The the cynical attitude towards prayer is something like asking God for favors and then of course the cynical Analysis of that is that if you ask God for favors like he won’t help you find your lost wallet generally speaking You know, but That isn’t if you’re if you take a bit of a more sophisticated approach to it, you know What you’re doing if you pray is that? You you formulate a question and you you wait for an answer and like a prayer might be okay, I Would like to do the best thing I could with my life now you have to open yourself up to that That’s to knock so the door will open. I would like to do the best thing with my life. What might that be? Now you could say that you’re thinking when you say that or use or you could say that you’re Leaving yourself open for a revelation or an intuition but you’re communing with whatever it is that enables you to receive wisdom and You can attribute all of that to you or you can attribute it to your brain I suppose but you’re you’re really communing with the structure of the cosmos when you’re when you’re asking such a question and especially if you Do it properly and it’s really useful to do that and it’s really necessary because it orients you properly So yeah the demise of prayer when prayer is considered in a sophisticated manner Which is do I commune with the better part of myself? Let’s say to determine how I should orient myself in the world. It’s a catastrophic loss not to do that