Filokalia means the love of beauty. But then in the text, they say weird things. Like they’ll say, ignore all spiritual experiences, right? It’s like, if you have a vision, ignore it. See a miracle, ignore it. And you think like, what a weird thing to say. Like, why are they doing that? And you think, are they against beatific vision? Are they against? And you’re like, well, obviously not, because the tradition is full of them. They’re not against it. They’re saying, it’s almost like if you ignore it, if you don’t attach yourself to it, you’ll actually have more of it. Right, right. And then you’ll actually be, you’ll be gathered up higher. So it’s like, yeah, you’ll see miracles. You’ll see all that stuff. Just don’t attend to them too much because then you lose the purpose of them being just a, a kind of a pull into the higher states.