Is there a word that’s the opposite of hierarchy or not the opposite of hierarchy isn’t like just inverting the hierarchy but like what is that principle that organizes the horizontal plane? Is there one? Do we just take it as granted that geography exists and that there’s a line around us? To me, let’s say the counterweight or the balance of hierarchy, you could call it something like a frame or you could call it a question. You could call it a space. All those images, they’re really feminine images. Yeah, what did Jacques Degda talks about Quora, like the space. He has a book on that and it is very good in terms of trying to understand the problem of articulating the space without naming it because this is one of the reasons why it’s difficult to talk about. It’s difficult to show the value of the feminine because you have to be careful not to make it masculine as soon as you try to show the value of it. You know, it’s like if you give a medal to the feminine, then it’s like you’re playing the game. You’re playing the masculine game by doing that. You’re giving a prize. You’re doing all these things, which are kind of like these weird hierarchical things of winners and losers and all that. But it’s like if you want to actually admire, venerate the feminine, then it’s another game. It’s another type of interaction. Does that happen through art better than words? I guess the visual rather or the sensual rather, the musical? Maybe, yeah. I think that, like I said, understanding the value of a question, understanding the value of the opening or the frame of a discourse, something you usually don’t see, but is there. It’s necessarily there. I think that that is how you… But it’s usually… There’s a weird secretive power to it. It has a secret power, you could say. And it’s like once you understand, let’s say, that without a question, there’s no answer, that the question comes first. The quest. Right. The quest comes first. And so it’s like the need comes first. So it’s like that is extremely powerful. It’s powerful if you understand it even in terms of, let’s say, a religious language, which is that you pray. You pray so that the world will happen in a certain way. You open up a space for the divine to manifest itself. That is extremely powerful. Yeah, it is mysterious. I remember trying to, during my youth group era, trying to get people to define what prayer is. And because they would talk about what it’s not, like you’re wishing for a new car, but really getting into the nitty gritty of how do you have an intention that’s open? Like how do you become a flashing cursor, where you’re not overstepping the bounds of reality, but you’re allowing that space to happen. And it’s a whole level of psychological preparation or this facing towards reality that’s got me into studying mysticism more because the direction that that goes is preparing your awareness and becoming aware of your consciousness and working on that. I agree with you. And I think that it’s, I think that to understand the power of a question and to understand the power of opening up a space or presenting a need, which is authentic, I think is extremely powerful. Like I tell this story a lot, but there’s a story in the gospel at the wedding of Cana, which is really revealing in terms of understanding this, where there’s this idea that Christ is hidden, that Christ has not yet shown himself to the world. No one knows who he is really. The only person who knows who he is, is his mother. And his mother comes to him and at this wedding, they run out of wine. And she comes to him and she says, they ran out of wine. And it’s like, and then Christ answers. He says, he says, my time is not yet come, which is like a crazy answer to say to something like there’s not enough, there’s no more wine. But when you understand the subtext, when you understand is that she’s saying, she’s opening the door. She’s saying, here’s a problem. You’re the divine, you’re the logos, you’re the answer. Now you manifest yourself in this space. I’m giving you the space. I’m saying, here’s a problem. And what he understands is that if he does that, he’s actually entering on, he’s opening, he’s starting on down a road, which is going to lead him to die basically. And so she, it’s like she’s saying, she’s opening the space. She’s saying, now’s the time. I’m here’s the question. You start, you start to answer it. And so she’s actually acting as like this, the opening up of his ministry, the opening up of his entry of showing himself to the world. It’s like, it’s her request, which starts it. And you see that in the history of Christianity, all through the history of Christianity, it’s crazy. It’s systematic. You can do a search on your own. There’s always a woman who converts first. So, for example, the mother of Constantine, the mother of Vladimir of Kiev, the, the, the, it’s always like a wife or a mother for every king, every emperor, every important person that converts. There’s always a woman who converts first. And then there’s a secret exchange. We don’t hear about the exchange. There’s like a secret thing. And then the visible figure converts and then like the whole country converts or whatever. But that’s the structure of being. It’s like that’s, well, hold on. What