There’s a lot of old mythical stories of people dying, resurrecting and all that kind of stuff, but is Christ at least the first claimed person to have fulfilled that story in actual reality? I think so. I don’t think I’ve seen another story where it’s not just that people say he resurrected, but Christians don’t just believe he resurrected. We believe that he gathered all of death into himself and brought it up into the Father. And so it’s like, like I said, there’s no other story after that. It’s like, that’s it. Like he basically went into death and then gathered all of multiplicity all the way to the constitutive elements and then brought it up into heaven. And so I don’t think that I don’t, if anybody has an idea of another story like that, besides the story of Christ, I don’t, I never heard it. Yeah, yeah, I’d like to know if there is. Because it’s really, I find that symbolic story very interesting of, you know, Christ going down to Hades, defeating death and all that kind of stuff. Because even people all around the world, when they get to really hard situations, and I’ve heard this of like an old, one of my best friends who lives in Chile, they have crazy earthquakes and there was a time where he was like a materialist, atheist, socialist, but then when that earthquake came and he thought he was going to die, he went on his knees and prayed for Jesus. And there’s a lot of those kind of situations where people, they could be the most anti-Christian person ever, but man, when you’re in a crazy situation where you think you’re going to die, who else are you going to call? I just find, I always found that part interesting and I think that’s kind of what made me curious to at least explore Christianity is that special place that Christ has. Because people are going to call for Buddha if they’re getting attacked by demons, you know. And it’s interesting because people, even I actually want to talk to you about UFOs because I found even that to be the case where certain people have a UFO experience, they’ll call out to Christ and then disappear. Oh really? Yeah, I’ve never heard that story, I believe it, I’m not surprised. I think definitely. I haven’t tested it, but I’ve heard. Yeah, exactly. I mean, it seems pretty obvious by now that there’s at least a relationship between UFOs and kind of these dark, these kind of dark principalities, you know, and the relationship between UFOs and also psychedelics seems to be coming clear and clear, let’s say. You know, and it also, it seems like it’s also part of the story. Have you ever seen Aleister Crowley’s, his demon, like the creature that supposedly dictated several of his books, his demon is called Eliath. It just looks like it. Eliath. So A-L-I-O-T-H. And Eliath looks just like a gray, dude. He looks like a gray. Oh, that’s crazy. Yeah, and I think it’s the first image of something like that that anybody had ever seen. But he has this encounter, you know, and Crowley and the OTO were really, like they were trying to break things open. Like they were trying to kind of just remove the seals, you know, and I think they probably were successful. And that’s part of the… Breaking the seals revelations, eh? Yeah, and part of the chaos of what we’re seeing is maybe this kind of this opening that they participated in. And now there’s a lot of this stuff kind of flooding through. And so it’s interesting that you say that, that you’ve read stories of people who pray and then the UFO experience just vanishes. I’m not surprised. Yeah, same with sleep paralysis or bad psychedelic trips, things like this. And again, these are people who you can’t even say it’s, oh, it’s just placebo, oh, it’s just bias, because it’s a lot of times it’s coming from people who, if anything, they’re anti-Christian. So if any, you know what I mean? Like it makes no sense for it to have… It’s just funny. Like people, imagine that. Imagine what you said. People stop thinking. It’s like, it’s just placebo. It’s just bias. It’s like, okay, well, then why don’t you call it the Spider-Man and see what happens and see if it’s just placebo? It’s like, that’s not how reality works. It’s not true. Maybe there’s something placebo about it, but placebo is not arbitrary, even if that’s part of it. You can’t just call it anything and then it’ll work. It’s like, no, it has to be something that you believe in and that’s something which is powerful enough to kind of be there in your story, even though you deny it consciously. And so the idea of just saying, it’s like, oh, it’s arbitrary, it’s prejudice. Like, okay, dude, you don’t understand how these things actually work. It’s like, no, they’re not. The reason why they would even work, even using the placebo argument, is not arbitrary. Oh yeah, 100%. Even the word just, like, oh, it’s just you. I know that word. I hate that. Every time someone says it’s just that, I’m like, okay. It’s just a projection. Yeah, I’ve caught you. That’s not possible. Think of the placebo effect. Think of the placebo effect. If you get a placebo from your doctor, it’ll probably work. But if a homeless guy walks up to you on the street and gives you a pill and says, this is going to cure your disease, man. It’s not going to work. All right, mate. Yeah. It’s not going to work. And so it’s like, placebo is not arbitrary. It has a structure and it has a way to manifest itself and we can understand it. And it’s actually part of reality. It’s not something that you can just put to the side and say, this is not part of reality. It is because it works. Like, it actually works.