So we live in a quantum universe. Imagine the universe, the cosmos, as you know, is filled with an infinite tapestry of potentiality. That’s so interesting, that idea of an infinite expanse of potentiality, because potentiality is a very strange scientific materialist concept, because only what’s real can be measured materially. There is a cosmological hypothesis that permeates religious speculation that the cosmos that’s inhabitable, so the structured material world, is a manifestation of a multiplicitous potential. That’s the infinite chaos, right? And so in Genesis, for example, there’s a process that looks to me to be akin to communicative consciousness. The order that is good is extracted out from this multi-potential field of potential as a consequence of the action of some structuring force. It’s very interesting to me that in the realm of physics itself, there is the notion of expansive potential, and you associated that with quantum fields and also with the multiverse. Let’s walk through all of that.