And I think now more than ever it’s like so much divisiveness, you know what I mean? Like if you have a certain opinion, it’s like you’re a piece of crap, how dare you? And it’s very black or white communities breaking down this kind of thing. So I wanted to ask you, what is the symbolism behind all this? Especially what’s going on right now? Is this related to revelations or is that a stretch? What’s going on here? I think it depends how you look at it. I think that it’s not a stretch. If you understand the book of Revelation as a series of patterns, you could say a series of social patterns that kind of manifest themselves. And the idea of revelation is that it’s the final version, let’s say the most complete version of this pattern. But if you understand it more as these kind of symbolic patterns that just exist in the world, then in Revelation you can actually see these types of moves that happen in culture. The example I like to give is, for example, in Scripture there’s an image of a whore riding a beast. And this whore is all about mixture and about trade and about kind of consuming and this whole vision of a whore. That’s what a whore is, right? It’s just about pleasure and it’s just about consuming and it’s all about mixture and lack of identity and all these things. And then it’s sitting on a beast, which is interesting. And this beast is actually an image of control, of civilization, because the beast is an amalgamation of all the ancient empires. In Scripture there’s these beasts that represent different empires. So you see this amalgamation of empire with the whore on it. And then in Scripture it says that the beast kills the whore at some point. And there’s this whole sense that the beast sets up an image of itself and that this image rings about a kind of state of control and the idea of marking with an identity. And that’s when you mark the idea of marking with an identity in a way that you can’t escape. The idea that there is no remainder. There’s nothing outside of the system. The system tries to be total. It tries to be complete. And if the only thing you can do basically is if you refuse to participate in the system, then you’re completely excluded. You can’t buy, you can’t sell, you can’t exist, but you don’t have an existence basically. And so if you understand it that way, then you can kind of see these movements towards, let’s say, the idea of identification and the idea of tracking and control and the relationship. It seems like the vaccine is maybe just a door into these systems of control, which are possible because of technology. And as we see this kind of coming through, then we see exactly what we see. Similar things to what we see in Scripture, which is that right now I was just watching a video of some minister in Nigeria saying that if you’re not vaccinated and you can’t show proof of vaccination, you won’t be able to go to a bank. You won’t be able to go to church. And so this is the next kind of the next step where they’re inching towards the idea that you can’t participate in society at all if you haven’t received this kind of sacrament of participation. At the same time as they’re telling us that the sacrament of participation isn’t as good as you thought, and you’re going to have to keep getting it every three, four months for the rest of your life. I don’t know. It’s all very vague. So it does kind of bring about, we don’t have to freak out necessarily and think like this is it. But the story in Scripture can help you understand these patterns and understand this relationship between systems of control, how they take over after too much freedom. You could say something is too chaotic and too much goes too much in that direction. Then after that system of control comes and tries to clamp it down. Yeah, it’s very like, like lately it’s been so inverted. I feel like these times because at one stage, at least in Australia, it’s completely illegal for you to go to church, but you can pay a prostitute to have sex. Like that’s fine. You know what I mean? It’s like, wait, wait, wait, wait. I thought this was all about like social distancing, all this kind of stuff. But I don’t think that it’s about that. No, there’s something else, definitely something else going on. And people often, it’s funny because people wonder what is it? And people don’t understand that power is its own motivation. There is no other secret motivation except for power. And you see that it’s like the capacity for and let’s say the capacity for power, which comes into a kind of unholy union with people’s desire to feel safe and, you know, desire to not to not be in danger. These two things kind of go together and they go together surprisingly well because the more safe, the safer you are, the more afraid you are. And the more you feel like you’re unsafe. This is really true. You know, it was interesting because I lived in Congo for four years. And my wife and I and my son and I, my son and us, we actually lived in local neighborhoods with Congolese people, you know, in the city of Kinshasa. You know, there were no other Westerners around. It was just, you know, so we were kind of in the life and we lived through the rhythms of the life. And the kind of Westerners, North Americans and Europeans lived in these gated compounds that had guards and had all this. And they were far more afraid than we were because they were so safe and they felt like the safety. Now, all of a sudden, every little danger becomes like an like this crazy thing. And it’s like, no, you’re not supposed to ever be in danger. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever die, basically. And this is just that that’s not true. It’s just a lie. It’s just a basic lie about how we exist in the world and how risk is just an integral part of being human. The less risk we take, the more we’re afraid of them. Yeah, I think that’s why I really enjoy traveling, especially to third world countries and kind of just getting thrown into the unknown. You know what I mean? I think it’s what I’ve noticed today. Those who are like the most strict about, you know, like getting the jab and lockdown all this kind of stuff. It’s usually those who haven’t really stepped outside their bubble their whole life. You know what I mean? And I find that very interesting. Like, like you said, like when you feel so safe and comfortable, that’s when you kind of feel like you’re in danger. And you’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever get sick. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to ever die. You’re not supposed to be there. You’re not supposed to be dying. You’re not supposed to be lost after each throw you started New Age I mean, for sure. It does feel like Something similar happen in Weimar really, you know, because I’m our was a wild place like it was a wild crazy place and there were all this kind of let’s say fluidity in identity and fluidity and roles in fluidity in terms of taboos and all of this was all kind of mixed up and then the only thing to do was to overcompensate and to kind of clamp down and create massive systems of control. And I think that this is what we’re kind of seeing, is that this little crisis is just becoming an opportunity for systems of control to clamp down. But, you know, I mean, it’s hard not to also see that there seems to be something that is transnational about what’s happening. There seems to be patterns which are not just about our own governments, but that seem to be kind of moving across governments, ways of speaking, even types of words people use. You know, for example, like this phrase that’s now popular, the pandemic of the unvaccinated, you know, it’s used by different governments, by different authorities in different countries. And you realize that, OK, this it’s not just, you know, it’s like if Justin Trudeau says it and then you hear it in England and then you hear it in other countries. And you realize, OK, I’ve also heard them say similar phrases like build back better and all these phrases that we’re using. You have this kind of weird vocabulary that is transnational. And so that’s also kind of frightening. It is frightening to imagine that. That there are patterns which are even beyond our politics and that and that are just going to happen. There’s nothing we can do about it. Like here, the covid passport in Quebec, where I am, I mean, it didn’t. It didn’t get debated in parliament. It didn’t get debated legally. It was just said like this is it. It was just mandated completely in a like a directly tyrannical way. And there was no possible way to discuss it with anybody. There was nothing to say. It was just like this is we’re going to do. Everybody just says, OK, here’s the thing. We’re not a democracy anymore. It’s like everybody’s just forgotten that we’re supposed to be democracy. Protesting is illegal. So you can’t even like voice your opinion on this stuff. They shut you down. Yeah, well, here at least yet right now, they don’t shut us down. They just don’t cover it. We’re not allowed to leave the country. We haven’t since March last year. You guys, it’s crazy that you’re not allowed to protest at all. No, we’re not allowed to leave. I can’t leave the city. I can’t leave five kilometers within my own house. I think now they did like only one person per household can go for a walk around the block. Playgrounds shut down. Like it’s yes. I don’t even know what to say about that because it’s like I think it’s going to end, but then it just gets extended again and again and again. And it’s like, I don’t know, man.