I made this little diagram I made this little diagram here to kind of give you a sense of what you might be doing when you’re abstracting Perceptually and so you could say Think about something that’s that complicated It’s sort of my model of how complex the world is but the world is a lot more complex than that but the world is made out of everything is made out of littler things and those littler things are made out of littler things and so forth and Those things are nested inside bigger things and so forth and where you perceive on that level of Abstraction is somewhat arbitrary it has to be bounded by your by your goals That’s the other thing is that your perceptual structures are determined by the goals that you have at hand I mean some of that’s that’s not completely true because your perceptual systems also have limitations, right? There’s things you can’t see or hear even if you need to so there are limitations built in but within that set of limitations You’re still trying to tune your perceptions to your motivated goals And that’s also very useful to think about when you’re trying to understand artificial intelligence because for human beings without goals There’s no perception because there’s no filtering mechanism that you can use to determine the level of resolution at which you perceive Anyway, so there’s the there’s a thing made of smaller things which are made out of smaller things And it’s so it’s kind of my iconic representation of the complexity of the world and then you could think well What is this how can you see this object? And I think if you just look at it you can detect It’s like a Necker cube. You know those cubes that That are line drawings that you can see the front of and then it’ll flip to the back Have you seen those so this is kind of Necker cube like or at least it is for me in that when I look at it My perceptions play around with it sometimes I focus on the kind of cross like shape in the middle and sometimes I can see these other lines And then sometimes I’ll focus on that square and sometimes I can see the little dots there Maybe one dot and my perceptions are going like this trying to fit a pattern to it And I you can kind of detect that when you’re watching it And so I would say well you have the options of perceiving this in its full complexity or you can simplify it Essentially there’s lots of ways you can simplify it, but some of them are laid out there So you take the complex thing you make a low resolution representation of it So that’s its rough. That’s the rough area that all those dots occupy That’s the rough area broke broken down to its four most fundamental Quadrants that might be how you would look at it if this was a map of an orchard And you were trying to walk from south to north that would be a useful representation this combines this and this that’s the That’s the highest level of resolution that you can perceive this object at that’s lower resolution than the object itself So the first issue is how should you look at things well? That’s a problem that intelligence has to solve so that’s one of the problems that intelligence goes after and then I think what happens is we have the thing in itself, and then we simplify it with a perception and That’s like an iconic representation, and then we we nail the iconic representation with a word And that’s how we compress the world’s complexity into something that we can manage We take the complex thing make it into an icon and represent the icon with a word and then when I Throw you the word so to speak you decompose it into the icon and then decompose it even further into the thing if you Can’t if you know the icon and you know the thing and so then we can use shorthand right because you have Representational structures and so do I and I’m just tossing you markers about your representational structures, and you can unfold them You