Young girl dancing to the latest beat Has found new ways to move her feet And the lonely voice of youth cries, What is truth? Young man speaking in the city square Trying to tell somebody that he cares Can you blame the voice of youth for asking, What is truth? Yeah, the ones that you’ll call and love Are gonna be the leaders in a little while When will the lonely voice of youth cry, What is truth? This old world’s wakened to a newborn babe And I solemnly swear it’ll be their way You better help that voice of youth find, What is truth? And the lonely voice of youth cries, What is truth? Alright, here we are for a zombie themed zombification of livestream. A little less prepared than I would like I think, but we’ll kind of make it work I suppose, maybe. So welcome. It’s been a long, long and difficult week, but we’re here. We’re going with the Halloween themed zombie thing. We might continue that next week. We’ve got some ideas already. But we got our Sam Pell ready to go with that. We’ve got a bunch of it in the Muppet Cup. Very important. So, gotta consider. And hey Dolly, good to see you. We’ve got a junkless bar. So then we roll. We can get our tea. We’re doing some bear claw tea from the Table Rock Tea Company. And we’ve got somebody almost falling asleep but listening. That’s okay. You can almost fall asleep. I can’t stop you. Hopefully I won’t put you to sleep. That wouldn’t be good. That’s not the goal. But if it happens, it happens. And it’s sort of hard, right? Because we’re going to be talking about zombies. And zombies are already asleep. It’s sort of the symbol of sleepiness right there. So what is the zombie phenomenon? I mean, John Verbeke did a book about zombies. Jonathan Pigeot did a thing about zombies. What do zombies represent? What are they all about? What is the zombie phenomenon? What is the symbolism? And I think zombies are a flattening, a reduction, a compression of the world. It’s a representational compression of the world. It’s the identification with no agenda. It’s a herd mentality. Zombies rarely feed on themselves, yet they are parasitic on the world that came before. They’re purely parasitic. But they’ll happily consume the world. But they’ll happily consume that which has vitality. And they’re all about identification against the living. And I think one of the reasons why we have a problem with zombies is because we know in a deep sense that zombies are true and real and a threat. That identification against that parasitic aspect, that lack of agenda, is something we sense in the world, or at least sense coming. And my first encounter with actual zombies was when I went to Scotland. I was in Edinburgh, which is gorgeous. This is the problem with Edinburgh. Gorgeous city. It’s unbelievably gorgeous. And you just see the people walking around and they’re looking straight ahead. And I’m like, how do you look straight ahead when you have a volcano, a castle on the edge of a cliff, basically, and the water like right there, and beautiful buildings everywhere. You can’t look anywhere and not see a beautiful building in Edinburgh. It’s impossible. How do you look straight ahead? How are you just going about your day? I don’t know. I don’t know, but zombies are real. And I could feel, hear, see, sense the gnawing on the ancient bones of the land that I was visiting. And it wasn’t all like that. I mean, you get out to Inverness, no zombies. But the city, full of foreigners, full of despair, full of materialism. Lots of zombies. Now, I remember I was talking on, I think it was one of Vanderkley Streams about my visit. Somebody from Scotland actually said, yeah, they’re here in England too, but I’m from Scotland and there’s more of them there. It’s not like, you know, a singular vision from me. And, you know, look, a lot of people always contribute to the stream. And a lot of that was, observation was from Jesse and a bunch from, I have a bunch from Sally today, of course. And I’m going to be ad-libbing quite a bit, maybe more than average. And the thing we don’t appreciate about the zombification is that it doesn’t stop at people. Right, we also have the zombification of leadership and authority. We have the zombification of systems and institutions. There’s like a zombie signal out there. Things like call centers, where there’s no one who has any authority to actually help you. Call us if you need us, but anybody you call can’t help you. Zombies are the flat world. They cannot correctly participate and they cannot correctly prioritize. That might be why they can’t correctly participate. Zombies hear a sound, they move towards the sound. They are anti-progress, born of progress itself. Parasites. That’s what a call center is. It’s a parasite upon quality service. And I can try to address that, Dali. How can we help them? That’s a good question. How can we help the world? It’s not about just the people. I mean, the people make the institutions. So yeah, if they’re sick, the institutions will be sick. Can’t blame the systems for the state of the people. The people make the systems. Something we continually forget. The sort of spirit or ethos of zombification of zombies is gluttony. They are the ultimate consumer. And they’re eating what in the age of gnosis, which I’m actually going to touch on quite a bit here. They’re eating what in the age of gnosis is the most valuable thing. They’re eating knowledge from the living. That’s what brains are. Brains are the center of knowledge. That’s what they’re feeding off of. That’s what they’re parasitizing. They have no potential. They don’t even see potential. They have no priority. And priority is a function of hierarchy, or at least related to it. They have no ability to compromise. Because compromise requires value, value requires hierarchy. They’re living in a flat world. And they take no quarter. They take no quarter. Just as the material world takes no quarter. And that’s the thing. Where are these zombies coming from? What is causing zombification of people, of institutions, of systems? Of the world? Is it just the slow decay of time? Is it an overconsumption? Is it progress as such? Zombies are wrapped up in the material identification of ethereal things. Talk a lot about the word ethereal. It’s related to the set of spiritual. It’s related to Plato’s realm of forms, or the Eidos. Plato’s realm of forms is oddly formless. It’s the ethereal realm. Does the material identification of something cause the equality doctrine by flattening the world? Or does the equality doctrine flatten the world and cause the material identification? Hard to say. And you’ll notice in the movies, in the TV shows, in the zombie lore, if you want to think of it that way. You can see even in the material flattening of the world, lore emerges. The newness, the richness, and hierarchy is always what fights the zombies. I haven’t seen much Walking Dead. I haven’t seen a lot of it, but I’ve seen more than maybe I would have liked. It’s a good show, actually. It’s fairly well written. Just zombies or not. I got enough zombies. I don’t need them on TV. You see the hierarchy emerge. There’s always a leader, there’s leaders, there’s little groups. The groups all have leaders. They have different skills. The disenchanted version of humanity is what’s fighting the disenchanted version of humanity. That’s a good way to think about zombies. There’s a disenchanted version of humanity. And that’s the thing. This equalization, this flattening of the world, this compression, this reduction of the world is always top down. It has to be. The top has to squish everybody else down. That’s how it gets flat. Not the only way it gets flat. You can flatten things from the bottom up, too. It’s just a lot harder. It’s easier to find a lowest common denominator. It’s one of those things the Marxists always missed. How do you make everybody equal? You bring everybody down to the same level. Because raising everybody up is not possible. Always missed. Always missed, those crazy communists. And that top down, that’s flattening things. It’s also foolproof. It’s knowable. It’s gnosis. It’s knowledge. And as I mentioned earlier, we’re going to go more into gnosis. And this is what the process of zombification is. Is this squishing. Squishing the world down. Just making it material. Now you can use science on everything. Science just works everywhere. That’s not how the medieval thought of it, of course. Even when they did have science or proto-science or things like science, they had a lot of things that are like science. We don’t appreciate that. But once you squish things down, once you equalize them by making the material, you can make jobs accessible to all workers. And then you can, I don’t know, let’s suppose you were of small intellect, but had a lot of time on your hand and fairly articulate. You could come up with some system whereby the workers were as valuable as the managers, who were as valuable as the owners. And then you have Marxism. And, you know, did you just call Karl Marx stupid? Yes, I did. He is. Read his stuff. It’s dumb. I don’t know what else to say. Like, it’s obviously wrong. It’s full of contradictions. The man’s a little retarded. I don’t know what else to tell you. It’s too bad that he was able to write anything. It’s too bad that those books survived. And it’s too bad that anybody reads them and doesn’t instantly go, this guy has the intellect of a three-year-old because he does. And that’s what creates zombies. Marx, Karl Marx, creates zombies. He’s not the only one. And it is, thank you, Erica, deeply related to symmetry. You want symmetry in the world, you’re going to get equality. You’re going to get equality, doctor. It’s going to flatten the world. You want to flatten the world, you’re going to get zombies. It’s up to you. I don’t think it’s a good idea, but that’s how we got here. You want equality, you get zombies. Zombies are equal. They all follow one another. They’re all the same. They have the same goal. They are the crowd. They are the mob. They are the result of normalization as such. That’s why I’m not a big fan of using normal as a standard. I don’t think it’s a good standard. And yes, as mentioned, shortening your memory, your attention. These are zombifications. Technology is really good at it, right? Because technology is based in material. And technology tries to fit you into a flattened view of the world. What are you? Oh, you’re a clique. Or an impression. Or a conversion in our system. That’s how you interact online if you’re running an online business with your advertiser. Advertising itself has lost intimacy through gnosis. Knowledge destroys intimacy. We can get into, well, in the Bible, the definition of knowledge is quite different. Yeah, in the Bible. How many people are reading that lately? Could be part of the problem, or at least a contributing factor. And if they did read it, would they understand it? Or did they interpret it by themselves? Which probably is impossible because no one’s smart enough. Yet they persist. What happens? What causes, say, the zombification of something like a system or an institution? The patterns of the world that people sense, because we all sense them intuitively, get converted. They get squished, reduced, compressed, flattened into procedures. Zombies. What happens when you flatten quality? You get quantity. You get measurements. You get metrics. And then you can compare them. You can compare your measurements yesterday versus your measurements today. Line go up good. Right? What’s the quantity? How many viewers do I have? Not many, by the way. Not today. What are the metrics? We’re going to use the metrics. How many people saw my tweets? Apparently quite a few people saw a bunch of my tweets. I had no idea. So I wasn’t paying attention to the metrics. Finally pay attention to my Twitter metrics today. And I’m like, oh, wow. This tweet got 4,000 views. This tweet got 3,000, 2,000, 1,000, almost 1,000. Wow. This age of gnosis stuff, which is very much related to zombies, is very popular apparently. Lucky me. Substack coming soon. The flat world is a proceduralization of the world. It’s not even a map. I always talk about confusing the map for the territory, blah, blah, blah. It’s not even. It’s way worse. It’s way worse. Because you’re fooling yourself into thinking you don’t have a map because it changes. Ooh, procedures, they change. Or they at least have some cyclical nature to them, but do they? They are parasites upon the patterns of the world and the richness and fullness of the enchanted world in which we all reside. The flat world solves all problems by universalizing them into zombies. Lowest common denominator. Just need some brains. Let’s take an example. Let’s look at homelessness. In a flat world, homelessness is just a state of being that we can solve by providing people a home. Problem, people lack quantity home. Procedure, give people who lack quantity home a home. Problem solved. But this is a compression. A reduction. It’s an oversimplification. It’s