It’s a tricky thing because I think a lot of people see they see those parts of the Bible that they don’t like and they Go, I can’t I can’t buy in the rest of this because of you know, XY zine. It gets tricky I know I can in I don’t know how familiar you are with the the Dune novels by Frank Herbert But I read a few but it was a long time ago. So I’m not super super So in that and maybe you can tell me what you think of how if this would be possible or wise In the Dune universe they have an ecumenical council set up and they take basically all the I don’t I don’t know what they defined As the best parts but they take the best parts sort of of all religions and turn them into the orange Catholic Bible as this One unifying sort of thing. Do you think it would ever be useful to try and do something like that? with religion just to you know Appeal to more people and unify or do you think that these things are part of a bigger pattern and if you pull them out Of there and say well, we don’t like when Moses told them to go kill all those people in that town or something That’s not good. We got to pull that out. Do you think that would start to unravel the entire thing? I think it would start to unravel and I think that and I think that it’s really important to keep those dark stories in the Bible like you have to keep those dark stories because you know God first of all God is not your your It’s not your sugar daddy. Like, you know God is the absolute Absolute, you know manifest state the absolute infinite the absolute non dual infinite that that You know and sometimes that non dual absolute infinite appears as a raging fire It’s like I don’t know why people it’s like I don’t know why people are bothered by that It’s like people read the Bhagavad Gita and they’re like, oh, this is amazing But then the idea that God would appear as this raging like fire like it totally bothers them It’s like dude, are you are you like how can you how can you get those two things to coincide? And it’s like but then that’s not all God is God is is everything and nothing and above all all categories and so and so you need to keep the darker stories in the Bible because they They’re they they act as this balance also to think that you’ve got it all figured out and that’s one of the one of the one of the Like I’m gonna get into trouble by talking about this but one of the the the problems with in my opinion with with Islam Has been that they try to eliminate all the weird stories in the Bible like in the Quran They say that they rectify the Bible and so all the weird stuff is like the stories about Incest and like all the kind of stuff that you’re like, oh my goodness. This is really dark They just they just took it out because they they want things to fit in a nice box Whereas when you read when you read the Bible it’s so complex and you’re like how the hell is this possible? Like how is this possible that this is happening and you you kind of you kind of you kind of do it Approach it with a kind of generosity then sometimes it just hits you like it just smacks you you’re like, oh my goodness This is what if this is talking about and it’s not it’s not telling me to do this No, it’s it’s trying to show this huge pattern and part of the pattern is The things that don’t make sense some part of the pattern is the fringe and the margin and I talk about this a lot for people who want it to that’s one of the reasons why I’m talking about this now like a lot of That I give are about this idea of things that don’t fit the idea of the margin the idea of the of the periphery Because it seems like that’s at the same time. That’s what we’re dealing with in our society today But it’s like we’re dealing with it and we don’t know how to deal with it at the same time So to kind of talk about these issues of things that are that are weird and don’t fit like I think that’s helpful today Think so too. Yeah, it’s interesting how yeah, like I wouldn’t expect to watch I mean, there’s some movies that I get great meaning from and and you know They’re just wonderful and whether it’s Star Trek Star Wars Whatever things like that that I I’ve derived a lot of value from but I never expect them to be a hundred percent puppies and kittens and and and all that and it’s but somehow with religion and I don’t know if that’s because Everybody keeps trying to argue that it’s just this big thing of peace and then someone goes well Yeah, but this part isn’t peaceful, but I don’t know why we do that with In particular, like you said with the Bible verses. Yeah, someone could go read the Bhagavad Gita and be like, oh sure Yeah, no problem. They don’t have any objections to massive holy wars or anything like that. So it’s a it’s yeah It’s an interesting interesting double standard I said we’re in we’re in like it’s weird like we’re in a self-destructive mode Like our whole society is in this self-destructive mode and when you’re and and it’s really at the end like the end of a Civilization you see that all over the place like, you know, it’s it’s like, you know when when the when the Vikings when then with when the Germanic people came down to like Start chopping heads in the Roman Empire. The young people were dressing like Vikings Like they were the the elites were complaining that the young people were dressing like the Northmen out of this kind of rebellious spirit You know, and so it’s like this we are we are at this point where now where we hate our culture we hate our heritage and we’re just trying to like Evacuate it as much as possible and then people they like, you know It’s like you get these people who who like hate Christianity hate organized religion and then they’re like, oh, but I’m really into tantric You know Buddhism. It’s like right. What the hell man? Yeah, are you serious? Like have you read any of that stuff? I don’t even want to criticize tantric Buddhism But it’s like if you’ve actually paid attention to what this stuff is saying It’s like I don’t know why you’re bothered with like these stories in the Old Testament that are that are stranger that are violent or that Are kind of yeah or that represent the infinite as like this this kind of raging thing It’s like I don’t know what to tell you man. Yeah, that’s a tough one I think if we if we had better better people out there explaining these things and more Petersons You know, it would definitely help because that’s what it took for me to kind of start coming around it Yeah I’m kind of embarrassed at how simplistic my view was before and how much I attacked these things that were That had great value and really hold up our system in a lot of ways and certainly there are problems But we don’t want to just you know, throw out the baby with the bathwater as it were and it’s uh, yeah It’s a real issue these days for sure You