Welcome to Meditating with John Gravecchi. We do this live stream every weekday morning at 9.30 a.m. with Mondays alternating between a new lesson which is called the Dharma Day and the review of the whole ecology of practices of Paya Day. The Paya Days are going to start alternating between the review of the Eastern ecology of practice and the Western ecology of practice that comes from the Wisdom of Pai Pesha course. If you’re joining us for the first time, you’re most welcome. For previous lessons and sits, see the description in this video. I strongly recommend you go and do Lesson 1 immediately, then do one or two lessons a week and continue to meet with us as you’re also doing that. So that will get you integrated fairly quickly into the course and into the Sangha. I would ask if everybody could help me to reach as many people as possible by liking this video screen to increase its visibility in the YouTube algorithm. At the end of every session, there’s Q&A. Please limit your questions to the ecology of practices. We’ll tend to give priority to questions from the Western tradition from Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and to the Eastern tradition from Tuesday and Thursday. Today’s Thursday. So that means priority will be given to questions from the Eastern tradition. If you’re interested in more general questions, tomorrow at 3.30 p.m. live stream on YouTube will be my general Q&A and you’re most welcome to join and ask more comprehensive questions there. Just to let everyone know, I’m not feeling that well today. So if I seem my affect seems a little bit off, please don’t misinterpret it or miss mistake me for conveying something that I’m not conveying. I’m very happy to be here. I always find this nourishing. I want to do my utmost to help everyone. So let’s go into our set. We will begin with chanting and then we will go into the silent set. We’ll come out and we’ll have some time for our Q&A. So please get yourself into position. Set your phones on do not disturb. We will all begin together with the chanting when I say begin. Begin. One. Om. One. Om. One. Om. One. Om. One. Om. One. Om. One. Can you sound set? Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om. Om.