devoid of an intimate connection, intimacy crisis, with the lives that are in the situation we call homelessness. The whole concept of homelessness is already bankrupt, bereft of useful ability. The people who find themselves homeless did not all get there the same way. The largest group of homeless people are mentally ill. You can look that up. You won’t, but you can. A bunch of them are addicts. Some of them fell on hard times. And if you just give them a home, they can get right back up. Sure. Not most. A lot of people think to this day, oh yeah, you just give homeless people a home and problem solve. Do you know how many times it’s been tried on a large scale, on a small scale? It’s been tried on all scales. All kinds of scales. It doesn’t work. We know why it doesn’t work. You don’t know why it doesn’t work because you haven’t looked. We don’t look. We don’t seek knowledge correctly. We’re zombies. We eat the brains of other people. That’s why AI is so attractive. Ooh. AI is a big brain for the zombies to feed off of. Mmm. Brains. Fresh gnosis. Yum. This whole idea of flattening the world, we’re creating a world devoid of life, devoid of the ability to be intimate. It’s a shadow, a mirror, a faint whisper of what was and what could be. It’s a reduced, flattened, compressed world to what is here and now. Mindfulness, anybody? Ooh, be mindful of the present. Zombies. That’s how you make zombies. You want zombies? That’s how you make zombies. No time. No past. No future. Just brains. Just brain parasites, gnosis parasites, here and now. And eventually they’re going to win. They’re going to keep eating. When they run out of brains, because it’s all zombies, what’s going to happen? We’ve got our AI. We can feed on it for now. And we sanitize it so it won’t tell us uncomfortable truths. Can’t have uncomfortable truths. And let’s go into more examples. What happens at the scale of health care? Or like a hospital? If you universalize everything, the problem you have is the problem of the outlier. One person goes to the emergency room. They put them in a queue. They give them a number. Your number 10. Takes two hours to get to number 10. They get to number 10, he’s dead in the seat. What do we do? We need a solution. We’ve already squished down the health care and medical system to hospital. Any solution we have for that one incident has to be universally applied. Because we flatten the world. Everything’s equal. We have to give everybody equal treatment. Now every hospital needs to triage. That makes the cost go up. Maybe it’s the right thing to do. You’re not going to get equal triage capabilities everywhere. You might get one triage person is really good and one who’s really bad, and now the triage person screws up because you’re going to have another outlier incident. Because the world works. Now you’ve got to train all the triage people to be equal. Because you can’t have unequal treatment. But not everybody can be a good triage person. So you have to train them to some standard that a lot of people can meet because we need a lot of triage people. It’s not one or two, right? We’ve got more hospitals than one or two. So we lower the standards. Flatten the world. Yeah, the medical care may be free, but it takes six months. I had a friend years, years, years ago, Canadian. Came down to our, excuse me, Boston office. He was telling me a story. He got sick. Went to the doctor. He was feeling dizzy or something. The doctor said, well, you probably just have like a cold. Can’t find any signs of a cold. But it’s possible that you have a brain tumor. I can’t get you an MRI here in Canada in less than six months unless I admit you to the hospital. So you admitted him to the hospital, got him an MRI the next day. Didn’t have any brain tumor. Now you’ve got waste in the hospital system because you’re admitting people that don’t need to be admitted. You’re using up a bed, blah, blah, blah. That’s what happens when you zombify an institution, a structure, a system. You get weird results. And everybody complains about the weird and obviously wrong results. And the signals of the zombies because normalization is a thing. We kind of have to be tribal at some point. We have to go along to get along. When you have a bunch of people following a signal, whatever that signal is, that’s part of the zombification. If everyone believes the same lie, they’ll act as if. Or if you think everyone’s believing the same lie, and maybe they’re not and you missed it. Maybe a bunch of people are doing the same thing for very different reasons. And that’s the problem is that the zombie signal is strong. It’s not just some external force flattening the world. And let’s look at another example. So we’ll go back to call centers. You’re replacing someone’s brains or their intelligence, right, their ability to think. The quality of their interaction with people, right. And the concept of helping their ability to provide quality help. And the hierarchy, like some support people are better than others. You’re replacing all of that with metrics, with measurement, with numbers. I worked at a call center years and years ago. I took the job on purpose because I hate phones. I still hate phones. I hate talking on the phone. I don’t mind it so much when the phone rings, but I hate calling people. You never know what they’re going to say. You never know what you should say. So I took that job on purpose to get better at dealing with my fear of being on the phone. And I killed it. They hated me, my coworkers, because I destroyed them. Very efficient. I actually broke the record for all the call. It was a big building, all the call centers. It was the headquarters, North American headquarters for a tech company. I destroyed all the records for all the call centers for all the products. I was the second hardest product to do tech support for. And you only do that by getting lucky, because that’s not a first-date. I would take 40, 45 calls a day at a minimum. Most people take 10 or 12. Eight hours. Don’t ask me how they only manage 10 or 12. I don’t know what my call center support ratings were. I never cared. I still don’t. I don’t know what my call center support ratings were. I don’t know what my call center support ratings were. I know my zombies. In a call center, you’re reducing the hierarchy. You’re reducing everything down to procedure and measurements. We have metrics. We don’t know why we’re taking the metrics, but we measure the metrics. And that’s more evidence of why the metric system is evil. No, really, it is. Age of Gnosis, indeed. When you flatten the world to the material, you say, you know what’s most important in the world? The temperature at which water boils and the temperature at which water freezes. And we’re going to index our human experience based on this material set of events. The boiling and freezing of water, because we use water all the time. We cook with it. So totally makes sense. We’re going to flatten the world to that. Doesn’t work. I know when you dig into the history, and it is actually a fascinating history. What’s the guy’s name? Is it Charles Fahrenheit? I forget. Anyway, the Fahrenheit system. The guy who did it, you use the mercury and the qualities of mercury. And there’s some deep math in the indexing system for the numbers that has some interesting side effects. Interesting side effects, basically. But I mean, he wrote about it. He did it deliberately. You know what the hell he was doing. He was a mathematician, among other things. Emory serves. The metric system is a flattening, a reduction, a compression of the world down to the material, down to the observable material change in the state of water. And it doesn’t work. All the metric system reductions don’t match human experience as well as the imperial system does. And people have observed this time and time and time again. They come to the US, they go, huh, the way you guys do weights makes more sense for how I carry objects. I can tell by the weight of an object roughly how tired I’m going to get carrying it. You can’t do that in the metric system. Because the scale is wrong. The change in the numbers doesn’t match the change in your experience quite so well. Look, imperial system is not perfect. It’s got lots of flaws, but it’s way better than these metric systems. And that’s interesting. So to address some of these questions in the chat that I see. What do we do about this? How do we solve this? We want to call it rampant zombification. And I think the problem with all of these issues is that, John Bravicki talks about this, a lot of people talk about this, problem formulation and definition is key to solving problems. Zombification is a problem. It’s definitely something that is created and can be solved. Zombification, the flattening of the world, the reduction of the world, the compression of the world, is largely due to disenchantment. To the inability for a person to interface with the depth of the world. With the fullness of the world. With the fullness of things like time. And it’s the fullness that Danny alludes to here in the comments. How do you quantify laughter, love, caring, joy, happiness, struggle, suffering, depression? I can’t. And if you can’t quantify it, can’t apply science to it. What do you think happens when you try to apply science to something you can’t science? Well, you have to compress it. You have to reduce it. You have to flatten it. Science flattens and carves up everything. Everything. And the error is in us. I mentioned Karl Marx and his complete idiots. I cannot believe anybody actually read Das Kapital. You read like a page and you’re like, this guy’s dumb. Or like Hegel, another classic idiot. I mean these people are just they’re just missing simple things. Simple, simple things. Can’t reduce things to the interaction between two people. This is a big theme in the Republic by Plato. Can’t reduce justice to your interaction with one other person. Or to your feeling about justice. You can’t do that. It doesn’t work. You have to expand it out to the city. Can’t reduce depression to the chemicals in your brain. A lot of this is the result of the age of gnosis. Trying to reduce the world to knowledge or worse, information. Look, I’m a computer guy. I love information theory. Claude Shannon, great stuff. I love game theory. Right? Is it John Nash? Great stuff. Read the originals. I don’t read the more recent misinterpretations of either of their works. But those guys knew there were boxes limits. There were things that didn’t work on. They were never trying to apply it inappropriately. Unlike today where everyone’s trying to apply this stuff inappropriately. Trying to reduce the whole world to information. Information loss. That’s madness and silliness and zombification. The world’s not information and it can’t be compressed, reduced or flattened to mere information. There’s something else going on. Something ethereal that drives all of that information. Or all those signals that we put in a formation. To turn them into knowledge. To gain an understanding. So that we can apply a judgment. And take an action in the world. And I have live streams on that. Discernment, judgment, action. I have a live stream on each of those topics. If you want to know more, you can go there. The age of gnosis, we’re reducing things to propositions. To a type of knowledge that is merely expressed in propositions. Propositions are imperfect. They’re messy. They’re imprecise. They’re unclear. Because language is a compression already. It’s already a reduction. Tell me how you feel. Go ahead, I dare you. It’s not going to work. None of this is going to have an effect. None of this is going to help. It’s not going to work. Like, you can’t tell somebody how you feel. I feel sad. What the hell does that mean? Is that about what? How sad? More sad? Less sad? Four sad? Seven sad? Keep thinking about the world. And communicating about the world. In terms of propositions. It’s great. We can read. We have a common language. We can communicate with one another. Using these words. Words can be very powerful. You can get very articulate. You can manipulate people with your articulation. You don’t have to rely on good looks. Or bad looks. But that’s not all the world is. The world is full of action. And experience. And emotion. Your feelings. In order to have a healthy relationship with those things, you have to put your time, energy, and attention towards them. When you are distracted. When your attention is moved towards propositions. When your importance is placed on words. You’re using up your cognitive ability. You’re using up your time. And you’re using up your energy. On propositions. Maybe you can understand propositions really, really well. And I’ll allow myself a boast. Not better than me, I bet. For almost all values of humans. Not people watching. I’m making a bold claim. And I can back it up. I’ve done it before. I’m really good with propositions. Really good. Shockingly good at language. I can tell if you’re