He had his theory, and he didn’t have any way of proving it, because, I mean, how do you prove something like that? Until this family showed up at his doorstep, and it was a family, Canadian family, from Winnipeg, I think, right? I think that’s right, yeah. Yeah, and they were the Reamer family, a blue collar, very young couple, 20, 21 years old. And they had a horrific tragedy in their family, which is that they gave birth to twin boys, the boys were fine, and when the boys were, well, actually they had phimosis. Phimosis is an abnormality of the opening of the urethra. And so the doctors recommended circumcision for the boys, and they went in when they were eight months old for circumcision. And the first boy to go in for the circumcision was Bruce, and the equipment, there was a malfunction of the equipment, and they were cauterizing the penis in order to circumcise it, and instead of just that small amount of tissue that was supposed to be cauterized, apparently the settings were incorrect, and the entire penis was burnt. So Bruce’s penis was burnt beyond any functionality. So these poor parents went home, the other boy was not circumcised, obviously, they went home, and what are they supposed to do? They have a boy without a penis. What the hell are they supposed to do? So months later they were watching television, and John Money happened to be on there, and you have to know also that John Money was an extremely pompous, self-assured individual, he was sophisticated, when he talked you listened. He came across as being definitive, calling the shots, knowing what was going on, knowing the research, knowing the truth, and he in this interview on television said that a boy can be raised as a girl, and a girl can be raised as a boy if it’s done early enough, and that early enough means before the age of two and a half or three, and the Reamer parents immediately took note of that, and they thought here’s the answer, this is the answer for Bruce, this is what we’re supposed to do. So they contacted Dr. Money down in Baltimore, and they made an appointment and took the twins down to Baltimore and went down there. Again, you have to understand that this was an uneducated, young, blue collar family, and when they were interviewed later about their meetings with John Money, they described him as like, we just thought he was God. We just thought, you know, this is, I mean he’s a professor, and he’s got all the diplomas, and he’s the head of this entire clinic at an outstanding university, one of the major universities in the world. That was at Johns Hopkins, right? Yes, yes. So you have to imagine this young couple coming, and they’re at a loss, and they are looking for an answer. They’ve been praying, they’re looking for an answer to their prayers, what are we going to do with Bruce? And John Money says, well we have an answer for you, because male and female is actually not related to chromosomes, it’s not related to hormones, it’s not innate. We can take little Bruce, and we have to do some surgery on Bruce, we have to castrate him, and we’ll remove his testicles. He already didn’t have a penis. We’re going to remove his testicles, we’re going to make, we’re going to fashion, you know, some sort of elementary sort of female genitalia. You’re going to give him a girl’s name, and you’re going to put him in pink dresses and give him dolls, and raise him as a girl. And you are never, ever, Dr. Money told the parents, never to tell him that this was truly what happened, you know, after he was born. Never tell him, because that will ruin everything. And it’s up to you. You have to just work your hardest to raise him as a girl and make sure that everyone around him is considering him a girl, because essentially he is a girl. And so, not only was this the answer to the Reamer’s prayers, this was, as you can understand now, the answer to Dr. Money’s prayers. Right, right. He had an experiment. This was the experiment. This was his proof of concept. His concept was that being male and female is completely separate from biology. It’s imposed by society. It’s a social construct. And this was his proof of concept. And so, the Reamers went home. Well, he had his surgery. They took him home. They named Bruce Brenda. They put him in all the girls’ clothing, and they gave him dolls, and they did all the things. And he peed sitting down, sometimes, because as we’ll learn later, he actually preferred urinating standing up, which is astonishing. We learned later that he always wanted to urinate standing up. And from the time he was in diapers, I think, he was told he was a girl. So that really is fascinating. But anyway, so they took him home, raised him as a girl, and Dr. Money started to follow the twins. Every year, they would come down for a visit. The parents would spend time speaking to Dr. Money, and then the money, I mean, the money, huh. There’s a slip. Freudian slip for you. Yeah. Dr. Money would take the twins without the parents into his office and spend time with the twins. So this went on for years, and Dr. Money began to report on his study that became a famous landmark study, and he called them, he called her Joan in his study. He was beginning to write about this and lecture, and he was claiming that Joan, aka Brenda, aka Bruce, was doing great. I mean, she was adjusting. She was, she may be a bit of a tomboy. He would acknowledge that, but in every way, you know, she was adjusting, and she was doing well with friends and with schools, and she liked playing with dolls, and she would mimic her mom, and he was giving this glowing, glowing report from year to year, and in his, you know, professional writing of his studies, his report, and he was giving talks, and he was getting, you might imagine, tremendous attention for this. I mean, you have to understand, this was by now maybe, you know, the early 60s. This is feminism, okay? This is the sexual revolution. This is a time when society, or at least part of society, wanted nothing more to say that male and female is a social construct, and that in order to gain, you know, full equality, women have to be considered the same as men, and, you know, to have a study such as this study of John Money’s, in which he was reporting that this baby who was, you know, normal chromosomes, normal everything biologically, but is being successfully raised as a girl because he has a girl’s