Sander Tudor says, given that as humans, we evolved to live in symbiosis with other organisms like bacteria, why shouldn’t we negotiate rather than reject peace with artificial life? I don’t think I’ve ever said that we have to reject artificial, let’s say, artificial life, artificial intelligence. The problem is always place. It’s always like, where is the place of things? One of the difficulties with artificial life, artificial intelligence, is that we are idolizing it, is that we are wanting to make these tools into the very thing that rules us. That doesn’t work. If you try to do that, then these tools, these mechanistic tools, or these empty shells are going to become vehicles for fallen principalities. That’s what they used to do. They make a body for the idol. You make an idol and then the idol comes down, the god comes and manifests himself in the idol. The idea, for example, that in the scripture there are no graven images, this is not true. There are graven images. You have the cherubim in the temple, you have the bulls in the temple that hold the laver, you have different figures in the temple, you have different things. It’s just that those weren’t, they were in their right place. They were supporting the seat, let’s say, something like that. This is the problem with Facebook and Google and all of these algorithms, is that we think they’re going to solve our problems. We think they’re going to give us a solution to the problem of meaning, and they can’t. If we try to make them give us the solution to the problem of meaning, then that’s when you create a body for all of your passions to kind of come together blindly and to become a very strange being that will not be the one that won’t want the best for all of us, let’s say.