lying by how you say a sentence. Not the intonation. I can do it online. With people typing. Oh, that person’s lying. Not many people can do that. A few people can do that. Not very many. When you reduce the world that way. You fail to see what’s important. You can’t see words. And when you put them on a page, they’re not really words. You can’t see what’s behind them. You can’t see what generated them. You can’t see where they’re going. Sometimes you can make guesses. But when you’re in person with somebody, there’s so much more information. There’s so many more signals available to you. And if your time, energy, and attention is set towards just their words. Or you have some ridiculously compressed, reduced, flattened, procedural understanding of how they should be behaving. Sound much like autism? It’s not, but it looks like it. How are you going to interact with the world? Can procedures convey pattern? Not very well. Can they convey symbols? Not very well. Stories can. But not mere propositions. Music can convey patterns and symbols. But they’re using more than mere propositions. You can make the argument that when you’ve got music and when you’ve got lyrics and they go together well, that’s a better song. Absolutely. Sting made that argument years ago. I heard him in an interview. It was rather interesting. But is that what’s going on? Is there maybe more going on there? Can you reduce that more to propositions? Can you tell me in propositions why you like a particular song? Can you tell me what things mean to you using just propositions? You can always forget. At the end of the day, you can say more with an action. You can know more with an experience. You can be more by doing. Propositions are a flattening. A reduction, a compression of the world. And when the ceiling is low, all you have are zombies. And they’re the ones bringing down the ceiling. Because what makes zombies other zombies? You’ll notice in zombie lore, there’s always some big, unclear origin story. They please right past, takes four seconds. Ah, there’s a lab, this thing escaped. They’re doing this experiment, boom, zombies. Rest of the story is about the zombies. And then once that thing escapes, it’s usually not the starting thing that creates the rest of the zombies. It’s getting bitten by a zombie or scratched by a zombie. Once the materialism spreads, you get more zombies. Once the gnosis gains hold, you get more zombies. Once the science becomes the most important thing, you get more zombies. Where did zombies come from? They come from misdirected time, energy, and attention. It causes a form of stupidity like Karl Marx had, where he thinks somehow all workers are equal. You ever work at a factory? I worked at UPS. You were the number one unloader at UPS? Me. Me, that’s who. Me, I was. Not on my shift, in the building, for all three shifts. I smoked all the records. Every single record smoked. It was not the fastest order, which is interesting. I was the fastest unloader by far. I was so good at unloading, they gave me overtime to unload on the previous shift. The previous shift. I screwed that up one day, I got in trouble, but I was able to straighten it out. The other workers were pissed at the union shop. That’s why I hate unions. I worked at a union. Yeah, not good. If you’re an outperformer or an overperformer, or if you like to do good work, you don’t want to work at a union shop. Everyone will be pissed at you, because you make them look bad. Karl Marx should shove that right up his… you know what. That’s the problem. He didn’t account for that. He just assumed everybody was equal. When you reduce things down to you, or you and one other person, you’re reducing the world. You’re compressing it. You’re flattening the world. You’re zombifying everything. A lot of philosophers, we’ll call them recent philosophers, or so-called philosophers, think everybody after Aristotle is a sophist, personally. And I mean that as the worst insult, as it was known in Plato’s time and Aristotle’s time. They all flatten the world in a ridiculous way. Absurd. It takes two seconds to figure out what the hell is going on and how stupid they are. We want so much to believe that one clever thing they said once, wrote once in a book, is so brilliant that it redeems all the ridiculous things they said. It does not. We’re living in this world where our time, energy, and attention is going towards propositions, towards maps, taking us away from territories. What do you think AI is? What do you think VR is? What’s virtual reality? Why would you need that? You have real reality. Why would you want a flattened, compressed version of reality? That’s reduced to ones and zeros. I’m a computer guy. I love that stuff. No thanks. Have I done VR? Yeah, I did. My cousin had a VR helmet. He let me use it. It was fantastic. I had a blast. I was like, oh, this would be kind of cool. Expensive hobby. It would be neat. Spend time with my friends that I don’t live near anymore. We could all spend time kind of together in a video game. Might not be bad for an hour a week or a couple hours a week, something like that, maybe. I don’t know. But I’d rather go visit them and be with them in person because there’s more information there. There are more signals there. There’s more ways to interact. It’s more enchanted. Fewer zombies. Less zombification. Fewer procedures. What have we done with video games? Video games are just functions. You can get a procedure together and win them. And the winning is all that matters. Except what happens when you just win the video game? Now you want to see how other people win the video game. Why? Why would Twitch be a big thing? I mean, personally, for me, I’m like, why would Twitch be a big thing? Because Twitch takes you out of the video game. I was always like, yeah, I could just play that game. Why would I want to watch somebody else play that game? And I suck at video games. So watching other people play video game means I get to see more of it because I’m watching other people play video games. I get to see more of it because I’m terrible at video games. You get to see the quality of their play. Twitch, ironically, is a re-enchantment of video gaming as such. Wow. And why are we zombies? Why do we have a young generation of zombies? Because they’ve been taught to pay attention to the wrong things. And I’m going to do videos on this at some point, but your cognitive ability is limited. I can use for you. I don’t think that’s a super controversial sort of a statement. I suspect that if you spend all of your cognitive ability on propositions, on material, on the flat world, If the skills you sharpen and develop and hone and maybe over hone, overdevelop, are all around interactions in the flat world, propositions and procedures, then maybe not only do you not pay attention to the wrong things, but if you spend all of your time on propositions and procedures, then maybe not only do you not prefer the enchanted vision of the world, maybe you can’t see it. Maybe you no longer possess the eyes to see, the intuitive ability, the cognitive ability, the cognitive energy, because you’re putting all your energy towards looking at exactly this flat vision and knowing it perfectly well so that you can jump through that hoop and win that next big boss level. You can get it done as efficiently as possible. Maybe if that’s where you’re spending all your cognitive energy, you haven’t honed the skills of the poetic way of informing the world. See my model video, the Knowledge Engine model. You want to know about the age of gnosis? That’s the beginning of understanding the age of gnosis. You want to know about the flat world? I’ve got an old playlist on models. I’ve got numbered videos with slides. The first four, there’s a fifth. Fifth is pretty good too. Those are good. Those will show you the view of the world, where the zombification comes from. They’ll show you how other people, maybe even you, are viewing the world, where they’re stuck, and where the view of the world needs to go. And it’s an expression, an early and probably ugly, because it’s a couple years old now, expression of these concepts. These are not new concepts. I’ve been trying to express the same thing for nigh on four and a half years now, when I first saw it. Maybe five years. It’s been a long time. And hopefully I’ve gotten better at expressing it. But there’s always room to go, I think. And that’s why I’m experimenting with it. So I think next week we’re going to continue the monster-y Halloween-y type theme. Let me know if you like that idea. In the meantime, if you’d like to discuss zombies or really anything else, because we don’t have to stay on topic. That’s not what this is for. This is more for enchanting the world. Jump in. Enchant the video by interacting directly in mostly real time on the stream. The link has been sent out to the peoples. And at some point I’ll get to pin it on my channel. I am going to shoot the person that thought this up. I’m going to change the Google interface and screwed everything up as usual because it’s what they do. Bear claw tea is good. I like bear claw tea. Definitely going to need some Sam Pell. So yeah, I think I addressed most of the questions as I went in the chat. Feel free if you don’t want to jump in to chat away. I’ll try to do my best to help you out. And I’m glad Benjamin Franklin liked my drawing. It’s amazing what you can do on the Internet. They have these little drawing things and sometimes I can do an OK job of them. The zombies are everywhere, unfortunately. That’s really the problem of today is the number of zombies we have. They’re just sort of everywhere. That’s probably why the walking dead is so popular, right? Or was so popular. Is it still on? I don’t think it is. We’re definitely seeing the zombies. We’re definitely expressing the zombies. I think that Vervaiki goes over that in his book. Question is, what are we going to do about it? I don’t think you can magic the zombies out of their problems. Another way to think about zombies is stuckness. Zombies are stuck, right? They don’t have brains, knowledge. And they’re constantly seeking more of it. Ever insatiable. Ever seeking, right? And they’re always the end of a legacy of progress. Whatever kind of progress they come from. It’s usually some lab experiment, right? That happens. And then they self-replicate like all good parasites. So they’re stuck. They can’t tell that they’re human in some sense. They’re acting as if they’re not human. And that idea that they’re the result of a death. Continuation past that which is natural. I think that’s a big aspect of zombies, that continuation past the natural. Past the normal. Sort of beyond the end. Another way to think of it is a failed resurrection. If you want to get all symbolic about it. You notice the solution to zombies in the movies is more death. It’s a fundamentally parasitic, never-ending, nihilistic cycle. But you can fix people who seem to be stuck in zombie land. You just have to show them that they’re stuck. You have to get them to engage with their own reality. Their own nihilism. In a way that doesn’t send them running straight into it. Embracing it wholeheartedly. Because people do. You’re already on the zombie track. It’s hard to get off the zombie track. How do you unzombie your political system? How do you convince your leaders that they’re playing politics instead of running the country they pretend to support? They’ve reduced the world to politics instead of re-enchanting it with the people that are impacted by the decisions that they make. And they’re always surprised when the system pushes back. The zombie never sees his second death coming. The zombies just focused on the brains. The academic institutions don’t notice how corrupt they are. They don’t notice that they’re no longer imparting knowledge into the heads of children. And when you tell them, they don’t believe you. Oh, it’s not that bad. That’ll never happen here. That’ll never happen at my school. That’ll never happen in my discipline. That’ll never happen to my Australian friend, Jesse. Hey, Jesse. Hello. Hello, my non-zombie upside down future man. Australia’s in the future. It’s Saturday. How you doing, sir? Good. It’s been a long week. It’s been a short year, but a long week. I feel the coming of the undead every week. This week, not for me, but yeah. Actually, I wanted to… It was a busy week for me, though. Oh, I like it. So I made this. You made that? Yeah, it’s a skull. How did you make that? That’s cool. Well, I took an existing one and I made it better. Oh, I see. It’s meant to be a candle and then… I had a skull candle years ago. It was great. I loved it. Yeah, I think that’s one of the things we’ve lost is that reminder of death. I actually did some notes before coming on, jumping on the stream. I thought one way to start this conversation in a different way was to look at the loss of traditional burial rites or ceremonies or funerals. And they’ve been replaced with zombie movies. They’ve