Andrew asked, what is the symbolism of hatred in the Bible, such as when Christ said, if anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and child, children, brother and sister, yes, even their own life, such a person cannot be my disciple. It seems hate means separation as opposed to the union that symbolize love symbolizes. And so the one thing you always have to do with Christ is you always have to understand that Christ is often saying things. He’s trying to point to something which is beyond duality. And so often what he does is he has extreme statements. Right. So he has he has extreme statements that push something so far that it comes to a breaking point. Right. But then he’ll go the other way and he’ll have another statement which goes far as far, but in the other direction. And so. So Christ says this, like so he says, if you don’t, you have to hate everyone, like hate even yourself. And then he says something else, which is you have to love your neighbor, love your enemy, give your life for your friend. You have to, you know, love your neighbor as yourself, which includes also loving yourself and loving your neighbor. And so what’s going on here? And so the best way to understand it is it really has to do with the. The notion of hierarchy itself, which is that. You have to love things in their proper place, and so you have to love Christ more than anything. And so you can express it in an extreme. You could say you have to love Christ to the exclusion of all things. You have to hate everything and attach yourself only to Christ. And there’s a sense in which if you say that, it can be true, but it only true if you say the other side as well, which is you have to love everybody, love the entire world. You have to love all of God’s creatures. You have to love your enemy. You have to love those that despise you, those that persecute you. Right. And so you have to be able to hold those two statements, those two types of statements together to get to the manner in which Christ is both the very top of the hierarchy. But because he is that he also fills the entire world with himself. And so there’s no other way to see that. So. I don’t see how you could interpret that properly without the other side as well, or else. Yeah, it just becomes, you know, because if we really did that, then. Just that and not the other one, too, then we’d be in we’d be in trouble, wouldn’t we? So, yeah, I can understand in the moment, like when he says something like that, I can just imagine the disciples there and he tells them things like that. Like, there’s some things that Jesus says that are so so extreme, you know, he’s constantly saying extreme things. That that that whole section in the Gospel of John, when he’s talking to the people, he’s talking to the public, he’s not even talking to his disciples. He’s talking to everybody. And he says, you know, if you do not eat my blood and drink my blood and eat my flesh, then you cannot enter into the kingdom or whatever. And it’s like he’s saying that to people in the street. And that’s nuts. So, yeah, yeah, man. Yeah, Christ, you can I always say you can really understand why the disciple didn’t totally get what Christ was doing until it was all finished and until the Holy Spirit came down and illuminated for them all these disparate points and gathered them together so they could see the whole pattern. They could see how Christ was connected to the Old Testament. They could see these extreme statements that Christ was making and how they connected together mysteriously in this higher version. It’s like I can I get it, because if you’re really honest when you read scripture. If you separate the things from each other, man, there’s some crazy stuff in there.