What happened to me was that I got way more optimistic than I was before I started reading those books. I mean, so many things have happened in the last 40 years that are so good, you just can’t believe it. I mean, we’ve lifted more people out of abject poverty in the last 15 years than in the entire course of human history, in terms of sheer numbers of people. You know, and starvation, except for political reasons, is now pretty much absent across the world. That’s quite something, given that there are 7 billion of us, and there’s only going to be 9 billion by all appearances. It’s going to peak out at about 9 billion, and my suspicions are, in 100 years, one of the biggest problems we’ll face is that there’s just not enough people. And you never hear that, but I really do believe it’s likely to be the case. And we can certainly carry 9 billion people without doing the planet undo environmental damage, and people who claim otherwise, I think, well, I think a lot of things about that.