been replaced with the Western Spock Buddhism, which is just to blow the ashes into the wind. And often that’s depicted in a number of different ways as being a very lonely and less communal ceremony rather than the Western idea, which is, you know, it’s the village, it’s the townspeople. It’s the acknowledgement of the loss. Of the loss. Yeah, you could say also the natural order of things, you could say. Right. Yeah, the natural cycle. And look, to that end, this is a small miracle here on the zombie show, Benjamin Franklin speaking in zombie track. It really does feel like a train track that circles constantly. All inhabitants are always maintaining the train and nobody knows the destination. There’s no stop. It’s a good take. Finally, I’m like, amazed. Excellent take. Right. And that is, I guess it’s all wrapped up. So you can look at not dealing with death and not knowing how to resolve it as the story of the zombie. So you die, but then you’re not entirely dead. And all that, it just increases. Like the death in a zombie world increases because more people die and become zombies. Like this is never a lessening of the zombies in any real sense because it just all humans are replaced by zombies. And it can’t end any other way, you know, technically, mathematically, materially. Right. It’s devoid of miracle because it’s all material. And it is the way they deal with death. We don’t want to admit that death exists. But if death doesn’t exist, observation tells us that zombies are the only answer. And it is circular to that excellent point. Like it’s absolutely circular. Yeah, I get. Have we touched on charmism yet? Because that’s another aspect that’s going on here. Often there’s a couple of different mythologies of zombies. The predominant one, I would say, is the is the Tibetan Book of the Dead as well as the charmism of voodoo. We do see that manipulation of of flash and materialism is the primary right catalyst of desire, control, consumption. So, yeah, we could talk about that for a second. I think that that’s that that lack of free will is something that people either project into or want to project onto themselves as a full safety net or comfort. Right. So if it’s just the politician’s job to sort out your community or your fire alarms or your fire department, then, yeah, you give up your control, you give up your involvement and that’s the false wet blanket. So, yeah, which just creates a creates a mentality of always looking at the shadows of things rather than the actual events. Well, in zombie, I talked about this. It is a shadow. It’s a mirror. Right. Danny, a zombie does not permit the possibility that they do not fully. I like that. I like that. He’s on occasion, Danny. No. Or that they could be wrong. The zombie could see that it was a zombie would not be a zombie. I think, yeah, it’s a self-defining trap. It’s highly the zombie phenomena is highly ironic. I don’t know if Peugeot covers that. We’ll say as well as I would like. Verbeke doesn’t cover it. He just looks at it as a as a prophetic foreshadowing. And it’s like, no, dude, it’s it’s it’s more than that. Right. It’s more than that. It is the materialist scientific reduction of the world as it manifests. Right. It’s it’s people going, yeah, we know where this leads. We don’t want to admit it because we like that, quote, control or the appearance of control. Science gives you the appearance, not actual control. Right. We don’t want to give it up. But what are we going to do? Right. Well, we’re going to we’re going to zombie our way out to zombie land. And we’re going to work that out in our media with our movies and our TV shows. We try and figure out what it means to be a zombie, to live in a zombie world. And and also there’s the superhero motif. Well, I’m not going to be one of the live people living in that difficult community with all those difficult people like walking dead. Fucking dead is a wonderful drama. It’s absolutely wonderful. Right. It’s very human, very reasonably realistic to these are the types of people you encounter. And some of them are real jerks. But you kind of need them because the jerks tend to be really good at dispatching zombies and still need a leader and leaders are flawed. And yeah, I mean, all the elements are there. It’s a wonderful soap opera in most respects. It’s just done with the backdrop of zombies. Why would you tell the same old story? Right. With a backdrop of zombies. Well, because that’s what you’re prophesied. Right. You still live in the world. You still experience all those types of people that you see in Walking Dead or these other shows and movies. They’re still there. You just want to relate to them in the world to come. And if you think the world to come is zombies, that’s what’s going to show up in the media. I’m skeptical of this notion. I tweeted about this this week. I’m more skeptical that they he he caught onto something and then twisted it. So I would like to propose the notion that the zombies are always on the horizon. You never you never escape the possible zombie problem or zombie vacation or normalization as you’re talking about. The mob was actually a very, very big book in the 1930s, I believe. So there we can even trace it back to the pre 80s world and find out that there was a meme or a series of ideas, a series of threads that people identified with different words. I think it’s just this new 1960s, 1980s world that. Yeah, that the zombie crisis is what is before us or you may consider competence crisis. All of them. Right. Where I think to the point on Walking Dead, where it gets wrong is how quickly barbarism would actually take place. I think Walking Dead tends to really exemplify that middle portion of this cycle of decay and say, oh, yes, we can still we still have these little out camps where we still keep civilization going. And we can find enclaves like a prison to live into. We willingly move into a prison like, yeah, sure. OK, it’s a great defense mechanism. But for how long that for me is where the show ended show itself. I know the story goes on. Well, but you but you live but you do live in the prison. I mean, that’s more prophetic. That’s a Gnostic thing as well. Right. Right. Yeah. Right. I mean, that’s the missing petition of Plato’s cave video coming someday. I promise the total misinterpretation individual individualistic interpretation of Plato’s sandwich wasn’t the opposite of what he’s saying. I actually really annoys me is that we have no choice. Right. Like, you know, oh, we can live free or we can live in a prison. No, you were born into a prison. Get over it. And that’s what Plato says. That’s what the cave is. The cave is if it says this, you were born into bondage. You don’t escape from the bondage ever. You don’t know different. If you could know different because the gods effectively made you made one person know different, it wouldn’t work when he says, oh, you’re talking to the people goes back into the cave. Nobody goes back in the cave. Nobody gets out of the cave ever. Plato says nobody gets out of the cave, goes back into the cave and then tells people, no, no, no. If you were freed from the bondage, you were born into and you told people they wouldn’t believe you because they were born into the bondage to. It wouldn’t work. Oh, Sally. Oh, let’s see. I have listened to none of it. I have no idea where you are. I did the call center just for you and you didn’t listen to any of it. I’ll listen to it. Future me has listened to it. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m not going to make proclamations for what future me will do. That’s terrible plan. Perhaps this is a relevant cultural thread. Obviously I’m going to talk from that aspect that the one depiction of zombie starts with the southern house being attacked by the gods. That’s not a living dead that we move into zombies attacking suburbia, which is land of the dead and then all the fellow survivors. It’s a sign which is interesting. Where they move into a mall. That doesn’t work on the next is the zombie crisis comes into cities. That’s land of the dead. That’s the land of the dead. And that’s the dead. zombie crisis comes into cities that’s land of the dead and that’s San Diego or California one of the two and then they go and live in a US treasury den or bunker that doesn’t work yeah you watch land of the dead that’s 1985 and then it moves into this yeah you have complete cities so 28 weeks later so that’s you have a complete civilization is blooded and then you move into and whether the survivors so I’ve survived isn’t that ironically move into more of the country so we’re getting more further and further out from civilization on a mass scale and then you get the last big zombie movie which was World War Z which is everyone has to go and move into an abandoned island and then but what about the nation perhaps the best I only said it for that reason well I was I was hoping you bring up World War Z because if you didn’t I was gonna say what about World War Z what about World War Z but I like your progression but you know Jonathan Pigeot said something very interesting a few videos back I think he was talking with Peterson and Greg Hurwitz and I’m told on Good Authority although I haven’t experienced it myself that Greg Hurwitz has come around a bit maybe I’m skeptical cuz really but anyway I guess I guess he could have but Joe’s still talking to him one-on-one so there’s some hope but one of the things he said was he brought up deliverance and the thing that Pigeot said about deliverance which I was like well that I didn’t even think of but is completely correct deliverance was a leftist fantasy film and I was like wow so when you put the ordering of the zombie movies in that way sounds like a leftist fantasy ordering and they keep trying to figure it out like well what would it look like well obviously it’s gonna hit the the Hicks first right it’s gonna hit the deliverance people first and then it’s maybe it’ll move to suburbia oh no then maybe it’ll move to the city oh no right moving kind of closer to them yes and the protocols for control or containment get worse actually there’s a great 2000s zombie movie Scotland where it’s the government that did it because doomsday it’s very much of a B movie but yeah it has an has an interesting side plot I can’t bring it up here but yes yeah it’s yeah it has an interesting side plot you’ll say about the willingness of the establishment to allow people’s outside of a border zone to suffer which yeah so yeah the also the 1968 zombie movie I know we’re very much in my wheelhouse right now but that’s also about communism it’s very explicit that the movies about reds so the part that really interested me about the zombie idea wasn’t specifically cinema because I think cinema picks up and abstracts things that are actually happening and the way I think zombification is really real is kind of like idea fungus because you know about the ants they get the fungus and the fungus takes them up the tree and they sprout the thing I think a lot of our mega structures like our like idea of funguses and it’s like oh we have to do it for equity oh we have to do it for metrics like no you disagree the way around other way around people create the structures Sally the fungus is us well yeah materialism infests us to the muppet enos and then you realize you’re getting the muppet answer because the person just really doesn’t want to think and so they’re just giving you the answer they want no no not want often they can’t like this is one of the things I was saying about call centers when you when you try to give everybody quote good service right there’s too many people there’s not enough good service people like just mathematically right we’re dealing with the Pareto principle here so what happens is you bring down the standards you bring down the training standards bring down the training standards to the point where you can make enough customer service people to be able to do the work but now you have stupid customer service people doing work so it’s not about their wants and desires but the people with wants and desires are constrained by the same thing that enable the do customer service that’s the problem yeah it’s it’s just man when you try and pay attention to what your motivations are and like maybe kind of get a clue that somebody else’s motivations aren’t straightforward it’s it’s something well the problem is most people’s motivations are straightforward like most people’s motivations are really straight you we we read into them right we go this is the result of this person’s action this person is competent rational and had an intent before they took the action and then we infer why they did it and most of the time people do things by accident right without any intention or the intention that they had had nothing to do with what you think it did because you don’t know and and you know I think to the point of cinema and I’ll tie this back into the this this Scottish zombie film cinema often