name and dresses and dolls, and, you know, his entire society, his teachers and his grandparents and everyone, is reinforcing the idea that he’s a delicate girl who likes to cook and, you know, is going to grow up to have babies. I mean, this was huge. Now, what happened is that this theory of John Money’s became, was accepted over the decades. We didn’t find out what really happened with the twins until decades later, and in the meantime, during those decades, his theory became doctrine. Okay, his theory became just baked into, you know, so many fields of both soft and hard science, so that it was standard that whenever you had, for example, an XY, or any child that had ambiguous genitalia, if they could be raised as a girl, they’d be raised as a girl. So they’d be castrated, just automatically why? Because of the great success, because of what John Money proved to us, proved to us. And so lots and lots of boys all over the world, I mean, this was written into the, you know, the textbooks of endocrinology and the textbooks of genetics. I mean, this became truth, so to speak. Not that there weren’t people, you know, other scientists that were standing up and saying, John, you know, this isn’t proven yet, you know, let’s look a little closer. This is not necessarily the case. But what did he do? He wouldn’t tolerate that. John Money, you know, was a tyrant. He would not tolerate another psychologist or biologist or geneticist standing up and trying to publish something that would challenge his great gender theory. He would arrange, you know, he would intimidate the editors at the scientific journals to not publish those articles. It’s a lot of what’s actually going on right now is very similar. So what happened with the twins is that after decades, in fact, John Money wrote a book in 1997 in which he said yet again that his twin study, that his gender theory had been confirmed and supported by the results of this experiment with the twins. And the following… One person experiment, by the way, a one person experiment. Yeah, but even that one person, it didn’t work. Okay, so in 1998, what do we call him now? Not Brenda, not Bruce. But what happened is that we discovered that he stood up and he said he just blew the cover of this whole thing was a hoax. And his name was now David. Brenda had become David. And he was not only a man, but he was married to a woman with… And he had adopted three stepchildren and he worked as a janitor in a slaughterhouse. So that was David, David Reamer. And people can go onto YouTube and hear him being interviewed about his experience of what it was like to be told for 14 years of his life that he’s a girl and to never, ever, ever feel that that was his truth. And what happened is that during all those years, he was not happy with his dresses and with his dolls. He wanted to go play with his brother’s toys. He wanted to pee standing up. He wanted to… You know, he was rough. He was so boyish and aggressive that kids called him cavewoman. OK, they made fun of him because the way that he walked and his gestures and his interests were all so masculine. And he was a miserable child and the family was miserable. And on top of everything, when he was going back, when the family was going back for those yearly visits to Johns Hopkins with Dr. Money, Dr. Money was sexually abusing those twins. OK, how? He was forcing them to undress and to mimic sexual intercourse. And he would say, you know, this is how, this is what men and women do together. And he would humiliate them and show them pictures. And the point came, why did they stop going down to Johns Hopkins? The boys refused to go. They refused to go back to see Dr. Money and the parents couldn’t understand why. OK, so that’s the end of the video. If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe. And if you want to see more videos like this, please click on the little bell icon. And if you want to see more videos like this, please click on the little bell icon. And if you want to see more videos like this, please click on the little bell icon. And if you want to see more videos like this, please click on the little bell icon. And if you want to see more videos like this, please click on the little bell icon. And if you want to see more videos like this, please click on the little bell icon. Listen to some world class athletes. With Hallow, you can customize a personal prayer plan that works for you. Listen anywhere you are with downloadable offline sessions. Get an exclusive three month free trial at slash Jordan. That’s slash Jordan. What happened to David Reimer? David Reimer committed suicide eventually, didn’t he? Yeah. Yes, so that’s the denouement of that particular attempt. And his twin… So not only was this a failure, it was a… go ahead. Oh no, it was a disaster, terrible disaster. He committed suicide and his twin brother died of an opiate overdose. Before him. His twin died first. The entire family was… You know, what… what kind of words? I mean, traumatize… it’s not enough. Trauma is not enough to describe what that family went through. My parents didn’t know a lot that was going on. And if they would have known, it never would have happened. By me not saying anything, the medical community was under the impression that my case was a success story. I was shocked when I heard that people thought that my case was a success story. So what we should point out here is that this experiment couldn’t possibly have gone more cataclysmically wrong than it did. Right? Not only was what Money was saying was not true in the technical scientific sense, it was an anti-truth and he falsified the data and it culminated in the death of two people, the demolition of a family and the perversion of an entire culture. That’s John Money’s legacy. He never publicly acknowledged it. He never publicly acknowledged that the twins had… Well, that one of the… I don’t know what the… John Money died I think in 2006 and I think he had dementia. But when the book came out and when John Colapinto’s book came out that just like exposed this whole calamity, there was nothing from John Money. He was still alive. He could have made a statement. Nothing. I’m just saying that that’s just another, you know, indication of what the morality, the immorality of this person and the lack of acknowledgement of what they’re guilty of doing, I guess it’s too much to expect.