How do you guide your actions in light of the facts when there are endless facts about absolutely everything, absolutely everywhere all the time? Which facts do you attend to to guide yourself forward? Which facts do you prioritize? And which do you ignore? Because obviously you have to ignore most of them because there’s a near infinite number of facts and you’re not going to pay attention to all of them because you can’t. And so how do you decide what not to pay attention to? And the answer is you don’t know. And that’s the general answer is we don’t know. And it’s exactly the same as the problem of perception because when you look out at the world or hear the world for that matter or taste the world, any of those things, any sensory interaction with the world is there’s way more things to look at than you can possibly look at and yet you do look at things and you see. And then the question arises, how do we do that? And answer is we don’t know. And it’s such an intractable problem that we haven’t been able to build machines that can do it.