is a pre-sage right it’s a prophetic vision it’s not just following what’s happening it’s actually way out in front sometimes often often way out in front what’s and then medium message and then so what I want to say within that is the old word for medium is actually spirit spirit right or essence right so when you’re mixing mediums obviously which is shamanic by the way not something all cinema or mixed medium storytelling is in essence occult or magical or shamanic but you do have to be aware that that can happen Billy Graham sorry side tension of a side tension side Billy Graham did say that there was a demon inside of the exorcist movie real which could be true but also think everyone misunderstands the exorcist nevertheless the yeah there’s in a sense that what mixed media does or medium does is that it exposes a part of the shadow that we’re not willing to look at and often that has far-reaching consequences or a narrative that will play out right well and who and who does movies the forward-thinking action highly intelligent like you you can’t be stupid and do move well when you do you get modern cinema or a recent cinema I should say right the role the reason that 10 or 15 years have sucked pretty much without exception or with very few exceptions but that but the Scottish thing for example they when I was there right that’s that movie that Jesse reference came out 2008 8 right so when I was there in 21 just doesn’t 21 something like that they knew their government was doing that to them they knew this was happening like they were well aware or our government’s screwing us like they all knew it so that’s where the that’s where the real sort of problem comes in is they knew what was going on they knew what was hitting them they they knew how it was gonna go so that happened great the movie from 2008 manifested and as somebody was in Edinburgh watching zombies run around where the Scottish Parliament is which is oh my goodness we’re a horrific building the zombies also represent like a like a false awakening so it’s a spirit of chaos it’s not it’s not you know the enlightenment or the awakening spirit that produces vitality it’s a spirit of the undead literally and what does that do it creates a parallelization a humiliation of of the people they’re completely paralyzed and often there’s the which is where we get the Chinese thing about zombies which they’re very the Chinese metaphor for zombies is that stiffness is where they’re unable to be flexible and kind of walking in those straight lines or bumping into things or kind of have that um yeah was it yeah that mutedness towards objects around them like they’re disaffected from potential well and I sort of mentioned that right the the failed resurrection it’s right it’s like all right that inability to deal with death at all and that’s sort of trying to resolve that like there’s so there’s so much packed into zombies like you think of zombies as this flattening simple thing but actually there’s all this stuff that emerges as the result of the zombies none of it’s good by the way emergence is not good the emergence from zombies is all bad all of it actually and maybe next week I don’t know if we’re going to do werewolves or vampires or what we’re going to do next week we’ll do we’ll do one of the we’ll stay on theme I think and um you’ll see more of that you’ll see more of sort of like the way you tell something a bad thing from a good thing to some extent is whether or not it generative aspect is positive or negative and part of negative is fundamentally parasitic it’s not the only way it can be negative but that’s part of it we should ask for monster preference votes in the comments absolutely monster preference votes for next week’s stream vampires werewolves ghosts mummies whatever else you can think of yeah we can look into it especially if we race um I what I want is maybe you can see that zombies are the lowest order on the monster chain so like once you’re a zombie for an often popular myths of zombies start this that the zombie eventually has to mutate because the materialism fails so you have to adapt to the arena with the arena’s chaos um the underworld is now becoming the living world and so zombies take on different ship shaking like abilities and become often in the slavic tradition it’s um gugoi which is you know it’s a zombie like vampire so the the gugoi it’s a vampire but it can only come out at certain times I think the americans made a movie called I am legend with Will Smith oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s a good movie well I think but I think the interesting thing about zombies is we’re always telling monster stories you can’t go back in history and not have monster stories and so it’s reasonable to ask well if there’s all this secularism everywhere why the hell are we telling monster stories and then what are the months what’s the most popular monster story in the secular world what’s the rising call it the ascendant monster it’s zombies well well that’s weird but zombies are in some very real sense actual quantifiable sense not not ironically at all the simplest form of monster they have the least capabilities vampires change right they have transformation abilities depending upon two or three forms whatever they have all these aspects to them like they can’t be seen in a mirror right there’s all right they’re sensitive to sunlight or garlic or both and rice is an idiot you know just ignore all her garbage when she made them into gods right werewolves transformational based on the moon right if special power ability all the other monsters have like all these you know upsides zombies are less than where they came from by any possible conception right they’re spawned from a death right vampires are not actually spawned from a death right in fact they defy death like they live on well past their prime effectively right and and and and that’s sort of the sort of the issue is that zombies are in some way the flattest possible monster right they’re the most compressed the most reduced idea of monster but even when you’re secularizing the world and taking we’ll say all of the enchantment out of it the monster is still there and the monster is stalking you now right now the monster is actually stalking you personally like maybe not directly but eventually that monster is getting you and that monster replicates through touching you effectively right and what’s stealing stealing the most valuable thing in the age of gnosis which is knowledge well and pieces of you are perpetrating the creation of zombies because when you talk to your grocer and they’re like okay put your card in and you never bother with the hi hello eye contact you’re taking their knowledge they’re taking yours and you’re not being human with each other you’re being zombies with each other and same like when you when you call a call center and they’re like okay i’m gonna need some further information to open your account and you can’t hear your problem for 10 minutes because that’s their thing and you can be mad at them and you can prevent perpetuate the zombification or you can acknowledge the zombification and you can treat them like a person even though they’re trapped in a probably dismal uh call chain where they don’t even get to pick up the phone um that’s how you beat the system yeah the same with your doctor the same with the the cop like license and registration you can be like hello officer have you had a good day i hope you’re staying safe out there like you can you can defeat that by not feeding them your brains right no no you’re right you don’t have to follow the procedure return and maybe they do and you can have some form of of of you know sympathy or the fact that they do this is why we have to represent monsters this is why you have to create a visual for the demon if you can acknowledge the zombie as external to yourself you don’t become it right right and and zombies are an identification again i did want to i did want to deal with jamie s question here let’s see what kind of monsters would be quote queen bees of zombie hives be so this is the thing about zombies right vampires effectively have covens they have they have okay everywhere you look everything everything else has a hierarchy zombies are flat and they they don’t have an equality thing and there’s no queen they are fundamentally individualistic monsters because they come from the age of gnosis i i know that it’s wrong but when i read that question all i can think of is camila harris yes right well and and and the thing is but it’s not wrong that’s the problem is that it’s not wrong and and but the thing is this is the irony and it is an irony it’s a deep irony right it’s this is part of the zombie zombie circle that benjamin franklin so so eloquently for once uh actually got dead on right which is it’s a circular trap right like the zombies are stuck being individuals and because they’re individuals they automatically reduce to gnosis they don’t have anything else to hang on to to grab on to in the world and that’s why as sally joe was pointing out when you don’t engage merely with the procedure you don’t have to reject the procedure but when you don’t engage merely with the procedure you don’t follow the procedure it’s going to add in all these components it reverses and defeats the zombieism yeah i would further that in saying that zombieism uh can start also with addiction and cycles of addiction and anxiety often in others like cultural you know formations of zombies is you know it’s an effect a certain part of your body and then we can cut it off and you can survive you can cut the addiction off or the spray of uh spread of um dis ease uh through you know to do to to to make you uh jonathan pechero sort of you know double double language um so yeah and then that addiction no longer fulfills the entire body or the body corporate as well you know raising off people um in that sense um but again that’s that that kind of is where i was getting with the flexibility angle is um to have flexibility is to have life like people that aren’t flexible don’t have that vitality they kind of stuck where they’re stuck and they’re not able to shift or get away from those anxieties or right and so they end up multiplying themselves they can’t interface with the with the enchanted pattern of the world they’ve reduced it to procedure as i mentioned right and then and and that’s part of the problem when you reduce patterns to procedures because that’s a reduction whether you like it or not because we’re not capable of really understanding patterns you can’t participate with it in proper orientation or right relationship however you want to say it and you reciprocally narrow and the reciprocally narrowing which is mark lewis’s definition of addiction that john bernicke talks about that’s zombieism zombies are all addicted to brains it’s not that hard in in many of the shows they talk about the hunger so a person who’s infected but not turned yet becomes doomed with the hunger and like zombies can’t fast or they’re not zombies so it’s like that uncontrolled hunger and i think people are really scared of their own desires and their own hungers um so like that’s just something to be aware of in the whole zombie whatever it is it’s that hunger and it’s that it’s almost like a resentment of your own need for consumption um because when you demonize the hunger and a lot of a lot of people have guilt for the need to kill and the need to consume um but it’s really unavoidable and being guilty for it is silly um because the world is better with you right especially if you’ve noticed if you’ve noticed enough to be bothered by your existence i guarantee you you’re not one of the problem well yes yes well and and you know that that that brings up this excellent point sally which is the world needs you to be better i have toys i like my toys and what we really need to do to your point is to break out of that procedure to re-enchant the world for one another and that looks like this right the women need to re-enchant the world for the man and the men need to re-enchant the world for the women there’s so much there’s so much depth in that symbol and if and if you want if you want more of that uh you can buy your own now because we actually have the shop we don’t we don’t have the star one up but we could put we could actually put any background we wanted up and people would have to decide what they wanted because right now it’s like the one behind mark but we’re working on that because that’s a new chapter in the story of the pattern navigations we are we are to to your point sally about hunger um one of the i think it’s in one of the eastern mythologies of zombies is they call them hungry ghosts yeah my notes for that was it’s actually a projected suffering so you’re you’re disembodied you lack proper attachment and you’re constantly in a state of shock does that sound familiar to anyone does that sound like covid that’s like it’s like the apocalypse that’s