couples who live together before they’re married get divorced more or less than couples who just get married and the answer is they get divorced more and so it doesn’t work why Well, let’s delve into the philosophy of living together It’s like okay, we’ve been going out for a while and we’re not fighting too much And we kind of think we might be alright, or maybe we think this you’re the bloody best I can do for now, and so I’m kind of lonesome and some sex now And then wouldn’t be a bad idea, so why don’t we just live together and see how that goes? But if someone better comes along on either of our fronts then why don’t we reserve to ourselves the opportunity? Just to say well, we’re done with this because someone better has come along It’s like that’s the basis for your medium to long-term arrangement is it and you tell me you think it’s different than that It’s a trial run that doesn’t work. It’s what it’s an open door Well, how committed are you going to be then?