Does being around groups of people make you energetic or does it exhaust you? And if you’re the sort of person that will go to a party and interact with 20 people and then you have to go home and be by yourself for like two weeks, then you’re introverted. Introverts are exhausted by social interactions. Extroverts are the opposite. They’re energized by social interactions. And you know, you might be in the middle so that you can take it or leave it with regards to social interactions but you’re happy to go to them and you’re happy to spend time by yourself. But a real extrovert, there’ll be some of you in here, how many of you can’t stand spending time alone? Okay, so there’s only two that will admit it. Extroverts are more likely to admit that sort of thing too, by the way. But how many of you like to spend time alone or would rather be alone? Okay, so there’s a preponderance of introverts in this class by all appearances. But that’s a really, that’s a pretty canonical question for extroversion versus introversion.