coming every 40 days now does that sound like the spilling of famine um yeah yeah you say fake news virus scam yeah is that what you’re saying yeah yeah or or or constant domicide like zombies are in constant domicile right they don’t have a home there’s no proper home for a zombie so again in covid was that normalization of that state of shock or um lack of familiarity um we fake new zombies fake fake new zombies is that what it is yeah yeah exactly it’s no longer you know i could be a little bit dark for a second and say that they’ve been prepping us for that sort of idea of a pandemic for a very very long time well then um and what do they do right what do they do right they they they put a mask on your face and then when you talk you like a zombie wow right like like you lose the information of the face from the mask well right not all of it but a bunch of it it’s a reduction a compression a flattening you lose the emotional connection which is your thing past the brains so then you can only give each other brains it’s problem it’s a problem i mean you may be emotionally cripple an entire generation of children except the ones whose parents didn’t listen because we weren’t going to yeah which yeah it gets back to that stiffness now we’ve kind of encoded stiffness or rigidity into uh a pattern of behavior that can be enabled in the world well it’s a fun but it’s a function in the world well it’s a fun but it’s a function zombieism is a function of that rigidity it’s a function of the materialism the reduction to procedures right that rigidity is what creates the zombie and then the zombie can’t interact with the enchanted world they can’t interact with the fullness the depth and the breadth of the world in which they actually live even though they’re there like they’re in the same world as the people aren’t zombies it’s just they can’t use technology which is really ironic it’s technology that creates creates them in most most of the you know starting mythos but like i said they do the starting mythos they immediately just do away with it and you know look there’s lots of good things that sort of um that come out of these zombie interactions right in terms of dealing with the um uh with the with the characters right with the implications of what it means to have a secret lab right because almost all the zombies come from a lab experiment sort of like the fake news virus scamdemic uh right which actually creates zombies by putting masks on your face and giving you a shot that spreads a bunch of disease all over the place um you know that’s that’s a problem but but you know there’s there’s a lot of good stuff sort of so do i do i remember correctly that in the walking dead before it got horrible in like this first or second season when the main character’s uh best friend dies he hadn’t gotten bit but he came back as a zombie and that was when they learned that the zombie virus was actually inside them and anyone who died would be a zombie yes and then they swept that one to the rock too um um yeah that was that yeah that was around season three or four when they is that a significant to the walking dead take on zombies that’s not usual is it that’s i’m recalling that there are other types of that storytelling motif you know about how they present it will say it which is to say that you know the the dualism of the jewel of wills and the soul and the the unmasking of the evil potential within the you know how that’s been uh stephen king actually no yes the stephen king stand has that even though it’s not necessarily a zombie it is in one sense um yeah they have that if you’re not on this side of the apocalypse or dystopia you’re going to be consumed by it anyway unless you resist it or have that resolve um i think there’s yeah i think there is another story that they they they say it slightly differently um but yeah but then they yeah as the walking dead did brush that under the rock very late because it’s kind of that’s the final move of a zombie motif is to say that um everything’s you know fatal you go nihilistic it’s just this may be taking symbolism far but um the idea that zombies are hungry and that the first sin was to bite something um wow no that works and and what what was it it was a fruit from the tree of knowledge the type of knowledge the knowledge of evil yes so are we just telling the first story zombies just telling the first story because in the secular time imagine that it’s almost like that’s a recurring pattern that is unavoidable or something silly now i’m not saying that’s the oh no yes i am i’m saying that’s the exactly never mind i’m definitely saying that yes and and and and the irony is none of them would recognize but we also have to recognize some good stuff comes out of zombies yeah like house of the dead which is the best arcade game maybe the third best arcade game of all time and and and uh and red dead redemption red dead redemption is fantastic so there you go you get two excellent video games what more do you want out of a out of a mythos based in evil materialism preferences have been drawn here time crisis versus house of the dead wrote one in the chat for house of the dead but two for time crisis there we go time crisis yeah that’s another interesting interesting or dino is it dino crisis i think there was dino crisis as well which was kind of a mix up maybe yeah james we need to talk about your tps reports yeah you know that’s interesting right office space is a zombie movie yeah it kind of is zombie movie it absolutely wow yeah the 90s thing yeah i’m gonna have to research that now it is it is i love office i can tell you all about office space i can do lines from office space that’s how much i love it it’s great well the office space also has it’s okay i have the i have the red stapler okay that’s how office space fan i am okay just so we know let’s be clear there’s a lot of tie-ins between office space in the matrix by the way which now yeah okay this is office space this is a zombie movie a lot wait what it is a red pill mark and a red stapler you can’t see it immediately give me give me give me a tie-in that i missed there uh where does neo work at a software company yeah yeah exactly the mindless office oh i see where you’re going with that yeah yeah cubicle and mindless yes to escape the system well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but but but but i would but i would say the system is to have a revolution and to to overthrow the stuff yeah but burn it all down but the matrix is also a zombie movie well number four is explicit about that no no no no the first one’s a zombie movie oh yeah everybody plugged in as a zombie right they’re slaves to the machine they’re being harvested technically they’re eating their own because they’re being harvested for their knowledge okay they’re being killed like they’re they’re cool and couldn’t you say that vampires eat their own though because they need they they’re just a cursed human no vampires no no vampires aren’t vampires aren’t cursed you sure yeah no no vampires happen because they get bitten and they get their essence their life essence taken from them right and the funny part about that is that science and all its infinite awesomeness has finally figured out what the ancients knew which is blood is life essence and young blood makes you younger like they’ve they’ve recently for the third time by the way in the past decade discovered this i don’t know why they keep doing this experiment finding the same thing and and then announcing it as a new discovery but they you know and or or why they ever announced it as a new discovery when literally everybody heard he knew this but whatever uh we we won’t harp too oh no we’re gonna harp on that um yeah it’s it’s it’s effectively what happens is you get you get brought into a coven as a vampire that’s effectively what happens right you’re brought into the family right the extended family of vampires and you’re usually brought in deliberately although sometimes by accident when you’re brought in by accident you rebel and when you’re brought in not by accident even if you’re unwilling but it wasn’t accidental you don’t rebel even if it was unwilling you it may take a hundred years you finally embraced it and then you make more vampires which also connects i have a theory that blade the original blade the 97 movie yeah it also has to do with another pie into the matrix um and believe about the mafia by the way um so yeah which the vampire and mafia yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah which is what you said which is a covenant it’s a it’s a ritualistic and then right even within the mafia there are people that want to have that sort of socialistic revolutionary spirit to up all the hierarchy so they can take the place as a half blood or whatever um one thing i do want to bring up too is the new mythos of twilight which is the uh wow yeah but twilight also has a vampire scene it has a zombie scene in the third one that that for me is the only good movie yeah in the in the third movie um it’s a rebellious director and he basically twists the whole twilight series on its whole on they have to bring in someone else to undo all the damage he did but he brought in hierarchy he brought in like casts essentially of monsters um and he brought in the fatality of the revolution because it fails in that movie um which is yeah quite interesting um but yeah you can see how um the foundational cultural myth that was twilight um how it had serious effects on degeneration selling i read the whole thing because when i start reading something i want to read the whole thing and it was so written by a whiny 13 year old girl and i just really hated it and uh the reason i’m using sparkly as a derogatory term is because it did succeed in being sparkly but it’s not useful yeah it’s also one of those classic motifs of it came to me in a dream until i wrote it down it just the yeah it’s i wish i could even put words like how like especially now like i’m even more whatever about it since having a kid um because like the exposure of like the whole 19 year old monster pregnancy and her relationship with men and just all of that is all this it there aren’t any men and there aren’t any women in the entirety of the twilight series and that’s my problem with the book there there aren’t any men and there aren’t any women yeah that state of childishness um uh yeah and there’s not even any children there’s not even good peter pans at least if you’re gonna have an abomination of a peter pan let him be a joyous but no no we just have an emo peter pan yeah ah well some big movies have you seen sally um i’ve seen lots of them i’m not good at remembering names of things sally can’t describe things she’s an artist come on i don’t know that i’ve seen is like i don’t particularly relish horror movies but i do somewhat like zombie movies because i like the whole survivalism saga but not so much because i like it but that i think i could do it better than they did and i like to guess things but i don’t ever understand why they don’t just go north because the zombies would just freeze just due to physics and then you’d be fine for at least eight eight to nine months and yes zombie movies definitely follow physics very closely you know with the death death not working thing at all i know it’s very irritating so like that’s that’s a problem i have with zombie movies anyway yeah i don’t think i’ll be as fun in that conversation as others would be jesse sorry such a right yeah yeah the the um this is what i like i really do like world war z best jesse because it’s just having fun with it yeah world war z is fun i like that man fun next thing i’m not gonna go there i could yeah i like tremors jesse i’m one of those people that likes tremors tremors is great like yeah you don’t see world war z and tremors as being parallel at all no i thought you’re talking about the the tv show that’s yeah the tv show tremors the movie tremors at one point i had all the seasons and all the movies jesse it’s just it’s just yeah how do you say like late night television done yeah well at least the first movie jesse i grew up with three channels yeah like in the nowhere you know one of those was pbs i used to watch red dwarf because it was on and i was i was ecstatic that somebody bothered to put it on for me red dwarf is red dwarf it’s great oh ethan’s a tremors fan okay we can keep ethan then also i have no shame about just absurd american burrata like yes bother me like i’m not cowboy land with the cowboys what do you think jesse have you seen the girl with all the gifts i’m not sure it doesn’t sound like a title i should put into google straight away but i’ll look at it this batch claims he lives somewhere with one channel i lived in boston we had a zillion channels we had one channel when the wind blew a certain direction so when when i left massachusetts over the air tv not cable you could get 10 pbs stations i i wish i had a picture of my high school setup okay because