What are the important life tasks? Like, okay, so you should get educated to the approximate level of your intelligence. You should be employed gainfully, have a job or maybe if you’re lucky a career. You need an intimate relationship. You should have some friends. You need a family. You need to regulate the world of temptation, drug and alcohol use, that sort of thing. You have to take care of your health. You need to make some productive use of your time outside of work. So there’s eight things. Well, let’s take one. You’re gonna have a family, an intimate relationship and a family. Well, the classical way of doing that is that someone’s male and someone’s female and they get together and they have children and then they have grandchildren and that’s like a third of your life. By playing out male and female, it’s sort of like you’ve now occupied 25% of your time productively. That’s the role. Okay, let’s say we blow that apart. Well, then what? What are we supposed to do then? Because you can’t pretend that into existence.