus of texts that we share because if it isn’t then we can’t share our Perceptions and our values and if we can’t share those then we fight those are the options right we either Stabilize our hierarchies of value in some way that we agree upon mutually or we fight that’s unbelievably chaotic and confused and that’ll just produce fighting in any case and