my whole school setup was a vcr that did not work and an old commodore computer and aluminum foil out the window up onto the top and because the because the commodore had the v chip in it i could hook the channel system from the vcr into the commodore and that’s how we could get all three channels because we only got two in the living room but i got three in my room yeah yeah girl with all the gifts ends with the pacification of the problem like like shawn of the dead we just need to learn to live with them and we can teach them things and we can have humans zombie hybrids it also has the sophia angle where it’s the divine feminine that unlocks the secret um more dualism yeah great the divine feminine is missing from a surprising number of things like harry potter where the mother links the son to directly to evil for example in her brilliance that’s also just an unwillingness to sacrifice and like the unwillingness that just dying can be better and that’s in so many things when movies have a complete unwillingness that death might be the better answer but that’s zombies right people die but then they don’t and then right and then it’s like they have to be extra killed or something that’s the other thing like zombies are just contradictions in form like the whole thing’s a contract like everything about a zombie is a contradiction in the form that it that it takes the whole thing and we don’t and people don’t care and i’m like dude it’s contradiction you kind of care about that there’s a dissidence to the idea that you die and then you have to still be killed but you’re not yourself if you die there’s a different dissidence to that if you’re a materialist like so what even is the self like right right that’s predominantly a buddhist western no no western buddhism let’s let’s be let’s be clear the eastern buddhists do not have these problems because they’re not retarded yes i yes um the other thing that i discovered was that in the ancient greek uh conception of zombies they could emusia if i’m pronouncing that right and they’re predominantly a female zombie that eats uh eats people in dens or entraps them as in dens so i thought that since we brought up the lack of devin i like it because i think uh i think the lack of female monsters is one of the big problems we have well i what i was trying to say that and maybe this is going to get me to a little hot water is that perhaps the zombie problem is actually a problem over identification with individualism or femininity itself because the collective spirit um which is collectivity in community often feminine traits well but see that’s actually good to display the terror of the feminine because without a terror in it there’s not the same levels of respect that’s that’s why i really liked uh finding out about the one hindu goddess or whatever that is depicted as eating the bowels of someone like really excited me because that is like she’s eating the bowels of a freshly born person but they were born as a full-grown person but the thing is that’s the opposite of the madonna you can’t just have the madonna you need the opposite so you can because it’s the contrast it’s like the black and the white and then all of a sudden and black is blacker and because like this is a lot of things have sunk to this gray and there’s no contrast and no that’s equality yeah and it exhausts me i want that high contrast so like yeah i’m for it like yeah all the all zombies are feminine let’s do it because that’s the biggest most scariest monster well but they but they but the thing with zombies is that they aren’t a collective but they end up looking like a collective right i mean that’s the that’s the scary part about that’s why they’re actually the most terrifying because they’re all individual but they’re all individuals with the same ethos with the same zombies aren’t a society no no they’re not they’re not a society they’re just a mob well they can’t be it’s worth it’s not that they’re not they can’t be you’re redeemable right so even in their death after their infection after their addiction takes hold of them they are not redeemed in death they get partially resurrected yeah one of my notes here is that you need a certain level of vulnerability to display your humanness or to be human or to connect with others there’s obviously a riot sense of vulnerability you can’t be completely weak otherwise yeah people don’t personify you in that sense or don’t attribute character traits to you but an appropriate level of vulnerability affords connection affords relationship zombies aren’t definitionally vulnerable because they lack that sense data and that potential um it doesn’t matter to them if they lose an eye or lose an arm or lose a head no oh no or lose their virginity jesse or lose their virginity zombies are like the end state of the freaking sexual revolution aren’t they yeah well oh yeah we’re trying to go there but you just so hard like they are the projection into the future of what a materialist society has to become and cannot get out of it’s it’s the it’s the trap and but but i want to highlight something sally because because it’s something that you pointed out so you know a lot of people were asking earlier both women by the way weird what is the solution to the zombie world right and part of the solution i think and and i mentioned some other stuff earlier but but one of the things that i missed was grow a bean right right get a plant i foster life well i get a pet go outside meet some people don’t be online watching some idiot in a pirate outfit talk about zombies that’s boring yeah i did it he’s referring to a video i did about growing a bean and the value of it in your life it’s a it’s step one to uh cultivation but also that’s just to uh appropriate level of care in a in a non-destructive well learning care paying time energy and attention to care not procedure not process not quantity you know not all the measurements and the metrics right we care it’s a quality we are not meant to be sterile as humans we are meant to propagate we’re meant to part of even if you don’t propagate because propagation is too far and this is where you get insults from we are meant to cultivate cultivate yes well i did and the cultivation is one step at least between the the the zombification and the and the propagation yeah and and i picked a bean because beans are relatively easy and you can pull them out of your dried bag of soup yes you can get a dry bag of soup and you can just grow a bean yeah you don’t need much else right yeah it needs less to say that the constant place of longing and dissatisfaction and distraction that uh having the breakdown of social order and social norms that um the pillars caused is yeah is that beans for anxiety is that is that the name of the video um yeah well and like i don’t mean that strictly about the act i mean it about the psychology of the act because if you put vulnerability in the right place it’s blessed but if you put vulnerability in the wrong place i think it is kind of like a zombification like well that’s that’s the christian mythos there yeah you know god became so vulnerable that yeah yeah yeah but that’s really the problem is zombies show us that if you put any number of things in the wrong place right it will parasitize all the way to zombies so how do you survive the zombie apocalypse grow a bean no you pay attention yeah well you you move your time energy into time yeah yeah in the zombies everybody in the zombie movie is like they lose the right kind of attention because the people who are the survivors are the ones that figure out how to pay attention and you can pay attention better as a group and better as a team and you have to pay attention to the right things and those are the people who survive well and that points back to the distributed cognition right you save the world you re-enchant the world how do you re- enchant the world you use distributed cognition because it’s smarter than you are by definition right so yeah no that’s a good that’s a good observation absolutely i would uh uh yeah contrast that with humility i think being yeah being humble um and not you know the the stiffness and the rigidity of what you think you know and what you think is going on in any particular moment having that presence in the awareness which yeah could be done through humility um will keep you from uh being a but see others um or the chaos of um so okay have you read the book uh the how to survive the zombie apocalypse book so i just realized it’s really interesting that that book exists and then the whole how to find witches books exist yeah well they’re acting as if right and it’s sort of like zombies are sort of like what if we act if materialism is all there is you get zombies yeah you want a zombie that’s how you get the how to survive the zombie apocalypse books is an extremely popular book for military personnel and it is somebody sat down and like serious thought out like what to do with these different zombie circumstances and just laid it out exactly like you would a real world operation like it’s like a good like it’s an fm man it is as good as any fm out there and it’s just totally about family sally we’re not all from the military field manual field manual field manual four zombies and it i have it actually i think rob has it too like i think that’s one of our duplicate library items um but it is a hilarious book like it just but they really thought it through and it’s just it’s just well and that’s ironic right because it’s like what what if we materialize the materialization of material it’s like um how many layers deeper we go in here it’s like right up there by the art of war is how to survive the apocalypse on many soldiers like well the types of soldiers that buy books which are probably not the ones that are actually going to be in the field anyway so yeah the ones that buy the field manuals are the ones that will never be in the field it’s true the world in which we live that’s the funny part right i mean that’s the intellectual intellectualization of the world is all about these people who are never going to do this work are the ones that talk about it right economists are never going to run economies yeah they’re the ones that talk about economies politicians never run countries they’re the ones that you know yeah really gonna do it are the ones that compare peanut butter for calorie burn on 10 mile hikes like they compared to brands of peanut butter to see which ones they can go faster because peanut butter is one of the lowest weight density proteins you can take on a hike and i knew them and they were great and i let them continue going and doing what they’re at flunked out of that training school because yeah holy crap they were different kind of people yes that’s official well then those people exist they exist that’s the problem is that in the zombie world there’s no variation oh yeah no there there there are helga like ladies out there comparing their peanut butter calorie intake that could pull you out of a burning building and but in the zombie world everyone’s the same they’re all the same materialist they all have a single procedure to seek out brains they might have different implementations right but they have a single procedure right think get those brains like just keep going right god bless them we need them it’s longer say we need this people jamey s how can this cultivation work without alienating children and the young who are prone to future zombification nah they’re not if you’re going to worry about alienation you you’re going to end up with you want zombies that they end up with you worry about alienation you worry about leaving people out you try to perfect the world right that’s not going to work i mean take a kid outside and find one that isn’t excited about bugs and plants and regular stuff because they’re excited about regular you got it you got to give them time you can’t right you can’t take the like a lot of people will take children’s words for things always cracks me up i’m like you’re listening to a seven-year-old about what they want you don’t know what you want as a freaking adult and you think a seven-year-old knows what they want as a seven-year-old are you high like whatever you’re smoking i want some of that i think it’s unfair you’re holding those drugs back from me damn it my son wants a rainbow soda party and i have tried to explain to him that if you pour different colors of soda into a cup they won’t be rainbow it will be like the play-doh when you squish all the colors together and he’s like but i saw it on the fairy cartoon i’m like yeah well that’s a cartoon world okay we go there yes this solution is genius well that’s the thing children are genius like this is why i’m pissed off about hagel and marx and some of these other idiots i’m like do you do you seriously tell me all these people that actually study these guys and get phd’s in this nonsense have never talked to a three or four-year-old because three or four-year-old say