about that coming into being in our world right now? Like how would that, that prompt surface in this time right now where there’s these really extreme, rigid madness is happening, you know, where people are completely lost their, their balance. What, what, what’s the frame? What’s the, what’s the secret question? What’s, what’s the, what’s the need right now? How do we, how do we get to a point where we start to ask that, create that space for that central figure, that centrist? Crazy. That’s tough. I never, I don’t know why. Like it’s like, I haven’t even thought about that, but I should be thinking about that. It’s like of all people, I should be thinking about that. And what’s the, like, what’s the question or what’s the opening up? I mean, because it seems like if we look at Peterson’s work, well, we can work at Peterson’s work, but I’d like to look at your work. Like the way that your work is interacting with people is that you are, you’re saying, wait, there’s something more here. There’s, look at, look at this movie. There’s something more here. Like what is, what is playing out here? There’s a, there’s an interest in it. Maybe this is, so maybe I, now it’s like, you got me thinking in a way that I never thought before, which is good, which is good. Maybe that is that in a way that’s been what I’ve been trying to do from the, from the beginning in the sense that it’s like, one of the things that I’m trying to do is actually help people see the world differently. So it’s like, I’m not trying to change the terms of what’s being said. I’m just trying to say your frame, your frame in which, by which you interpret the world is lacking. You need something which is more connective and connects the different layers of reality together. So I had to think about it. Maybe that in a way is a feminine move, like in the sense of saying, it’s like, it’s not the terms, it’s not the, the things that are in the story. It’s the fact that you’ve lost the frame. And because of that, you don’t understand how powerful the story is. You don’t understand how deep it goes and how it connects everything together because you, you’re, you’re, you’re limited, you know, you’re limited in your frame. Maybe that’s interesting to think about that. The interviewer is a great, is actually an amazing image of what you’re talking about because what you’re doing is you, by asking the questions, you’re, you’re framing the, the, the discourse and you can give the authenticity by, by framing the discourse properly. You, you have the power to open or close down spaces. And we see it, we see it all the time. Cause when we watch mainstream interviews or you watch certain types of interviews, you can see that the interviewer is actually trying to shut it down. Like in their question, they’re, they’re actually trying to completely shut down the conversation. But, but if you can be a good interviewer and you’re able to open up spaces, then I think you’re right that that will be a healing thing. Just that without even, like you said, not even saying anything, even if in your videos, you can say things that people will find offensive. If when you engage people in conversation, you, you have this desire to open up a real space for them to exist. I think, like you said, I think that’s unbeatable. So you brought that image, which is really actually nightmarish to me, like somebody having the power to open and close space, like that’s very like primordial power to say, we, I’m going to close that down. The, the, the, it’s like this ability to control possibility, not actuality, but like the precondition of actuality, which is possibility, which is. And the thing is that most people don’t see that. Most people don’t see those preconditions. And so there’s something magical about that capacity. You know, there’s something magical because people don’t realize that what you’re doing, if you’re, if you’re asking the right questions, then people will, at the end, they might think that it’s only the person answering the questions who had a place, who was, who was, who was discussing, but they can’t see the pre, the opening, like you said, the, the pre logical, the opening of the space, they don’t see how without that, uh, things would be completely different. Um, and so it is an extremely powerful thing. So if you look at my videos, like you said, we’re secret feminists. It’s like, if you look at the logo for my, my YouTube channel, you, you, you took a while for people to realize that it’s actually the creation of Eve. That’s the story. That’s the image you have to, you have to see that it’s like, because I think that, I think that the modern world is overly masculine. It’s, it’s, it’s too masculine. It’s actually the feminine, which is disappearing from the world. And so I think that, I think that that’s a really dangerous place to be in the end. And we see it in the reduction of community, the destruction of private space. All of this is, is being eclipsed. Everything is becoming public. Everything is becoming a form of, of showing yourself, you know, uh, voyeurism and showing yourself. It’s everything is that. And so I think helping to open up the, the, the feminine space and in a reverential way, I think is something that is really, wow.