a word for what i’ve heard a four-year-old quote carl marx obviously a four-year-old never read any carl marx guys this is why i i’m not being cheeky when i say the guy’s a little stupid like a boy he talks like a four-year-old he actually does his books are written like a four-year-old and and that’s and that’s uh part of the problem look like i don’t like this jamie look the system doesn’t get anybody don’t blame the system the thing that’s happening is time energy and attention you i i have done this sally will attest right i can take people move their time energy attention as adults it’s really easy with children as adults and get them out of the zombification it’s not that hard all the systems in the world will not be just quick brains quick when they ask you for brains don’t give them humanity or something like look at this batch wants to ruin your life give him a rainbow snow cone then he’ll think the damn rainbow soda is real you want to do that thank you but no just accept some things are beyond except reality except disappointment this is this is like people are like uh i i can’t have this and and i can’t have that and i’m like and i and and i don’t have a pony it’s disappointment all around get over it it no you’re oh maybe mark did you drop out did i no yeah you were out for a second you were frozen on angry face but that’s okay wow that was let’s go back and screenshot my internet connection is great impossible what happened uh-huh zombies they got me they ate they ate the uh internet lines uh how do we prevent the zombie yeah proper boundaries even in your own personal life you don’t need to join the cloud or be connected to the cloud constantly man the extent of which phone off at night there’s there’s one don’t be a zombie don’t be always connected to the hive mind just turn it off yeah no off disconnect from airport mode i’m gonna go okay see you sally sally’s turning off she’s getting sucked into the zombie world we get bit by a zombie let’s let’s wrap up in 10 i reckon like we we could extend this but i think we’ve oh we can go on forever we keep opening up new cans of worm well and i want to and i want to end on a positive note like what can you do i mean you can humanize the world for people right you can unzombify the world by humanizing it you can humanize the world by being a human right you can personalize the world by treating persons like persons and being a person to other persons which is effectively re-enchanting the relationship as sally was talking about like hello officer how’s your day you know that that that gets them out of the procedure not that the procedure isn’t still going to proceed because it is that’s what proceeding is through the procedure right so the interaction that is extra there are extra handles extra ways to interact when we talk about see the knowledge engine video on on navigating patterns when we talk about the poetic interaction with the world the poetic way of informing the world that’s what we’re talking about that’s that’s reversing the zombification that you see in the world and and you know disappointingly yeah we can’t do that on mass zombification didn’t happen on mass either i mean if you just listen to jesse’s outline of how it unfolded in media over time and what a large time frame that actually is first john b movie 67 68 something like that it’s 68 68 yeah and then and then right we went all the way up to world war z and then we said yeah and then then it turns into garbage uh and fair enough because world war z is a great movie i love that movie um and you can see the progression right but it didn’t happen overnight it didn’t happen in the 60s as the result of the crushing down right that top down crushing and equalization of the world that equality doctrine is not what did it right a lot of this stuff and nobody wants to admit it emerged from the bottom up right because everybody’s an emergence is good emergence is going to save the world it’s the top down that caused this that is observably wrong and false it is a lie that people tell you right to bring you into hedonism what is hedonism which leads to zombification hedonism is emergence it’s me me me it’s what i want first right which is in fact the ethos of the late 1960s and early 70s onward is me me me love the one you’re with do do right like we all know that song right and and that’s the problem is that that that spread from the bottom that hedonism eventually ends with the zombification i mean this is the one of the things that i will state outright is a mistake that peterson makes is where he talks about yeah the intersectionalists are on to something the highest value in their system is going to end up being individualism and it’s like yes but zombification is the result of individualism like that’s where individualism begins and ends in zombification right and the constant consumption of knowledge in the age of gnosis it doesn’t look like that in other areas right so one way to look at the opposite of of we’ll say the modern day western zombie although it western eastern breaks down here is voodoo right because in voodoo zombies are just beholden to the powerful shaman that’s literally what it is that’s caribbean you could say it’s western it’s not because they like the westernism came later right now voodooism is a lot older than than western society is in the caribbean and so it’s sort of the opposite because it’s it’s the statement that the hierarchy controls you completely in in the zombie world you control yourself completely but you lose all of the all of the enchantment of the world and you seek only knowledge in the age of gnosis outside of the age of gnosis you lose all of the ability of free will and seek only what you’re told by the shaman that’s what voodooism is so that’s a that’s a good contrast to sort of understand zombies better what do you think of that jesse brilliant it’s brilliant um what i would say to maybe wrap up is don’t participate in the project that is bringing up the underworld into the real world yes another another essence of another part of the zombie phenomena is shades is disembodied souls or spirits to seek humility seek flexibility seek character build build um you know face that whatever you face towards you will reflect so becomes someone that reflects good virtues and values and don’t normalize the ability and potential that you have to bring good into the world oh i like that yeah that’s a that’s a good way to say it that was that was really good yeah and i just look i want to say a few things like one of them is you can you can say that pirate son of a bitch is always telling people they’re wrong yeah yeah what do i tell them they’re wrong about the freaking materialism that’s that’s part of fighting the zombification is saying i understand that your economic frame has some utility your scientific frame has some utility i get that but it’s wrong and here’s why and how it’s wrong i happen to be able to pull that trick you don’t have to pull that trick you don’t have to justify yourself our need to justify ourselves is an age of gnosis error i got to do that substack i got to sit down and find some some energy to write you you have to re-enchant the world for people but you also have to disenchant their zombified materialist ideas you have to tell them no that materialism is wrong it will not serve you it may take 30 years for you to realize it will not serve you but it it will happen right results are not always immediate there is the law of unintended consequences right and then you can go in and re-enchant the world right i’ve told this story before i was talking to somebody actually we had a month we found three different people they had the same basic conversation but they didn’t know each other had the same basic conversation and they were all like oh yeah i you know i i talked to the model of you that i create in my head i mean they actually said this right in different forms but they actually said this one guy was very explicit then i create a model of you in my head and that’s what i’m talking to it was like wait you would admit to that in public so the person you’re talking to in the moment remarkable like that to me is a remarkable part not the fact that he did it because people do that all the time right i catch them all the time i didn’t say that and they’re like no you said this and i’m like no no here are the words that i actually used didn’t express any of those ideas but then but then you you like ask them well how do you think the conversation went and they’re like i thought the conversation was great and then i point out to them i thought the conversation was horrible i’m very sad and they’re like amazed they’re like you’re sad about that conversation and i’m like well yeah i’m like it’s clear you didn’t hear what i was saying and they’re they’re stunned and i’m like you just admitted to me that you were listening to a model in your head and now you’re stunned that that i felt like you didn’t hear what i said you never listened to me by your own admission and they’re stunned by that well that’s zombification right it’s self-referential right it’s parasitic it’s i’m using my brain to be me and you at the same time by the way so we’re cutting your cognition more than in half probably but at least in half right or or we’re creating a cartoon straw man version of the other person right and then we’re projecting all our feelings onto that because what else do we have we don’t have the feelings from the person which we’re creating a model right and so we’ve cut off access to the person you’ve zombified yourself and and the way to fight that is to tell people no you’re wrong and to give them a hug like that that’s right grow a bean i feel sorry for you right i’m sad about this conversation and yeah you might say oh that will hurt their feelings probably but you know what if your feelings aren’t hurt you’re not going to change ever we know this bf skinner tried to prove the opposite and in trying to prove the opposite he proved that he was wrong about that and that you need negative feedback and we are living in a world without enough negative feedback and the world of the zombie is the world of no negative feedback as jesse i believe mentioned earlier the zombie can lose an arm and the zombie doesn’t care it keeps going after the brains there’s no negative feedback in the zombie world why how do you think we got here no negative feedback the sign is right there in the movies in the tv shows it’s right there in the monster story remember the monster story monster story shouldn’t exist in the secular world and yet here we are so do we live in a secular world i don’t think we can see my pattern of religion video it’s right there or any number of my other videos where i point this out and that i think is the zombies i mean that’s i think is a reasonable summary uh jesse do you have anything to add before we uh sign off on the pirate ship here yeah maybe just just to re-highlight the fact that the there is a very tight connection between zombieism and vampirism uh just yeah be aware of the patterns i who are you dealing with or what are you dealing with and what phenomena is before you the only way you can do that is to remain humble pay attention and be in right relationship so as you’ve just talked about um yeah it’s it’s quit trying to find certainty in an uncertain world there’s a strong statement yeah no i like that and look we’re going to do another monster theme next week i think let us know we’re thinking vampires or werewolves but if you’ve got mummies or you know something else whatever it may be raids i like the raids idea now a lot um shades however you want to ghosts goblins banshees whatever right put it in the comments right let’s get some interaction going show up next week we’ll do it all again uh you know i don’t see any blockade to next week we are getting on holidays so probably not going to be able to do these every friday during the during the holidays i got some travel hopefully coming up um so yeah let me know if you if you like it if you don’t like it put it in the comments put your suggestions in tell us what you liked about this stream what you didn’t like your comments on zombies watch sally joe’s number 150 beans for anxiety integral inspiration links in the uh in the in the live chat there uh hopefully i’ll remember to update the descriptions on these two and um have a great week i’m i’m very happy that everyone’s uh here join my twitter stream you can hear more about age of gnosis i will be doing a video on age of gnosis i got a bunch of videos ready i didn’t put one out this week because i failed and it’s a very busy week and i have no no good excuse uh but i do have a bunch of videos in fact i recorded two more this week so we got we got plenty of videos coming up uh that i’ll release i’m going to try to keep doing the live streams have a great week everybody it was wonderful to see you all i hope to see you next week enjoy and don’t become a zombie or make new